Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 313: Ten Thousand Methods Unified Harmony Decision

At the moment of contact, Lin Yuan's mind buzzed, like an electric shock, and an extra memory actually appeared.

"The Unified Harmony Art of Ten Thousand Methods can swallow all methods and grow itself. It is unique and can only be learned by those who created it!"

Lin Yuan murmured unconsciously, and then he was pleasantly surprised!

It is actually a unique method. Doesn’t this mean that only you can learn it?

And usually the unique techniques are the most abnormal and powerful ones.

This is most likely a Venerable realm method!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan was overjoyed, and instead of quitting his enlightenment in a hurry, he started learning immediately.

Because he created it himself, Lin Yuan quickly got it in his head.

At this moment, there was more knowledge in his consciousness about how to use the exercises.

"The Devouring Technique, as the name suggests, can swallow all the exercises that a practitioner comes into contact with for the first time, and the quality of the exercises will be determined based on the highest level of the exercises. The higher the quality of the swallowed method, the upper limit of Unified Harmony will also increase. .”

"Theoretically, this is a set of skills with no upper limit. The more you swallow, the stronger you become."

"And now, the upper limit of cultivation level that Wanfa Unified Harmony can allow practitioners to reach is only half of the realm of transformation?"

Lin Yuan was pleasantly surprised. Although the Half-Step Realm was not high, this thing was a bottomless pit!

It’s not high now, what about later?

After devouring a hundred or eight thousand skills, when the time comes, maybe even the respect state skills will be called daddy!

When the time comes, won't I be able to rely on this technique to become invincible in the world and defeat everyone?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan immediately decided to try.

Without saying a word, he directly took out the basic skills of Huangsha Sect and Changhe Sect, and immediately devoured them!


With a flash of light, the words on the two sets of exercises disappeared, as if they were eaten by Wanfa Unified Harmony as food!

At the same time, Lin Yuan clearly noticed that the original upper limit of his cultivation level had been increased again.

He reached the transformation state in an instant, and it was the peak of the early stage of transformation state, and he could break through to the middle stage at any time.

At the same time, Lin Yuan's cultivation level has also improved. He is also at the peak of the early stage of transformation. As long as his skills are advanced, he can improve accordingly!

Outside, inside the spaceship.

Bai Ze's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief, "Holy crap, what happened? How did this kid's cultivation level suddenly improve by one level?"

On the side, the always calm Empress also turned pale, "A breakthrough. Although it's not a big one, it's a real breakthrough!"

"I remember he just broke through not long ago. Is this another breakthrough?"

Just now, the two people were protecting Lin Yuan. Suddenly, Lin Yuan trembled and made a breakthrough under their noses!

There was no warning, no pills were swallowed, and he broke through simply not long after he broke through the realm of transformation.

In an instant, the two of them felt that their world view was about to be overturned.

They were simply prepared and immediately used their formation to suppress this aura.

However, Lin Yuan's breakthrough was too strong, and now he was at the peak of the early stage of transformation. Even if the empress's true form was here, she could not defeat Lin Yuan.

Therefore, the formation is still unable to suppress it, and a trace of breath can easily escape. However, after weakening, the breath has been suppressed to the limit.

At most, there are Core Formation around. Outsiders won't suspect anything after seeing it. After all, there are several Core Formation elders on the spaceship.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Yuan nervously.

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally opened his eyes.

"Huh! The method of creation is really good. When you make a breakthrough, you'd better create it. This time, the harvest is not small."

Lin Yuan took a long breath and felt refreshed. He had broken through two realms in a short period of time. It was strange that he felt unhappy.

Bai Ze on the side almost burst into laughter and said quickly.

"Lin Yuan, what technique did you create? Take it out quickly and let me learn it too."

The empress was also looking forward to it, and wanted to know what kind of technique could allow people to achieve continuous breakthroughs without any side effects.

Seeing the expectant looks in their eyes, Lin Yuan waved his hands helplessly.

"I'm not being petty. The technique is unique. Even if I tell you, you won't be able to learn it."

After saying that, in order to prove himself, Lin Yuan waved his skills, which were carved into a jade talisman and handed to the two of them.

After the two took it, they checked it between their eyebrows and found that they couldn't remember it, so they gave up.

"Don't be discouraged. You haven't broken through to the transformation state yet. When you return to the sect, I will use my status to get you some benefits. After you break through, you can also create your own. Maybe it will be better than this."

Lin Yuan comforted him with a few words.

Bai Ze was heartless and soon stopped caring. The Empress also lost interest and returned to Lin Yuan's storage space.

Lin Yuan also closed his eyes Nurturing Spirit, consolidating his cultivation on the spot, waiting for the spaceship to return to the sect!

At the same time, Changhe Sect.

This place is no longer a desert, but a lush primitive jungle with dense trees among the mountains.

The lake looks like jade in the mountains. From time to time, you can see small Spirit Beasts playing around in the jungle.

A scene of paradise on earth.

Deep in the mountain, there is a steep peak. On the peak, there are palaces built on the mountain, connected to each other by suspension bridges, and the fairy mist is overcast. This is where the Changhe Sect's mountain gate is located.

At this moment, the Changhe Sect was filled with a murderous atmosphere, and all the disciples and elders looked ugly.

In the main hall of the sect, Liu Wudi, the leader of Changhe Sect, looked ugly.

In front of him, three big men wearing beast furs were looking at him eagerly.

"Myriad Beast Sect is a high-class sect with masters of transformation. It shouldn't be involved in the small sect disputes at the edge of the wilderness. Is it going to get involved in our place today?" Liu Wudi spoke in a low voice with grief and anger.

The three big men didn't take it seriously, but sneered again and again.

One of the bald men laughed.

"On the edge of the wilderness, spiritual energy is thin and resources are scarce. Our sects naturally disdain this territory, but recently, I, Myriad Beast Sect, are at war with a sect, and the resources in the sect are scarce."

"It just so happens that there are two small sects of yours nearby, so we want you to join us. This is your blessing. How can we bully you? How can we meddle with you?"

After hearing this, Liu Wudi snorted coldly, knowing that the other party was just farting.

What is surrender?

To put it bluntly, it means recognizing the thief as the father, and from then on there is no freedom.

Maybe, from time to time, some disciples need to be handed over to serve as a cauldron for others to use!

Liu Wudi didn't want to live this kind of life.

Just when he was about to retort, the strong man suddenly spoke again.

"Old guy, I know you have a strong personality, but your son is not like that."

"According to the intelligence, he will return soon. If you don't obey, I will cut off your incest and slaughter your entire family. You can choose between the two!"

"What did you say? If you dare to attack my son, are you looking for death?" Liu Wudi was furious.

But there is nothing they can do. These three people are very strong, and the leader has reached a level close to the transformation state!

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