"Impossible, this is impossible!" Bai Xiaofan fell to the ground and couldn't believe it.

He had never felt such pressure before, and his legs felt weak for a moment.

The same is true for Bai Wuchen, with an old face full of fear and regret. Why should he listen to this good-for-nothing of his own?

How about getting the Law Treasure first?

This time it’s good, I was served in one pot.

Not to mention resuscitation, whether he can save his life or not is a question!

The more Bai Wuchen thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to slap Bai Xiaofan to death.

"Haha, Bai Xiaofan, if you hire experts to kill your fellow disciples, I will kill you today!"

"Protect the law on your left and right, deal with thieves, and protect the disciples of the sect!"

Lin Yuan sneered and said, taking out the Shuiyun Sword at the same time, and went straight to Bai Xiaofan!

As for the Empress and Bai Ze, they immediately started performing.

The empress was responsible for rescuing Leng Ningyue, while Bai Ze captured Bai Wuchen.

Only Bai Xiaofan was left at the scene!

Seeing Lin Yuan's attack, Bai Xiaofan was frightened, but he did not panic. As Lin Yuan expected, he had the Law Treasure to save his life!

"Lin Yuan, let me tell you, today, I will sentence the sect to death. I will definitely return and kill you in the future!"

After threatening him at the end, he raised his hand and crushed a piece of jade pendant, and he was teleported away on the spot!

Lin Yuan was not surprised and watched Bai Xiaofan disappear before he sneered and turned around and said.

"Okay, this person is not a great person for the time being, you two continue to hide."

"Everything will be reported to my father when I return to the sect."

Bai Ze and the Empress nodded and disappeared again, leaving behind a shocked Leng Ningyue.

After experiencing the life and death just now, Leng Ningyue's heartbeat also accelerated.

At this moment, after digesting the information in your heart, you come to a conclusion.

Lin Yuan had already expected this, and specially arranged for the guardians. He was really thoughtful!

Moreover, he also saved himself and beat away his disciple, Bai Xiaofan.

"Lin Yuan!" Leng Ningyue was delighted. After the restrictions on her body disappeared, she rushed towards Lin Yuan and hugged Lin Yuan tightly.

Smelling the faint fragrance, Lin Yuan coughed dryly, "Ahem, junior sister, we'd better complete the trial first!"

Hearing this, Leng Ningyue's face turned red, and she quickly took a few steps back, pretending to be calm, "Yeah!"

In this way, Lin Yuan took Leng Ningyue and went straight to the depths of the mountain.

At this time, time in the outside world has passed. Three days have passed, and the two trials are about to end.

On this day, everyone gathered at the exit of the valley.

Different from when they came, there were now only a few dozen people left among the hundreds, including Lin Yuan and Leng Ningyue.

As for the remaining people, most of them are from the Changhe Sect, and there are not many Huangshamen disciples left.

After seeing this scene, the two elders and three on the spacecraft had different expressions.

"Haha, I knew that the disciples of our Changhe Sect are stronger. Old ghost, please hand over your Millennium Cold Jade!"

The man in black laughed, extremely proud.

The ancestor of Huangsha Sect looked ugly, snorted coldly, threw out a storage bag, then turned around and left with his disciples.

Before leaving, he glanced at Lin Yuan and others in surprise, but did not find Bai Xiaofan.

Similarly, the man in black was also surprised. After taking all the disciples back to the spaceship, he asked doubtfully.

"Young Master, where has that Bai Xiaofan gone? Have you seen him?"

In the eyes of the people of the night, Lin Yuan is still the same Lin Yuan, nothing has changed. This victory should be attributed to Bai Xiaofan.

However, as for others, they will not die. It stands to reason that such people will not perish easily.

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. All you need to know is that he has been sentenced to leave the sect."

His tone was still arrogant, and he didn't take the elders seriously.

"Take me back to the sect first. If you delay, you won't be able to shoulder this responsibility."

The man in black was stunned, but he quickly nodded in agreement.

Just like that, the large army quickly marched towards Dahe Sect!

Inside the spaceship, Lin Yuan's bedroom seemed a bit crowded at this time.

Bai Ze's huge body took up half of it, and the rest were the empress and Bai Wuchen.

"Haha, tell me, how do you use this treasure?"

Lin Yuan sat in the middle, staring at Bai Wuchen, holding a jade pendant in his hand.

This thing is the treasure that Bai Wuchen originally wanted to give to Bai Xiaofan. It is located in the deepest part of the trial place.

After being obtained by Lin Yuan, he never knew what its use was.

At this time, Lin Yuan took some time to interrogate him and see if he had any other information.

"Ahem, young master, I don't know..."

Before Bai Wuchen could finish speaking, Bai Ze struck down with his paw, causing his soul to stagger.

"Ouch! I said, I said." Bai Wuchen bared his teeth and was so frightened that he quickly added.

"It's like this. This was when I was at my peak, and I got a Law Treasure. There should be skills in it, but the seal needs to be released."

"However, this seal needs to be broken by a strong person, at least in the ancestral realm, so now this thing can only be watched."

Bai Wuchen kept saying every word, fearing that Lin Yuan wouldn't believe it, so he even took out a jade pendant.

Inside is what he wrote back then, his experience on how to break the seal. What is really needed is cultivation.

Lin Yuan pondered, then looked at Bai Wuchen and spoke.

"Then tell me, what are the divisions of cultivation in this world and what is beyond the wilderness?"

Lin Yuan knew that this guy was in the transformation realm after all and should know a lot of secrets.

Bai Wuchen was stunned and looked at Lin Yuan and others in disbelief before he realized what was going on.

This group of people is likely to come from the outside world.

However, he was caught and knew that it was useless, so he could only speak obediently.

"This place is called the Great Wilderness. It is the edge of the Great Wilderness. The Great Wilderness is a circular continent. The further in, the more prosperous it becomes, and the more powerful people there are."

"As for cultivation, it is the Transformation Realm, the Ancestral Realm, and the Venerable Realm. After that, I don't know."

"In addition, young master, you must have just made a breakthrough. Do you feel anything? For example, in terms of skills?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes. When he broke through, he did get an unexpected gain, but he thought it was just for him.

So, I didn't plan to ask, but now that I saw it, there should be something fishy.

Bai Wuchen nodded, "The Transformation Realm is a watershed. Once you reach this economy, you can communicate with the world and have unlimited magic power."

"Therefore, you can have an opportunity to create your own skills, just like Huangsha's Guangfeng Jue and Wanliu Guizong!"

Lin Yuan's eyes widened, "What did you say? Who created these?"

"It's the founder of the two sects, and it's the realm of transformation. Otherwise, it would be impossible with Liu Wudi's half-step."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuan was suddenly enlightened and gradually understood the world.

It turns out that some high-end techniques were created by those who were above the Transformation Realm when they made breakthroughs.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, this kind of technique can help people break through to the realm of creators.

Of course, this also depends on talent. If the talent is not good, it will be useless no matter how much.

Otherwise, Liu Wudi would have been transformed long ago. As for Lin Yuan himself, he only learned two books before he broke through.

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