Poof, the sword blade passed by, bringing out a touch of blood.

The strong man screamed, with fear in his eyes, covering his neck, and quickly retreated!

After withdrawing several thousand meters, he stopped and looked at Lin Yuan with some shock, feeling surprised and uncertain in his heart.

Damn it, what the hell, this speed is too fast!

What is the cultivation level of this young man in front of me?

Is it possible that he is higher than himself and a master of the Personalization Realm?

But this is simply impossible.

That was the realm of transformation, and even their Myriad Beast Sect ancestors only had this level of cultivation!

He didn't believe that a second-generation ancestor who was called a waste could have that kind of strength.

Some extremely powerful Law Treasures can indeed give people the ability to fight across levels!

Thinking of this, the strong man rolled his eyes and became more and more convinced of this guess.

In his opinion, he may not have advanced cultivation at a young age, but Law Treasure is different. He might be lucky enough to pick it up.

Yes, it must be Law Treasure!

Thinking of this, the strong man looked greedy. It can make people leapfrog and fight. It must be a good thing. You must get it!

"Hehe, I didn't expect an unexpected gain. Hand over the treasure and I will spare your life!" The strong man grinned.

With that said, he summoned the Spirit Beast again, and he went all out, turning into a cheetah and rushing straight towards Lin Yuan!

Ho ho ho!

For a moment, Spirit Beasts filled the sky like a riot of beasts, coming in a mighty manner, their aura shaking all directions.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan sneered, was he doubting that he had a treasure?

But that's fine, it saves me the trouble of explaining why I suddenly became stronger.

So, with a twist of his wrist, streams of water vapor emerged and turned into water swords!

In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of flying swords had taken shape, spinning and slashing at the strong man from all directions!

These flying swords come from Wanliu Guizong and are extremely damaging. It was created by a master of transformation, and its theoretical upper limit is extremely high.

In Lin Yuan's hands, he exerted all his power and was extremely fast. Wherever he passed, those Spirit Beasts were instantly cut off!

Just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Monster army suffered heavy casualties, and in the end, only the strong man was left!

This scene made the strong man's pupils shrink again, but he was not afraid, but became more greedy!

He knew that Lin Yuan's Law Treasure was very strong, and he was bound to get this kind of thing!

"Damn it, what are you guys doing? Hurry up and add more people!" The strong man roared, while resisting the flying sword, he quickly called his companions.

At this time, he had already ignored that this was someone else's chassis and was completely crazy.

Below, the Myriad Beast Sect two who were watching the battle finally reacted, took out the Law Treasure, and flew towards Lin Yuan!

"Humph! You still want to do harm to my son in front of me? You really don't take me seriously!"

"Do you really think that our Changhe Sect is just a soft persimmon, and I won't let you run wild on my territory?"

Liu Wudi laughed, jumped up, and stopped in front of the two of them, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

As the head of the Changhe Sect, Liu Wudi is a decisive person. He didn't dare to take action just now because he was unsure and worried.

But now I see that my son is so awesome.

Defeat an enemy who is stronger than yourself.

At this time, we should help silence them. Is it possible that we still keep them for the New Year?

As a result, his aura suddenly surged, and the sound was like a loud bell, spreading throughout the entire mountain gate!

"Disciples of Changhe listen to the order, assist the young master, and kill the foreign enemies!"

Boom! The entire Changhe Sect was boiling, and a large number of disciples came from all directions.

Under the leadership of their respective elders, they all formed formations, activated the mountain-protecting formation, and their murderous aura soared into the sky!

"Kill! All the disciples listen to the order and assist the leader to kill this beast!"

Each of the elders also roared, rising into the air and instantly entering the battle.

Cooperating with Liu Wudi, he managed to entangle the two Myriad Beast Sect strong men.

Although the remaining disciples were not strong enough, when combined, they formed a formation that was equally powerful and entered the battlefield.

These disciples did not want to help Lin Yuan at first. After all, this was their source of income.

The reason why he was mocking them at first was because he felt that Lin Yuan was stupid and had killed them.

But now, seeing how fierce the young master is, beating his opponents and losing ground, they would be really stupid if they don't help!

So one by one, the disciples tried their best to cast various spells, Law Treasure.

All of a sudden, colorful attacks were overwhelming, coming towards the bald man!

Seeing that the Changhe Sect was united, the expressions of the three people changed drastically!

No matter how strong they are, they are still just three people, and besides, there is a weird kid on the other side who is stronger than him!

If they were trapped, the three of them would have no choice but to wait for death!

At this time, the bald man also woke up and took a deep breath subconsciously.

"No, they are going to rebel, retreat quickly and let Ancestor destroy them!"

Having said that, Bald Head was about to escape, but it was already too late.

Lin Yuan stood in mid-air, the water vapor on his body disappeared, replaced by gusts of wind, like a desert storm!

In an instant, the entire sky darkened.

"This is it!" The bald man and his two companions stared wide-eyed, breathing rapidly.

"Impossible, this is another set of realm-transformation techniques. This kid actually has a dual technique, damn it!"

It seems to confirm Bai Wuchen's statement that two sets of exercises are always stronger than one.

After a person learns two methods, he will have more and unpredictable methods in battle.

It's just that everyone knows the truth, but when it comes to learning, few people have the talent to study two books at the same time.

At most, one book can be used for formal practice, and the other can be used for assistance.

Therefore, there are very few people who practice multiple techniques, especially those who are proficient in them.

Judging from the momentum of the sandstorm that erupted on Lin Yuan's body in front of him, it was no weaker than the water flow just now.

There is no doubt that this is the strength that can only be shown after practicing both techniques to the extreme!

At this moment, the strong man finally understood that the opponent was not Law Treasure, but that he himself was strong, and the kind that defied nature!

This made them look as pale as death, and they were already in despair.

Just kidding, against such a master, they will definitely die!

Lin Yuan sneered at this time and stopped having fun. Just now he just used the three of them to hone his cultivation.

Now that he has adapted to everything, he just waved his hand and summoned the violent sand and dust, turning into a giant hand, covering the sky and the sun!

Punch down at the three people below!


Accompanied by the terrifying sandstorm, there are also traces of the Shuiyun Sword mixed in. The combination makes it even more lethal!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the bodies of the three people were torn apart, and the Primordial Spirit was beaten to pieces!

In just a few breaths, he fell neatly, leaving only three storage bags floating in the air.

Lin Yuan grabbed it from the air and put it in his hands.

At this point, the battle was completely over, and the sky was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

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