Yes, the boy is Bai Xiaofan.

Bai Xiaofan, who had just finished practicing the exercises, was about to show off to his junior sister, pretending to be cool, when he was unexpectedly bumped into by Lin Yuan!

I was cursing my bad luck in my heart.

Lin Yuan saw at a glance that there were soul fluctuations in the ring, and it was obvious that there was an old man hiding in it!

Why are you becoming more and more familiar with this special routine?

There is an old man hidden in the ring, and the magic secrets are everywhere?

Lin Yuan was confused, thinking this routine was too vulgar, right?

The person in front of me should be unmistakable. He is the protagonist. He looks silly and not very strong, so he should be easy to control.

The only tricky thing is, will the unknown old man be as strong as the guy from Yunhai?

It seems that when you first arrive, it is best to use your IQ to win, not to fight to death.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan quickly made a plan and sneered in his heart.

But an angry expression gradually appeared on his face, and he suddenly took a few steps forward, raised his hand and slapped him down!


Bai Xiaofan's cheeks were swollen, his face looked frightened and stunned, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he soon revealed a hypocritical smile.

"Young Master... I don't know where I have offended you, please punish me!"

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, looking arrogant.

"You are not polite when you meet this young master. Who else will I hit if you don't hit me? Get out of here. I feel sick when I see you."

Seeing Bai Xiaofan crawling away, Lin Yuan seemed to be sneering, but in fact he was filled with joy.

In fact, with his eyesight, he had already seen that Bai Xiaofan wanted to kill him.

The reason why it was just a slap was partly because Son of Fortune was not easy to kill, and Lin Yuan was afraid of an accident, such as the old man with a ring.

On the one hand, it was also because Lin Yuan wanted to anger the other party and make him make irrational choices.

For example, sneak attack on yourself in the next game.

Heaven will not protect a fool. As long as the protagonist is impulsive, it will be easier to kill him!

It's just that Lin Yuan's abacus is sound, but in the eyes of passers-by, he is a second-generation ancestor and a villain.

At this time, a girl happened to pass by. This girl had black hair like a waterfall and beautiful eyes like stars. She was the junior sister and Zonghua.

The junior sister obviously saw what Lin Yuan did and snorted with disgust on her face.

"Young Master, is it really okay for you to bully others like this? That's your fellow disciple!"

When Lin Yuan saw this, he unconsciously changed into a sly smile.

"Hey, isn't this Leng Ningyue? The eldest lady of the Leng family, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

"I just wanted to take care of my fellow disciples, please don't misunderstand me."

Lin Yuan's mind flashed with all the information about Leng Ningyue, the eldest lady of the Leng family, and the total strength of the Leng family and Dahe were about the same.

She is also a beautiful girl from heaven, and is the standard wife candidate for the protagonist.

However, Lin Yuan is confident that with the help of the system, he can directly poach the protagonist!

Lin Yuan laughed, approached Leng Ningyue, took out a green pill from his arms, and said.

"Oh, I have long heard that Patriarch Leng was recently injured and infected with a strange disease. Since I care about my junior sister, I immediately asked my father for this, the Ten Thousand Poison Rejuvenating Pill!"

"It's just that this thing is rare. In order to get it, my father and I have worried a lot. We haven't had a good sleep for several days, and now we are in a bad mood. Junior sister, don't take it to heart!"

As soon as these words came out, coupled with the temptation of the elixir, Leng Ningyue, who originally refused to let strangers in, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

After all, she was young, just a little girl, and she only met Bai Xiaofan by chance. How could she withstand Lin Yuan's sweet words?

After several more attacks, his face turned slightly red.

"It turns out it was a misunderstanding. Ningyue thanked Young Master Liu on behalf of my father!" Leng Ningyue looked shy.

Lin Yuan smiled freely, like a gentleman, "Don't worry, Miss Leng. The trial is about to begin. The best way to practice is to practice quickly."

After saying that, he turned around and left in a chic manner, looking at Leng Ningyue behind him with a look of infatuation.

In Lin Yuan's mind, the system's voice also sounded in time.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully investing in Leng Ning Yue. The current favorability is 70%!"

And right here in Lin Yuan, when he was winning the heart of his little junior sister, the sound of crunching teeth came from the corner!

I saw that Bai Xiaofan, who had just left in disgrace, did not go far, but looked at Lin Yuan fiercely, his eyes turning red.

"Damn it! Grandpa, you must find a way to kill this guy. He has bullied others too much and wants to cut off the bloodline of my Bai family!"

In the room, Bai Xiaofan held the ring and complained.

On the ring, Bai Wuchen's face was covered with black lines, and he realized that his junior was an old pervert.

We practice together just for my junior sister.

However, no matter how frustrated he was, it was still his juniors who had to be taught what to teach, so he thought for a moment and sneered.

"According to my investigation, the so-called Dahe Sect is just a small and unpopular sect. Killing Liu Xiaowa is not a big deal. At worst, I will take you out of here, but you'd better search for some good things before leaving!"

"For example, during the competition, how about a sneak attack on Liu Xiaowa and taking away his storage bag? As for your little junior sister, I can also help you capture it."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofan was extremely excited and nodded repeatedly, imagining the pleasure of killing Lin Yuan.

"Don't worry, Ancestor. We will arrive at the trial site in three days at most. Everything will be according to Ancestor's arrangements then!"

"Empress, what do you think of this world? Is there any difference in its Body Refining system?"

In Liu Wushen's room, on the luxurious bed, Empress Lin Yuan was sitting here chatting.

The empress looked at the layout of the room and spoke solemnly.

"It's hard to say, but it is certain that the upper limit of cultivation in this world is higher. The soul in the ring just now, at its peak, was probably similar to me a few years ago. Although I don't know how you got in, but you have to be careful. !”

"Don't capsize in the gutter. It's best to collect information first, such as the cultivation system and so on."

Then the empress added.

"But this is also a good thing. If you can rise here, your cultivation will improve faster. If you need help, I will ask the main body to come!"

Afterwards, the empress disappeared again, leaving Lin Yuan to think solemnly.

"It seems that this world is indeed stronger, but it doesn't matter, the system guides it. As long as the protagonist's cultivation level is locked, the rest is easy to say."

Immediately, Lin Yuan waved his hand and ordered.

"Guard, my guard can come in. By the way, bring me a training album. The labor and management must work hard!"

As soon as these words came out, several guards in black suddenly appeared and looked at each other with excitement!

"Young Master, do you want to practice?"

"I will bring you the best books of our Dahe Sect and the Law Treasure!"

With that said, several people were in a hurry, and soon a lot of jade talismans and martial arts books appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

He picked up one at random, took a look at it, and suddenly took a breath!

"This...this is too awesome!"

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