The realm of transformation is a watershed in practice. Without reaching the realm of transformation, many spells cannot be used.

Therefore, even between the half part and the transformation realm, there is a huge difference, and many small branches are divided.

It is divided into half-step transformation, half-step perfection, and true transformation.

Liu Wudi has been stuck in the Half-Step Realm for hundreds of years and has never been able to break through. Although he has profound knowledge, he is far from being able to match the strong man in front of him. The other party is halfway to perfection, almost one foot has stepped onto the threshold of transformation, and can use some transformation spells.

If the two of them fight, Liu Wudi will be defeated!

"Haha, it seems that you have to submit." The bald man said with a sarcastic expression.

He just likes to see weak people hate themselves but are helpless!

Faced with the threat, General Liu Wudi didn't know what to do for a while and fell into a tangle, not knowing whether to fight or surrender.

At this moment, the wind roared outside the mountain gate, dozens of spaceships fell from the sky, and the trial team returned!

"Dad, I'm back, who dares to act wild in our Dahe Sect?" Lin Yuan's voice, with a ruthless air, spread in all directions!

Immediately afterwards, everyone, including the disciple leaders, the elders and Liu Wudi, saw a wild and unruly figure.

That was Lin Yuan dressed in black, with an arrogant face, sitting on a sedan chair with his legs crossed and falling from the sky. He was extremely charming!

It turned out that on the road just now, with his peak cultivation in the early stage of transformation, Lin Yuan noticed all this in advance.

Lin Yuan saw through the cultivation of these people in advance and found that they could be dealt with, so Lin Yuan wanted to kill people and seize the treasure.

As for being discovered, it was impossible. He had already asked Bai Wuchen, who was from Myriad Beast Sect, a very long way away.

It will take at least a few years to get there, but nothing will happen in a short time.

Otherwise, Liu Wudi would not have been able to challenge someone with a higher cultivation level than himself in the hall just now.

It's just that they are sure that the other party's reinforcements will not arrive in time.

Lin Yuan was aware of this. By the time the other party came, he would have already broken through in cultivation and would no longer be afraid of them.

"Wushen, why are you back so soon?" Liu Wudi was not happy, but desperate.

Others may not know it, but he knows his son very well, he has no brains to talk about, and he also likes to cause trouble everywhere and show off himself.

Now, I don't want to run away first, but I dare to challenge him.

They must have regarded these three big men as enemies and wanted to show off, so they made a noise.

Isn't this a scam?

Not only Liu Wushen thought so, but the three Myriad Beast Sect men also laughed.

"Haha, Lao Liu, your son doesn't look very energetic."

"That's right, I must have been spoiled by you since I grew up. I don't know how to write the word "death". Let me teach you a lesson today!"

The bald man smiled and was about to step forward to attack Lin Yuan.

This made Liu Wudi next to him extremely anxious.

"Stop! I agree to your conditions. Isn't it enough to agree to you?"

After saying this, Liu Wuji seemed to have aged several years instantly, and his eyes looking at Lin Yuan were also filled with disappointment.

I thought to myself, this son is really cheating on me. I thought that maybe he would be able to turn around if he was struggling.

It's good this time. You came here stupidly and almost started a fight.

If we continue to disagree, I'm afraid the old Liu family's incense will end today.

At that time, the elders and disciples of the sect below him sighed one after another, and some even showed contempt.

Normally, it would be bad to make a statement when Liu Wushen is in the sect. Today, he made such a fuss at the critical moment, forcibly dragging down the entire sect.

Some people have even whispered about it.

"Damn it, it's this second-generation ancestor again who has caused us great harm today. From now on, the Changhe Sect will no longer exist!"

"Hey, this is all his own doing. It is his Liu family's business anyway. The worst we can do is leave the sect and leave. Let this loser play. Do you still dare to provoke a master and invite death?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, survival of the fittest. With such a character, Young Master Liu may not be able to go far in the path of cultivation in the future. It is a pity that Master Liu Wudi has a great reputation throughout his life."

For a time, everyone had only one opinion about Lin Yuan, and that was that he was a cheat and his brain was not working well.

"Hey, Lin Yuan, did you hear that? People say you are not smart." Bai Ze gloated.

After the spacecraft arrived, Bai Ze and the Empress hid around Lin Yuan.

They wanted to observe Lin Yuan's battle up close, which would be helpful for improving his cultivation in the future.

In fact, the empress spoke impatiently.

"Shut up, Lin Yuan, go have a fight and let me see your strength!"

Lin Yuan was speechless and ignored his two pig teammates. He turned to look at the bald man below and sneered.

"Your family has never taught you how to look down upon others?"

Before the bald man could react, Lin Yuan suddenly moved!

Draw out the Shuiyun Sword, and use it with the Water-Breaking Sword to strike down Chao's bald head with one strike!


The blade of the sword came into close contact with the bald head, and a series of sparks were fired!

The terrifying force was like a mountain coming down, and the bald head flew backwards, smashing several halls, and then it stopped!

This scene happened so suddenly that everyone present was in disbelief and could not react.

"Wushen... what are you doing!" Liu Wudi opened his mouth wide.

"Damn it, what happened? The young master slashed away the transformation master with one sword?"

The disciples of the sect were frightened.

"How is it possible? When did Young Master Liu's strength become so terrifying!"

For a moment, the whole place was silent. Everyone stared blankly at Lin Yuan with a proud face in mid-air, unable to believe that this was true.

In addition to their disbelief, the two bald companions were also watching all this blankly.

Holy shit! Hit a brick wall?

"Damn it, kid, you don't want to live anymore!"

When everyone was shocked, the bald man climbed up from the ruins with a embarrassed look on his face, but his eyes were already red.

He was unexpectedly attacked by a brat called a loser?

Moreover, he was extremely humiliated and was thrown into the ruins. If word spread, where would his face be?

He was so angry that he didn't even think carefully about it. If Lin Yuan was a waste, how could he be beaten away?

He didn't care so much, he held both hands tightly, and Spirit Beasts appeared next to him.

This is the skill of the Myriad Beast Sect, which summons the Spirit Beast to help fight. At the same time, the summoner possesses some of the power of the Spirit Beast.

At this time, the big man was like a strong beast, jumping towards Lin Yuan in the air, as if he wanted to tear Lin Yuan into pieces!

"Hey, it's so boring. I thought you were so strong."

Lin Yuan had a look of disdain on his face and just took a slight step back to avoid the attack.

At the same time, he turned his wrist and the Water Cloud Sword slid towards the big man's neck, entwined with terrifying water vapor.

Like high-pressure water, wherever it passes, the skin and flesh will be instantly torn apart!

Even if the big man has defensive blessings, it will not help!

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was a hideous wound on the big man's neck, and blood was pouring out!

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