This is his plan.

Gather the twelve border sects, coordinate everything, and create a large sect.

In this way, he truly has a background and the protection of the sect.

Although, it's just the beginning now.

What I gained was only a half-step transformation, and it was not as strong as myself.

But this is just the beginning. As the number of people increases, there will be more strong ones.

At that time, if any two people break through, they will have more realms.

A digital realm sect can be compared to a mid-level sect.

Many middle-level sects are only in the Late Stage.

If there is a fight, it is not certain who will win.

"Young Master, since you want to coordinate everyone, gather them into one sect."

"Then the old slave proposes to redistribute responsibilities and divide identities, because only rules can create a circle and facilitate subsequent management."

Ancestor Huangsha suggested at this time.

As the head of a sect, he is very good at management.

Lin Yuan nodded.

"Indeed, the Changhe Sect needs reform in the future. From now on, I will be the leader, and Huang Sha and others will be the elders."

"The geniuses of your sect are all disciples of the inner sect."

"Now, act immediately and try to complete the reform in a short time. We don't have much time!"

After giving the order, everyone bowed their heads and said yes.

Then they quickly dispersed and each started busy.

As for Lin Yuan, he took a deep breath and took out the jade pendant.

"This thing is indeed magical!"

Lin Yuan murmured to himself.

Bai Ze came closer.

"What's going on? Isn't this only accessible to the ancestral realm?"

The empress also stepped forward and took a closer look.

"This object is all red and white. It should be a Law Treasure, but the grade is too high."

Lin Yuan nodded and told the two of them what he had experienced today.

When they learned that they were almost targeted by an expert, both of them were shocked.

"I'll go, Lin Yuan, you are good at acting, otherwise we would be in trouble!"

Bai Ze looked scared.

"What are you going to do?" The empress was still calm.

Lin Yuan pondered before speaking.

"I don't know. I can't study it clearly now, so I can only carry it with me."

"However, I have a feeling that this thing seems to be spiritual."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't have suddenly appeared at the critical moment to save my life."

Everyone nodded and then Bai Ze said.

"By the way, these are twelve skills, all collected by Jin Da Dao."

"It is the foundation of each major sect. We also made a copy. This is yours."

Lin Yuan took the technique, read it and nodded:

"You go to practice first, I also want to strengthen myself, and then wake me up after all the affairs of the sect are completed!"

Everyone nodded and finally fell into practice.

On Lin Yuan's side, Wanfa Jue has devoured four techniques and is already very strong.

Reached the middle stage of transformation.

This kind of skill is still very popular even in the wilderness.

Today, Lin Yuan still has more than a dozen books in his hands.

There is also a Venerable quality.

Lin Yuan couldn't even imagine if he could learn them all and devour them.

He was afraid that it wasn't the case and he could just cross the line and fight.

"Will you be able to defeat Zu?"

Lin Yuan couldn't help but guess, and then started to devour.

He first immersed himself into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sit cross-legged and meditate, lay out the exercises one by one, and swallow them one by one.

Time quickly passed, and Lin Yuan quickly advanced in the devouring process.

Originally, the skills in the middle stage of transformation directly entered the late stage.

And the more skills he devours, the stronger he becomes.

This increase in strength is not superposition, but doubling.

Sometimes, the two spells work together to achieve a greater effect.

This is why Lin Yuan can defeat Wan Mozi.

Because, he himself is cheating, and the superposition of his skills is doubled.

It is equivalent to more than four realm transformation masters taking action at the same time.

But now, when he devoured the skills, it increased again.

The number of doublings also increases.

By the time half the stick of incense passed, he had already devoured twelve books!

Learn all the core skills of the sect.

At this time, he only took a slight shot, which was twelve times the damage.

Even Lin Yuan can imagine it.

If he were allowed to fight Wan Mozi again, he would probably be able to kill him instantly!

After doing this, Lin Yuan looked at the Venerable technique.

"Venerable, if this is swallowed, it won't burst, right?"

Lin Yuan had never tried it before and was still a little hesitant.

But soon, he felt relieved.

Kung Fu is not strength, it is just a High Level fighting method.

To put it simply, it is no different from equipment.

Therefore, even if the Venerable technique is learned, it will not explode.

At best, you won’t be able to grasp them all at once.

So Lin Yuan tried to use Wanfa Jue to devour it.

Soon, the Venerable technique was gradually devoured by Lin Yuan.

After he swallowed the entire skill.

Lin Yuan only felt that his body was hot and his head felt like it was bursting.

But soon, with the operation of Wanfa Jue, everything was quickly digested.

At the same time, there was an additional method in his mind.

"The sun sets over a long river, and thousands of currents return to the sea. The so-called power of water flow is the long river?"

Lin Yuan muttered to himself unconsciously.

The words you speak contain philosophy, which is the core of the Venerable technique.

And Lin Yuan gradually understood the key to this technique.

Shockingly, he wanted to turn his body into water.

Control the vast ocean, you can adapt to changes, or it can roll!

It can be said that it is a very comprehensive method.

If you master them all, you can basically control the water in the world.

For this reason alone, this technique can afford Venerable.

But that's not the point.

The really strong point is that this technique can change its own structure.

It can turn itself into water.

Become an invisible thing like water.

In this way, as long as you turn into water during a fight, you can ignore the attacks.

Many times, you can kill the enemy by surprise.

"Awesome! It's indeed a Venerable technique. This move to turn water into water is so wretched!"

Lin Yuan gave this technique a supreme evaluation.

Although it sounds a bit obscene, it is the fact.

Being able to make yourself invincible and immune to damage is just wretched, isn't it?

Just when Lin Yuan was happy.

The outside world is also changing rapidly.

After Lin Yuan gave the order, all the twelve border sects took action.

First, the ancestors of the major sects began to relocate their sects.

The various grand formations in the sect and the precious Secret Realm, including the attic.

As long as it is useful, everything will be moved here.

All of them were concentrated near the Changhe Sect.

Here, the Changhe Sect was expanded dozens of times.

At the same time, disciples and elders from various sects were also relocated.

Their ancestors all obeyed, and it was useless for them not to obey.

So it was quickly merged into the Changhe Sect.

Became a disciple of Changhe Sect.

As for the elders, different identities are divided according to the strength of cultivation.

Some can become elders, and some can become disciples.

In short, all parties gathered soon.

Changhe Sect's strength instantly increased dramatically, more than dozens of times.

It also includes an influx of resources.

This enabled many disciples to obtain double their cultivation resources.

At the same time, many exercises were also shared.

And the strength increased by this alone is doubled.

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