But he is neither arrogant nor impetuous.

It is very clear that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Especially he understands how terrifying the ancient sect is.

That's not even a clan of mythical beasts.

They even have to retreat to all directions, not daring to occupy the core position of the most prosperous wilderness.

And that is the majesty of Gu Zong!

"That's right, this kind of genius can only be found in large sects. Even if it is not an ancient sect, it should be equal to me. Could it be that it is a higher-level sect?"

Dahuang sects are divided into points.

They are small sect, medium sect, and upper level sect.

Not to mention small sects, they are all on the edge of the wilderness.

Most of the leaders are half-step into the realm, and some are even weaker and cannot even reach half-step.

These are collectively called small sects.

They have everything the sect has and are not big in scale.

The Zhongchang Sect is even more complete.

In the wild world, it is considered the mainstream and has the largest number.

The leader's strength is mostly at the peak of Transformation Realm, or in the middle of Ancestral Realm.

And only upper-class sects have Venerable masters.

However, high-class sects are rare. In the entire wilderness, if you don't count the perverted sects from ancient times, there are only dozens of high-class sects.

Occupy several positions in the core of the wilderness.

Guard the ownership of all important resources.

Only this kind of wealthy people can cultivate geniuses.

"No, even the upper-class sects have to go and take a look. Ordinary upper-class sects who dare to sacrifice themselves to me will have to walk around with nothing to eat!"

The woman in the red dress snorted coldly, looking arrogant.

Although the Phoenix Clan is no match for the ancient sects, ordinary upper-class sects still have to bow their heads!

So, with a flash of her body, she turned into a fire phoenix, flapped its wings, and headed straight for the center of the battle!

At this moment, on the territory of Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

The more Lin Yuan fought, the happier he became.

It's been a long time since he gave it his all.

At this moment, the punch hit Wan Mozi's body, but the opponent resisted the blow, which made Lin Yuan very comfortable.

"Haha, come again, come again!"

As he spoke, Lin Yuan mobilized the four major attributes, transformed them into complete ones again, and punched down in the air.

Wan Mozi's face below was pale.

All I wanted to do was scold my mother.

He had been beaten from the start of the fight until now.

The guy in front of me seemed to have endless energy.

No matter how hard you beat, you can't kill him.

During this period, he struck Lin Yuan several times with his spear.

It stands to reason that the other party who is contaminated by this kind of demonic energy will definitely be injured.

At the very least the mana drain will be slower.

But this guy has no trouble.

On the contrary, the more they fight, the happier they become.

However, what he didn't know was that Lin Yuan didn't have more strength, but that he consumed less.

His Wanfa Jue, even though it can call upon four attributes, can be regarded as a state-transformation technique in the final analysis.

And it’s still half a step.

Because this standard was followed when creating the technique, so in the future, Wan Fa Xue will swallow up more techniques and become more powerful.

But the consumption will be the same as before!

At most, it only adds a hint.

But this didn't matter to Lin Yuan.

You can also recover while fighting, even the consumption cannot keep up with the recovery speed!

Nowadays, Lin Yuan is getting smoother and smoother as he fights.

Become more proficient in calling the four attributes.

It can even split properties apart.

Take action from all directions.

It's like there are really four people fighting at the same time.

But those four people didn’t have much to spend!

"Damn it! Ten thousand demons are coming to kill the immortals!"

Wan Mozi was angered.

Seeing that he is being consumed too quickly, he will definitely die if he continues to fight.

He simply gritted his teeth and bit the tip of his tongue, spurting out a stream of menstrual blood that fell on the spear in his hand.

Suddenly the spear seemed to mutate.

Many black barbs sprouted from the barrel of the gun.

The gun body was like a Monster, actually trembling.

After a while, there were bursts of dragon roars.

"I'll go, this is good stuff!"

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up.

He saw at a glance that this was a good Law Treasure.

I plan to loot it after killing the opponent later.

At this time, Wan Mozi was extremely angry.

I'm going to use my special skills here.

You have no expression next to me.

Are you actually spying on my Law Treasure?

Are you still a human being?

If his strength didn't allow it, Wan Mozi would have wanted to shoot Lin Yuan to death immediately!

However, the reality is that Lin Yuan once again gathered his big hands and moved downwards!

"Looking for death, Black Demon Gun, kill him!"

Wan Mozi's eyes were red, and the demonic aura was scattered around his body, but his aura was weakening visibly.

It was as if everything about him was being swallowed by the spear.

I saw that the black spear absorbed the essence and blood of Wan Mozi, and became thicker and larger visibly to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it was already a thousand feet long.

Standing between the clouds, he shot down at Lin Yuan.

And Lin Yuan might as well make more concessions and stop the flow of water.

Only this time, there are three attributes attached to the broken water.

In mid-air, it transformed into a thicker blade and slashed directly towards the spear!

The two forces violently came into contact in mid-air, bursting out with even brighter light.

This time, Lin Yuan had no reservations, and Wan Mozi also gave a desperate blow.

Therefore, this power is too strong, the vibrating heaven and earth will collapse, and the cracks in the space will be completely punched out!

Bursts of black wind blew out from the extra small cracks, and everything in contact was turned into flying ash and dissipated!

"I'm going! Run away quickly. This is a space crack. Ordinary people who are not as good as ancestors will die immediately if they touch it!"

Huangsha Ancestor on the spaceship fleet led everyone to retreat immediately.

Fortunately, they stayed away from each other at the beginning of the war.

Nowadays, there are many half-step masters here.

Soon the fleet was pulled away from Baili.

At this time, two figures appeared from two directions.

They are the old ancestors of Myriad Beast Sect dressed in white.

And standing on the other side, watching everything, the Phoenix Clan woman!

"This is! The power of one person can be divided into four parts. Could this person be the ancient sect, Limitless Sect?"

The Myriad Beast Sect ancestor took a deep breath.

He saw the whole process of Lin Yuan taking action.

There are four attributes wrapped around one hand.

This made him suspicious.

Because there is a place in the wilderness, the ancient sect Limitless Sect!

The most advanced technique among them is Hua Wuji.

One person can use various attributes.

It's like learning multiple techniques.

Although it is not as good as actually learning it, it can make people in Limitless Sect reach the same level and become invincible!

The Lin Yuan in front of me seems to be it!

The same thought emerged in the minds of Feng women.

"This...could it be the Limitless Sect!"

The woman gasped.

As the genius of this generation of the Phoenix clan.

She is very clear about the major forces in the wilderness.

Among them, there are four ancient sects.

The strongest among them, the top two in terms of combat power, are Limitless Sect.

So, she was impressed.

I instantly regretted coming here.

Because what Limitless Sect hates the most is the mythical beast.

They believe that mythical beasts with fur and horns are not worthy of being with them!

"Who is this?"

At this time, the woman saw the ancestor of Myriad Beast Sect not far away!

The other party also saw the woman.

"This is... a clan of mythical beasts?"

For a while, the two of them had different thoughts.

Myriad Beast Sect ancestor is a bit scary here.

Holy shit!

It’s the Limitless Sect again, and it’s from the mythical beast.

What level is here?

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