Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, several figures in the distance quickly flew through the air, ignoring the strong wind, and their speed was amazing!

If you look carefully, you will find that the figures are several strange spaceships!

The spaceships are hundreds of feet in size, each one is comparable to the Law Treasure, and can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

Right now, in one of the spaceships, a young man was staring at an ancient ring in his hand with wide eyes.

"This was left to me by my parents before they died. It's usually fine. Why is it suddenly glowing today?"

The young man was a little confused.

Just now when he was sorting out his parents' belongings, he accidentally found this ring.

I originally thought it was a Law Treasure, but after trying it I found out it was just ordinary iron. When I was about to throw it away, the ring actually glowed!

The young man was a little frightened and didn't know what to do when an old voice came from the ring.

"Young man, are you a descendant of Bai Wuji? I, Bai Wuchen, am your great-grandfather!"

The young man was startled by the sudden sound at first, but soon became excited.

Bai Wuchen? My own great-grandfather?

He had heard that in the early years of his family, there was a master whose cultivation had reached the Soul Formation Realm. Could it be that he was this person?

Thinking back to some legends and stories, where many grandfathers helped the protagonist to practice, the young man was excited for a moment.

Doesn't this mean that he is the chosen one?

Damn it, that’s so cool!

From now on, with the help of the old man, can he achieve great success, marry his junior sister, and reach the pinnacle of his life?

"Grandpa, I am a descendant of the Bai family. Bai Xiaofan, can you take me to the pinnacle of immortality?"

Bai Xiaofan felt itchy when he thought of his junior sister and couldn't wait to ask.

Bai Wuchen laughed and gradually transformed into a white-haired old man.

"Haha, of course it is possible. According to my observation, you should be participating in the sect martial arts competition now. I will teach you a set of skills to ensure that you become the number one and be favored by the elders!"

"In the future, if you improve your cultivation and help me collect some materials, I can revive you and help you conquer all directions!"

After saying that, a stream of light flew out of the ring and turned into a scroll, which was caught by the young man.

"Thank you, Grandpa! I will definitely practice hard and live up to the cultivation of the Bai family!"

Bai Xiaofan said he was righteous, but in his heart he was thinking about how to open a harem after becoming stronger.

Then, he happily took the scroll and started practicing!

At the same time, above the desert, in an area that the strong wind could not reach, a huge white creature floated in the sky.

On top of it, there was a young man in white standing, it was Bai Ze and Lin Yuan!

"Damn it, I was so unlucky. After I teleported out, I ran into that ferocious beast. Fortunately, I ran fast!"

Lin Yuan's face was livid, recalling that after transmigrating space just now, the first stop was a sea of ​​clouds floating in the sky.

He was just passing by when he was attacked by a huge creature that suddenly jumped out of the sea of ​​clouds, and that thing was extremely powerful!

According to Lin Yuan's judgment, at least she is at the level of the empress.

If he and Bai Ze hadn't run so fast, they might be gone by now!

"It's dangerous, it's so dangerous. What kind of place is this? Is the Great Emperor really walking around?"

Bai Ze was also frightened and kept complaining.

Lin Yuan gasped, but in his mind he was checking the system's task tracking.

"Ding, remind the host that the protagonist is at the host's feet. The system issues a task to oppose the protagonist and take away his luck!"


Lin Yuan looked down and instantly locked onto those spaceships, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

"Law Treasure? The structure is different from ours. Lenovo sneaked into my things before. Doesn't the way of cultivation in this world also differ? It seems that this time it was not in vain!"

"If I can learn it and use it, I might be able to advance by leaps and bounds and reach a higher realm!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan no longer hesitated, patted Bai Ze and put it into the storage space, then turned into a stream of light and rushed forward.

Soon, Lin Yuan arrived near the spacecraft. After taking a closer look, he discovered that the spacecraft was nothing more than a mobile fortress.

I saw people coming and going above, most of them were disciples in uniform uniforms, and a few looked like elders, but they were not very strong.

Based on the number of spaceships, Lin Yuan judged that this should be a trial being held by a certain sect.

It is also the first step in the rise of many protagonists, which shows that they are not late, they are just in time.

Therefore, relying on the gap in cultivation, Lin Yuan continued to go deeper in stealth, intending to collect more information.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan saw a lifeless young man in the corner of the spaceship, his eyes closed.

This young man is dressed gorgeously and has jewels on his body. He is obviously from a good family, but the aura of death on his body is obviously that of death!

"Ding, remind the host, this person is the new body of the host and can be used by the host. Please give me a chance."

The system prompt sounded, and Lin Yuan suddenly realized that he had prepared an identity for himself.

No wonder, the system will let you come directly.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuan leaned forward and when he opened his eyes again, he had become this young man.

At the same time, a large number of memories came to him, and Lin Yuan gradually understood everything.

First of all, his identity is the Dahe Sect, that is, the young master of the sect to which the spaceship belongs, Liu Wushen!

His father is the head of the sect and part-time ancestor Liu Wudi.

With this relationship, he can be said to bully men and dominate women in the sect, making everyone in the sect hate him.

Now, being protected by the sect, he is participating in the adult trial, which is a competition with rival sects, and the winner can be promoted to the inner sect.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan already had a rough idea.

This is the simplest villain template. He is a playboy, hated by everyone, and was killed after provoking the protagonist.

Maybe, in the end, the entire family will be wiped out.

What a familiar routine, but who is the protagonist?

The owner of this body is uneducated and has no memory at all. Who is the protagonist in the sect?

Lin Yuan scratched his head and felt that it would definitely not work, so he controlled the young man's body to stand up, intending to take a look for himself.

Collect information and get familiar with this body.

The moment he stood up, several men in black appeared beside him, and they quickly bowed and saluted.

"Your Highness, young master, where are you going? The assessment place will be arriving soon. Young master, you can't run around!"

One of the men in black quickly reminded.

Lin Yuan waved his hands impatiently, "You don't need to worry about it, just follow me. Who else can do anything to me?"

The people in black looked at each other, as if they had long been accustomed to Lin Yuan's style, and they nodded and moved out of the way without any suspicion.

Lin Yuan left the house smoothly and immediately saw a person walking towards him.

He was also a young man, but compared to himself, he looked poor and malnourished.

After seeing Lin Yuan, his eyes were filled with fear at first, but soon revealed a hint of ridicule and fleeting murderous intent.

This made Lin Yuan, who was not paying attention at first, suddenly stop and stare at a ring on the young man's hand!

"What the hell, grandpa?"

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