Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 325: The Frightened Ancestor Of All Beasts

Could it be that the superior sects are competing here?

Or is it that the Phoenix Clan is having trouble with Limitless Sect.

But no matter what, I can't get involved!

At this time, the Myriad Beast Sect ancestor was almost scared to death.

Although he said he was strong, he was nothing like that in the entire wilderness.

In front of these behemoths, if he said one wrong word, he might lose his mind.

At this time, he could only force it, keep his expression calm, try not to get involved, and at the same time slowly moved back, planning to run away later!

The Phoenix tribe woman on the side was confused.

"This person's cultivation is at the peak of Transformation Realm, and he should be a middle-level sect. But if he doesn't want to be an ancestor, why is he here?"

"Is it possible?"

Suddenly the Phoenix tribe woman's heartbeat accelerated.

Could it be that this person is the protector of the young man in front of me?

That's right, generally powerful, sects invest a lot of resources in cultivating geniuses, just for fear of falling by the wayside.

That would be a big loss.

Therefore, strong people will be arranged to protect them.

And although the old man in front of her is not very strong at the peak of transformation in the woman's eyes, who would believe that he is not a bodyguard when he suddenly appears here?

Moreover, the woman even suspected that there were people in the void who were stronger than herself and were secretly protecting her.

I'm afraid it's not safe to stay here by myself.

Thinking of this, the woman also took a few steps back, hoping to retreat quickly when the time was right.

As for the order from the ancestor of the Phoenix clan.

That's just a mark. As long as the cultivation level reaches the ancestor level, the Phoenix Clan can give it a mark.

There is only one for a lifetime, so this thing is neither precious nor precious.

When facing Wuji, it is better not to provoke him.

At this moment, the shock wave of the battle gradually dissipated.

Lin Yuan flew backwards and smashed several mountain peaks before stopping.

His disheveled hair was slightly injured, but not serious. He repaired his clothes and tidied up his appearance with just a wave of his hand.

Except for the slight puffiness of the breath, it is in perfect condition!

Looking at the other party, his body was torn apart and his soul was gone. As for the Law Treasure, the black spear fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan chuckled, stepped forward easily, grabbed the spear in his hand, and then put it into the storage space.

Only then did Lin Yuan return to the flying fleet. As soon as he landed, people gathered around him.

Ancestor Huangsha looked respectful.

"Young Master is indeed one of the best among men. He may reach the peak of his realm at a young age. When he grows up, he will definitely be another Venerable in the wilderness!"

Thousands of people are wearing it, but they are not wearing it, and the rest of the people also followed suit.

"Yes, the young master is extremely powerful. If we wait and see, it will be a blessing for ten lifetimes!"

"That blow just now, the young master was so elegant..."

Faced with the flattery from everyone, Lin Yuan originally planned to put on a good show.

Suddenly his pupils shrank, and he seemed to have a sense of crisis in his heart.

It was as if a strong person was watching him from the side.

what happened?

Where does this sense of crisis come from?

Lin Yuan's heart moved, and he instantly found the source of the crisis. It was the jade pendant that Bai Wuchen found.

At this time, the jade pendant trembled, seeming to remind Lin Yuan that there was a strong person approaching, and more than one seemed to be two people.

Lin Yuan ignored why this jade pendant suddenly had such effect. After all, now was not the time to study it.

He could only tell that two masters were watching him!

Holy shit! what to do? dying?

Lin Yuan's first thought was that he was being targeted. The opponent was powerful and he didn't realize it at all. If he took action, wouldn't he be dead without his body intact?

But Lin Fan was extremely smart. Although he was frightened in his heart, his face was still full of ruthlessness, looking like a second-generation ancestor.

Gradually he found a solution.

Since others suspect that I have a Venerable father.

Then I'll just pretend.

They didn't dare to verify it anyway.

As a result, Lin Yuan looked relaxed and contented, and his eyes glanced at both sides of him, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

The tone was somewhat mocking.

"What a bad luck. I just came out today to practice my skills. I didn't want anyone to follow me. What's wrong! My dad didn't let those old guys come and gave me another batch!"

"Hide your head and show your tail, get out!"

These two sentences may sound easy to say, but without any discernment or mentality, I would not dare to say them.

Those are two masters. If they get angry, they could be slapped to death.

But the more Lin Yuan acted like this, the more shocked the two people hidden in the void became.

"I'll go! This tone is not that of the second generation ancestor. I won't believe it even if you kill me!"

The ancestor of Myriad Beast Sect has his teeth chattering.

He felt that he was cheating.

If that young man knew that he was also here to kill him, then maybe a hundred lives of his would not be enough to kill him.

The Phoenix tribe woman on the side also frowned!

"This tone! Yes, all the second generation ancestors I have met are like this, arrogant and frivolous!"

"This person is definitely a disciple of the great sect. Even if he is not the Limitless Sect, he is definitely a disciple of the ancient sect!"

Thinking of this, the Feng Clan woman just felt that she shouldn't come this time.

In other words, the boss should come in person. Otherwise, she and the other party are considered peers. If she suddenly takes action, won't she have to finish the game immediately?

Moreover, what the other party said in his words was that someone was following him, and that was probably the old man opposite.

Moreover, there are probably other masters secretly.

Thinking of this, the Fengzu woman turned around and turned into a fire phoenix and disappeared into the void without saying anything.

And this admiration made the Myriad Beast Sect ancestor's heart beat out of his chest.

"I'll go! He'll leave as soon as he lets me, isn't he his bodyguard? He's so strong, he's an ancestor at least!"

In the eyes of the Myriad Beast Sect ancestor at this moment.

That mortal woman is Lin Yuan’s bodyguard!

Just let him go, so obedient, and so strong.

If Lin Yuan told him the truth at this time, in fact, he didn't know that woman, and the ancestor of Myriad Beast Sect probably wouldn't believe it even to death!

As a result, he turned around and walked away, transformed into a White Tiger, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

He didn't want to stay in this place for a second longer!

In this way, the two masters came with their own purposes, but when they approached, they were scared away.

Even one of them, the Myriad Beast Sect ancestor, planned not to come out for the rest of his life.

You don't have to provoke the high-class sects to come to your door.

But Lin Yuan didn't know all this.

But in his mind, he had already guessed that it was almost the same.

Because he had sensed that the white jade pendant in the storage space was no longer trembling.

The crisis in his heart also disappeared, proving that the two powerful men were scared away by him.

At this moment, Lin Yuan took a long breath.

Damn, it’s really a bad time to go out. If I hadn’t been clever and adaptable, I might have ended up here today.

Thinking this in his heart, Lin Yuan laughed on the surface.

"Haha, okay, let's go back to the sect and tell my father about this. Maybe I can reward you with some good things!"

Until now, Lin Yuan was still performing.

He was afraid that the two men would turn back.

So the team set off in great numbers and set off to return!

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