Several big men picked up their weapons and rushed into the crowd, finally reaching Yuffie's side and surrounding her.

"What are you doing!"

Yuffie had just killed an enemy at this time, and when he was about to turn around and kill the remaining enemies, he found that he was surrounded by a group of generals.

The few people did not dare to overstep their bounds, but built a protective circle around her with Yuffie as the center, keeping Yuffie inside.

"Your Highness, your subordinates have offended many of you."

"Step aside."

Yuffie held the bloody sword in her hand with a look of indifference on her face.

"Your Highness, please don't make it difficult for our subordinates. This is the Lord's order."

Yuffie glanced at the person standing on the city gate, sighed softly, and silently stuffed the sword in her scabbard.

"Okay, I'll just let you go."

When everyone was about to evacuate the battlefield, a green light emerged from the crowd and went straight towards Yuffie.

"Princess, be careful!"

"Protect the princess!"

The moment Yuffie put her hand on the sword, she felt that her limbs had become stiff and she couldn't move at all.

Seeing the light of the sword getting closer and closer, Yuffie closed her eyes subconsciously.

Qiang Qiang——

The unexpected pain did not come to Yuffie, and she heard the sound of the blade breaking.

what happened?

Yuffie closed her eyes tightly for a long time, then opened her eyes and found a figure in front of her.

A gorgeous dress was floating in the air, and she couldn't see clearly the figure's face, but she saw fear in the eyes of the man holding the knife opposite.

The next second, the man's eyeballs were about to burst, and blood overflowed from the corners of his eyes. Then, blood overflowed from his nose and behind his ears.


Before the man could even moan, his head drooped and his breath stopped.

Yuffie's pupils gradually shrank, and a trace of panic appeared in her eyes.

Because she saw the enemy stabbing at her, her body was like a plump flower bone, rapidly shrinking and withering, and finally no longer alive.

"That's it?"

A familiar voice sounded, pulling Yuffie out of her own world.

Yuffie's eyes revealed joy, she raised her head in disbelief, and softly and uncertainly called out, "Lin Yuan?"

The person in front of her turned around, and the sunlight cast his figure behind him, dazzling and bright.

"Why, we haven't seen each other for a few days and you don't even recognize me? You're still so unsure..."

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and leaned down, pulling Yuffie up from the ground.

"Your majestic Princess Cang, looks a little embarrassed, right?"

Yuffie felt that her face suddenly became hot, and she quickly pulled back the hand that was resting on Lin Yuan's palm, and took advantage of this gap to adjust her clothes so that she could maintain her princess-like demeanor. .

"Where...what a mess..."

"There is blood on the face."

When Youfei heard Lin Yuan's words, she hurriedly wiped her face, but in the end she found that there was nothing in her hands, and then she realized that she had been deceived by Lin Yuan.

"You lied to me!"

Yuffie was a little angry, but she quickly lost her anger the next second.

Lin Yuan lifted Youfei up, and with a slight jump, he took her away from the center of the battle, and then landed firmly on the city wall.

As soon as his toes touched the ground, Lin Yuan heard a slight cough next to him. Without thinking too much, he immediately put Yuffie down in his arms.

"Lord Cang."

Lin Yuan turned sideways towards Zang Anya as a salute.

"Thank you, Master Lin, for your help." Zang Anya knew that Lin Yuan appeared here because of Youfei's face.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and stopped Zang Anya's words.

"No need to thank me, I just did what I should do."

As he spoke, he took it behind his back, and then a dark light flashed, and a bloody thing appeared in Lin Yuan's hand.

"What's this……"

Before Yuffie could say her words, she was choked by the smell of blood that instantly surged out.

She pinched her nose and looked at the thing in Lin Yuan's hand.

The thing was round, with a cross-section dripping with blood, and a handful of long dreadlocks, all of which were held in Lin Yuan's hand.

"Well, I've done what I promised you."

Lin Yuan threw the dirty thing on the ground. The round ball-like thing rolled on the ground several times, leaving mottled blood stains wherever it passed. Finally, the thing landed on Zang Anya and Yuffie's hands. In front of them, both of them were stunned for a moment, but soon they both came back to their senses and recognized the thing in front of them.

The round thing in front of them was a strategist of the wizard lineage. Unexpectedly, the man who could control the wind and rain in their eyes was having his head chopped off at this moment, lying quietly in this place, without any life.

"Young Master Lin, this is really... a big help..."

Zang Anya thought it would take some time, but she didn't expect that Lin Yuan would have already "sent" the person over.

Yuffie glanced at the human head on the ground and felt very complicated.

Lin Yuan on the side saw Yuffie's inner confusion, suddenly remembered something, and asked loudly.

"Don't you have the jade token I gave you? Why didn't you inform me if something like this happened?"

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan found a place at that time. After breaking through the realm, they originally wanted to return to Luoshen Palace. However, when they were about to leave the Northern Territory, they found that they seemed to have something to do, so they I dropped in on the wizard's main intention and killed the so-called strategist.

It's just that he acted a little too quietly, so much so that the wizards thought it was someone from the Cang Kingdom who had sent spies to obliterate the existence of the military advisor, which led to the wizard's army approaching the city.

When he thought of this, Lin Yuan touched his nose with some guilt.

Speaking of which, the occurrence of this incident has something to do with him as the culprit.

At that time, he thought about just leaving and using the jade token to contact Yuffie. However, when he thought of this, his conscience felt bad, so he came to this place reluctantly and prepared to take a look at the situation. of.

Unexpectedly, he saw Yuffie being attacked by someone unexpectedly. He didn't think too much, broke his promise not to do anything more, and rescued Yuffie. Even because of the sudden incident, the people around him didn't even think about it. Before he knew what happened, they were all swallowed up by Lin Yuan, and finally turned into powder, leaving no trace in the space, just like the world was growing.

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