Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 303: Qiongqi’S Guarding Thing, Space Crack

"Lin Yuan, are you leaving now?" Youfei was a little reluctant. She knew that Lin Yuan would not stay long if he came to see her this time.

After all, the wizard of the Wu clan is dead and no longer poses a threat to the Cang Kingdom.

The Wu Clan army attacking the imperial city will not be able to succeed without a command, and will retreat soon.

Lin Yuan nodded and showed his trademark smile.

"What? Her Royal Highness the Princess can't bear to leave me? How about I stay and be the son-in-law?"


The old king Zang Anya glanced at Lin Yuan.

That little look in his eyes made Lin Yuan feel that it was inappropriate to say this in front of his father.

Yuffie was not angry, but smiled.

"You are still the same as before. I can't keep you here, but in the future, after I deal with the Wu clan, I may come to your place as a guest."

After saying that, Yuffie did not hesitate any longer and returned to the imperial city surrounded by guards.

Watching Youfei leave, Lin Yuan chuckled, feeling that this girl was a bit arrogant.

Is this to prove one's strength to oneself, to come to oneself personally?

That's fine, then he can just wait and be approached by a girl in person. This can only show that he is very charming.

Not thinking about this anymore, he turned to look at Zang Anya.

"Your Majesty, looking at your momentum, the Witch Clan won't be able to do anything for a short time. I'll take my leave now. If you need help, just come to me. I can still speak easily in the entire eastern region."

Zang Anya hummed and hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Yuffie is a stubborn girl. She will never change who she chooses for the rest of her life. I hope you won't disappoint me."

After saying that, he took a deep look at Lin Yuan, then got on his horse, grabbed the head of the Wu clan strategist in his hand, and raised it high towards the outside of the city.

"Witch clan thieves, beware, this is the fate of your strategist. Now that your strategist is dead, do you still want to continue attacking?"

His voice was like a loud bell, spreading in all directions. Many of the Wu Clan troops below were stunned, and then retreated instantly.

In fact, for the Wu clan, this attack was just an illusion, and its original intention was to test Zang Anya's strength.

Imagine that in the Witch Clan's base camp, the military advisor was killed quietly. Would it be possible to kill the Witch Emperor tomorrow?

Therefore, this attack was originally a test, and now the results seem to have come out, and it was Zang Anya's handiwork.

If we don't leave at this time, without a command, and people are in panic, wouldn't it be a food delivery?

I'm afraid that if it weren't for going back, the entire Wu clan would be worried for a long time.

Seeing the army retreating, Lin Yuan also said goodbye and turned around to leave.

The next day, in a remote jungle in the deserted north, Bai Ze's huge body lay on the ground, wagging his tail from time to time.

"What did you say? What Qiongqi is guarding is actually a space rift?"

Lin Yuan's face was full of surprise, and he looked at the sound transmission jade talisman in his hand, which contained the voice of the empress.

"I'm not jealous. After my understanding, apart from the superficial suppression of the ferocious beasts from all directions, the core is actually a crack in space. I just found out."

The empress' voice was low.

"According to my investigation and Qiongqi's description, it seems to be a wider area, similar to the east, west, south, and north, but everything inside is unknown."

Lin Yuan looked solemn, "Can the space crack be entered and exited? Is there any threat inside?"

As Young Master Lin and the senior brother of Luoshen Palace, Lin Yuan still has to worry about those close to him even if he doesn't care about the world.

If this space crack is two-way, it must be blocked to be safe.

The empress' voice sounded uneasy.

"This is what I'm worried about. The space cracks are not known in the northern and eastern regions, but are full of variables, so I want you to go take a look and prepare in advance!"

When he said this, Lin Yuan was stunned and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Just kidding, if you go to an unknown space, wouldn’t that mean you’re going to die?

But at this moment, the voice of the system in my mind came!

"Ding! The birth of Son of Fortune has been detected. Please ask the host to go and solve it. Agree to go!"

What the hell?

Is there actually a protagonist behind the space rift?

Lin Yuan jumped, but quickly analyzed it calmly.

First of all, the system will 100% not trap you, so there is a high probability that there will be no danger after you go there.

Moreover, the appearance of the protagonist means that he will eventually be related to himself, the villain.

If you don't nip him in the cradle and eventually develop, you will be the one who suffers.

He knew very well that the protagonist's development speed was truly incredible.

The only trouble now is that he doesn't know how long it will take.

Luoshen Palace, what should Master do? You can't go with yourself, it's too dangerous.

Therefore, Lin Yuan tried his best to sound reluctant.

"Your Majesty the Empress, I have to return to the sect, and there may be danger inside..."

On the other side of the jade talisman, the empress seemed to have expected it and spoke readily.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you after you leave. Don't worry about your safety. I will have a clone follow you, and I can forcefully teleport you back at the critical moment!"

After saying that, Lin Yuan saw a white light flashing in front of him, and an identical clone of the empress appeared, still keeping strangers away.

After appearing, he glanced at Lin Yuan, then turned into a ray of light and flew into Lin Yuan's storage space.

Seeing the magical scene, Lin Yuan sighed, "I will make a similar clone anytime, and let the clone do everything. It will save trouble."

With that said, he stood up and patted Bai Ze, "Let's go, let's save the world."

Bai Ze blinked and without hesitation got up and took Lin Yuan straight to Qiongqi.

After a while, the two arrived. They were familiar with it because they had been there before, and they quickly found the location of the space crack.

All I saw was that it was an inconspicuous crack in the mountain.

If it weren't for the guidance of the Empress' clone, Lin Yuan would have discovered it at all.

At this moment, Lin Yuan carefully explored the area. As soon as his consciousness came closer, he was pulled by a suction force.

Apparently, there's a world inside.

"Lin Yuan, is there a guard here? Think about it, the person opposite is not stupid, maybe he is also in a sealed state."

Bai Ze reminded, and Lin Yuan nodded.

It is possible, but the system has said that you can go in, so there is a high probability that it will be fine.

So, Lin Yuan took a deep breath and looked at Bai Ze.

"You go into my storage space first. It's safer to move alone."

Bai Ze was a little hesitant, as if he was worried, but he still got in.

Lin Yuan was the only one left. After preparation, he moved towards the crack in an instant!


Violent fluctuations came from the space cracks, and the power transmitted in waves continued to pull Lin Yuan forward.

Lin Yuan quickly activated his cultivation, and his physical body was fully strengthened.

Holding the teleportation of the crack, the whole person disappeared in place!

In a barren desert, gusts of wind were howling continuously, and the wind was also mixed with many blade-like gravels.

The place where the storm passed was in a mess.

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