"The Dahe Sect's top cultivators of the Immortal Law Sect, Wanliu Guizong, can assist in cultivating to the realm of transformation, and break through to immortality!"

"Dahe Sect High Grade Kung Fu, Water-Breaking Sword, once practiced to perfection, you can slay dragons!"

"The secret treasure of the Dahe Sect, the Shuiyun Sword, can be used with the Water-Breaking Sword to increase spell damage. The quality is Middle Grade!"

"I'll go! Is this the new Body Refining system? Transformation? Dragon? What level does it belong to?" Lin Yuan quickly flipped through the books.

According to memory, Dahe Sect should not be strong in this world, but why is the introduction to the technique so awesome?

It feels like she is even more powerful than the empress.

Is this bragging, or is this world more advanced, with any sect comparable to Luoshen Palace and crushing the Empress?

With doubts, Lin Yuan decided to try practicing.

But to be on the safe side, Lin Yuanping dismissed the men in black and recruited Bai Ze to protect him.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Even if you go crazy and deny your relatives, I can end your pain as soon as possible."

Bai Ze grinned heartlessly.

Lin Yuan ignored the amused Bai Ze and directly activated his acupoints to practice according to the method described in the classics.

The Water-Breaking Sword is an offensive spell and does not affect the original Body Refining system. It is also the safest to learn.

With Lin Yuan's current strength, practicing this basic technique can be completed almost instantly.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yuan's body was filled with water vapor, like a dragon circling rapidly around him.

As Lin Yuan pointed forward.

With a sound of searching, dozens of high-pressure water jets were condensed into water swords and shot out, heading straight for Bai Ze who was gloating about his misfortune!

"Damn it, you brat, roar!" Bai Ze was caught off guard.

Fortunately, it was strong enough, and it quickly spit out a ball of white flame and collided with the water sword.


The water sword evaporated, Bai Ze's fireball also dissipated, and the two forces offset each other!

This scene made Bai Ze's eyes widen, his tail wagging unconsciously, and his eyes became greedy.

"Damn it, Lin Yuan's thing is so powerful? The fireball just now, I tried my best!"

Bai Ze discovered that this small sect's skills were actually as good as his own.

Although there is an increase in Lin Yuan's strength, if the technique is not good, no matter how strong the increase is, it will be in vain.

Just like a dagger, if it is made of paper, no matter how strong a strong man is, he will not be able to kill a pig with it!

Thinking of this, Bai Ze hurriedly shook his big head, always feeling that it was not good to compare himself to a pig.

Compared with Bai Ze's shock, Lin Yuan experienced it more deeply, because what he just learned was only the first level!

The Water-Breaking Sword has a total of six levels. As each level is advanced, the power will be doubled. It can also be used with Law Treasure for even stronger increase!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but take a deep breath. If he reaches full training, how strong will he be? Can he kill Bai Ze?

As he said this, Lin Yuan glanced at Bai Ze, who was so frightened that he shivered and shrank back unconsciously.

"Lin Yuan, I'm warning you, don't use me as a target!"

Ignoring Bai Ze, Lin Yuan fell into deep thought. He had already made a judgment on the question just now.

"The upper limit of this world is higher! Although it is not outrageous, Dahe Sect still loses to Luoshen Palace. After all, the gap in background is too big. However, it is hard to say who is the pinnacle of this world."

"If there is a strong person like the Empress walking around the world, doesn't that mean that I am in danger here?"

"But if there are more powerful people in this world and are stronger, why did they leave the space cracks alone and not invade our world?"

"You don't want to, or you can't?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan recalled the first enemy he encountered after arriving here, a giant white beast.

The opponent's strength is obviously on par with the Empress. Could it be that he is the Watcher?

If so, will the guards send people to hunt down someone if they find out there is an intruder?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Yuan felt a chill down his spine for no reason, but he quickly calmed down.

I have my own system, so I’m afraid of a bird!

No matter how strong they are, can they still be comparable to the system?

Lin Yuan now has an identity arranged by the system, and the probability of being recognized is low.

In this case, what I have to do is to quickly become stronger and adapt to the system of this world!

Maybe it will be faster than practicing in the original world.

But now, the identity of the young master of the Dahe Sect is an opportunity!

"Yes, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to become stronger. I can use these techniques!" Lin Yuan was excited.

I am extremely grateful in my heart. The system has found me an identity, a proper rich second generation!

So, he immediately took action and continued to read the classics to practice Wanliu Guizong!

Because, after it has been proven that this world is stronger, practicing this technique will definitely not be a loss.

Lin Yuan is also looking forward to what kind of strength the transformation state has!

At this time, Bai Ze also became interested and started practicing.

In this way, the two of them cooperated, verified each other, and practiced all night long!

The next morning, Lin Yuan let out a long breath of turbid air, and his eyes became extremely bright.

After last night's practice, Lin Yuan successfully learned how to return to the sect of Wanliu and has reached the half-step transformation state!

At the same time, after practicing in person, Lin Yuan also roughly understood the cultivation system of this world.

First of all, in this world, the division of realms is very simple. The first few steps are the same as Lin Yuan, but there is an additional branch of realm in the back!

The so-called Transformation Realm is actually to match the empress's cultivation level, or even be stronger.

At present, Lin Yuan is at the halfway stage, in other words, almost comparable to the empress.

This was something Lin Yuan never dared to think about before. This improvement in cultivation is too fast!

He is only half a step away from being comparable to the Empress!

In fact, this is not Lin Yuan's abnormality, but due to Wanliu's return to his clan.

This set of exercises was originally used for cultivation and has no lethality. In addition, the world system is different. After learning it, the improvement will be huge.

It's like taking a medicine often and it is almost ineffective, but suddenly taking a new medicine, the effect of the medicine will be particularly obvious for the first time.

Therefore, this is Lin Yuan's novice benefit.

After practicing, you will return to normal speed.

For subsequent improvement, you need to fully master the supporting skills and water-breaking sword, and then practice for several years.

But this is already very perverted.

Especially, after mastering the power, Lin Yuan immediately fought with the empress' clone.

I found that he is several times stronger now than yesterday!

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