"That's right, I believe the young master has also noticed that the so-called skills are actually auxiliary. Whether you can break through depends on the person!"

"Some people are so gifted that they don't need any skills. They can break through the realm of transformation with just ordinary breathing, or even higher. I can only say that skills are better than nothing."

Seeing that Lin Yuan and others were listening seriously, Bai Wuchen continued speaking cautiously.

"For example, Wanliu Guizong was created by masters of the Transformation Realm. In theory, it can help people practice until they reach the Transformation Realm!"

"But some people, either because they are not talented enough, or because they are inconsistent with their skills, will never be able to reach this theoretical upper limit."

"In this case, unless you find the second state-transformation technique, you will be stuck for the rest of your life. This is the case for the ancestors of the two sects."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be a bad leader in this inhospitable place. Isn't it because I can't find a way to break through?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan suddenly realized, but then he had another question.

"Is there any difference in strength between learning two techniques to break through and one?"

This was a tricky question, and Bai Wuchen thought about it for a long time before speaking.

"Yes! Two books are always better than one. As the saying goes, having many skills does not overwhelm you. If nothing else, just rely on two books to bring two sets of skills!"

"When fighting for skills, you have more methods. Secondly, you have to see more skills. In the future, you will have reference when you create your own skills, and you will be more mature!"

After saying that, Bai Wuchen looked at Lin Yuan with a sigh on his face, "Young Master's talent is astonishing. He has broken through the Transformation Realm at a young age. He may be able to create Ancestral Realm Kung Fu or even higher!"

"According to my understanding, when a skill is created, it is not limited to the creator's cultivation level. There are legends that some masters of transformation have even created Venerable skills. Of course, they are just legends and have never been seen in reality."

What Bai Wuchen didn't say was that not only had he never seen it, but probably few people in the entire wilderness had seen such a genius.

Legend has it that someone only created a half-step Venerable technique.

In the end, he couldn't bear the power of his technique, so he died due to the backlash.

He said this because he wanted Lin Yuan to backlash and give him a chance to escape.

Secondly, I also want to witness it, what if Lin Yuan succeeds?

Of course, this may be very slim, and he himself doesn’t believe it.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, put away the jade talisman in his hand, and fell into deep thought.

First of all, Bai Wuchen didn't lie, because since he broke through the realm, he did have an urge, as if he could create something.

However, due to time issues, I have been suppressing it and not trying it. This should be an opportunity to create my own method.

"Lin Yuan, let me tell you, go ahead and create it, maybe we can use it too!" Bai Ze shook his big head.

"The Empress and I have also looked at the techniques you are looking at, but we have never made a breakthrough. Maybe you can help us both this time."

The Empress also nodded and said, "Yes, do as the Romans do when you are in the country. Maybe you can learn more about this place!"

"Besides, having more skills doesn't overwhelm you. It's always a good thing to have more skills."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded, "Okay, in that case, you two protect me, I'll give it a try!"

Therefore, the empress and Bai Ze arranged the formation, and Bai Wuchen continued to be sealed and thrown into the storage space.

Lin Yuan meditated quickly, immersed in his thoughts.

Gradually, time passed, and purple energy began to rise from Lin Yuan's body, like a swimming dragon.

Seeing this, both the Empress and Bai Ze were shocked.

"Purple Qi? This is an auspicious sign. Is it possible that Lin Yuan can really create miracles?" The empress opened her eyes and observed carefully.

Bai Ze curled his lips and said, "It should be possible. After all, what can't Lin Yuan, a little pervert, do?"

Just when the outside world was quiet, deep in Lin Yuan's heart, on a golden ocean, a strong wind howled!

Lin Yuan turned into a human figure and stood on the sea, facing the sea breeze, his long hair flying. He looked around with surprise.

"Here, my level is so high? I was just meditating, so I came here. Is this my consciousness?"

Just now, Lin Yuan followed the instinct of his body to comprehend, and quickly immersed himself in it. When he opened his eyes, he appeared here.

Just now, he has explored in many ways. It is boundless here, and the golden ocean below is illusory and nothing special.

He spent half a minute spinning the incense here, but still found nothing.

Just when he was wondering if Bai Wuchen, that old guy, was lying to him, suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

This is not the point. The moment the lightning appeared, Lin Yuan actually caught a glimpse of a Daoist shadow within the lightning!

He was posing in a strange posture, as if he was casting a spell!

"Kung Fu? Someone is casting a spell without reservation!" Lin Yuan had a sharp eye and could tell at a glance that the figure was himself.

Moreover, he was not posing randomly, but he was casting a new spell that he had never seen before!

Is this the process of creating a method?

But when Lin Yuan wanted to write down the figure's movements, he had a feeling in his mind that he couldn't decide casually.

This made Lin Yuan's pupils shrink and he had some guesses in his mind.

Is it possible that just writing it down is a choice?

Is there more here?

really! As if to confirm Lin Yuan's guess, after the lightning disappeared, more lightning followed.

They come in various colors, including gold, purple, white, and the most common, blue.

But without exception, after appearing, there is a Daoist figure inside, playing with the skills!

Lin Yuan suddenly realized.

This is probably the process of creating a method, which is to allow yourself to catch the most suitable lightning. Only after catching it can you truly realize it.

Otherwise, even if he stays here for ten thousand years and memorizes all the lightning, he will be restricted by the law and forget everything after he goes out. In other words, Lin Yuan can only choose one!

"Can I only choose one?" Lin Yuan looked solemnly,

After a while, he began to carefully select. Naturally, he first focused on those golden lightning bolts.

Because judging from experience, gold equipment is often the best, followed by purple, and white is the worst.

This is indeed the case. The figure in the golden lightning is indeed the most complex, and the power of the technique is also the most powerful.

Obviously, they are all good techniques. Although I don’t know which one is stronger and which one is weaker than the Changhe Sect’s Wanliu Gui Sect, I think I won’t lose money if I choose the golden one.

But Lin Yuan couldn't make up his mind.

This is too important. If you choose the wrong step, I'm afraid you won't have this opportunity in the future.

You have to choose right the first time!

Just when he was hesitating, Lin Yuan suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye.

I saw that at the very edge of the lightning, there was a small, almost transparent lightning, only as thick as a thumb.

Unlike those yellow golden lightnings, this thing is like a thief, afraid of being discovered.

The moment he appeared, he quickly changed his position and was sneaky.

This made Lin Yuan interested.

"What the hell? You're still sneaky. Is there a special skill here?"

Lin Yuan rushed towards the lightning in an instant. This was Lin Yuan's consciousness. Here, Lin Yuan was a god. He caught the lightning almost instantly!

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