Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 328: Learn From Each Other’S Strengths

Because, before, each of them worked on their own and did not reveal their skills to each other.

Many times we encounter various problems during practice.

But it can't be solved.

But after gathering twelve sects.

Their skills almost make up for each other.

By learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, it is easy to succeed in cultivation.

Therefore, the future is foreseeable.

As long as many disciples and elders have passed the adaptation period.

After the subsequent merging of skills, they were able to skyrocket.

Maybe it can be produced in a short time, and there will be no less than a hundred half-transformation realms.

Of course, this is an ideal situation.

If you want to practice to the realm of transformation, you also need talent, insight and luck.

But that's enough.

As long as the base is large enough, there is no need to worry about not having many strong players.

And all these changes, although they only happened on the edge.

It's just a corner in the entire wilderness.

But after all, more than a dozen sects moved at the same time.

The momentum is huge.

There was no secret, so it quickly spread everywhere.

The center of the wilderness, or the area near the center.

This is not really the core, but it is still a prosperous place.

At this moment, a mountain peak was floating in the sky.

There are clouds nearby and mythical beasts flying around.

Under the brilliant glow, a powerful man flew back and forth.

This place is a superior sect called Myriad Monsters sect.

As the name suggests, this sect is similar to the Myriad Beast Sect.

It's just that it's not the beast that drives it, but the Monster.

There is a big difference between the so-called Monster and the beast.

Only powerful beasts can be cultivated into monsters and are called monsters.

On the contrary, it can only be called a Spirit Beast, or a beast.

And this Myriad Monsters Sect is inextricably related to the Myriad Beast Sect.

Currently in the main hall of Myriad Monsters.

A big man in golden armor sat at the top.

His breath was thick, and just his eyes made the void tremble.

It was as if every move he made could shatter the void.

What's even more terrifying is that an Azure Dragon is hovering behind him.

The breath he exhales from time to time is to shatter the void!

This person is the sect leader of Myriad Monsters, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the ancestral realm!

Only half a step away from being a Venerable master!

At this moment, he looked sternly, looking at an old man below.

"It's really embarrassing. As an affiliate of my Myriad Monsters, you are also controlling Monsters."

"But he was so frightened by someone. In my opinion, that person cannot be a disciple of the ancient sect!"

"But you ran away with your tail between your legs. What crime should you do?"

Below is the leader of the Myriad Beast Sect, who is groveling at the moment.

Facing this middle-aged man, even he had to be respectful.

"Ancestor, please calm down. At that time, a Phoenix Clan woman appeared. She was very powerful, so I didn't dare to take action."

At this time, the ancestor of Myriad Beast Sect screamed in his heart.

Last night, he returned from the wilderness border.

I thought it would be fine if the mountain gate was closed.

But who knows, the news will be exposed.

His main sect, the Myriad Monsters sect, sent an order to find him.

Ask about what happened at that time.

The ancestor of Myriad Beast Sect also described it in detail.

But the master of Myriad Monsters didn’t believe it at all.

I even felt that this was a disgrace to their faction!

Their faction is alone in the wilderness.

The other practitioners are cultivating themselves and strengthening themselves.

The Myriad Monsters Sect Myriad Beast Sect is different.

According to rumors, they were inherited from ancient sects.

The core of the sect is to control Monsters for your own use.

After controlling it, you can also share your cultivation with Monster.

In this way, as Monster grows, so do they themselves.

Later, the Myriad Monsters sect wanted to more easily control the edge of the wilderness.

Therefore, a faction had to be divided and sent to remote areas.

Become an informant for the Myriad Monsters clan.

This faction was not originally popular among the sect.

It can only be regarded as a sideline.

The strongest among them is the ancestor of the Myriad Beast Sect.

In other words, the Myriad Monsters clan is actually his family.

And the Myriad Beast Sect is just a side branch.

"Haha, Phoenix Clan? But it's just Monster."

"You are so cowardly in the face of beasts. From now on, you will be relieved of your position."

"But you can make up for it and kill that kid!"

"If you can do it, not only will you be reinstated, but you will also become my disciple!"

The voice of the leader of Myriad Monsters came out slowly.

However, this made the Myriad Beast Sect master look pale.

What the hell?

Let me kill that boy.

Doesn't this kill me?

Even if that kid is not from the ancient sect.

The many strong men around him also proved that he must have a great background.

If we kill him, won't there be no peace forever?

However, facing the leader of Myriad Monsters, he could only nod.

"As you command!"

Then he walked out of the hall with desolation.

And wait until the master of Myriad Beast Sect leaves.

The leader of Myriad Monsters looked solemnly and glanced at the Azure Dragon behind him.

"Do you think it could be an ancient sect or someone from the Phoenix Clan?"

The Azure Dragon behind him spoke human words.

"Probably not. I know all the ancient sects, and I've met a few of their playboy disciples. There shouldn't be anyone like this."

"Especially the Limitless Sect. They haven't opened the mountain gate for thousands of years. I even suspect that Venerable in their sect has fallen and they don't dare to come out to see anyone."

"They may not be able to protect themselves, not to mention that it is simply impossible to send disciples to practice."

The leader of Myriad Monsters nodded.

It turned out that his informant informed him last night that someone was causing trouble at the border of Dahuang.

And he is probably from the ancient sect, Limitless Sect.

His first thought was to ignore it. It would be better to have one less thing than one more thing.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

Because Limitless Sect, as an ancient sect, usually does not care about worldly affairs.

Why did you suddenly send your disciples out for training?

This doesn't make sense.

But if he is not their disciple, then there is only one possibility.

That kid got some kind of inheritance, and he got it by accident.

As a result, he became greedy.

However, I didn’t dare to test it myself.

I am afraid that the other party is really an ancient sect.

Therefore, I found the ancestor of Myriad Beast Sect and asked him to try the water.

If he is really strong, then he can completely pretend not to know about this matter.

Even if someone comes to his door, he can still act stupid.

Leave the blame to Myriad Beast Sect.

On the contrary, if the other party is just pretending to be powerful.

So for him, it was like picking up a secret book of exercises for nothing!

He was excited at the thought of a technique comparable to Limitless Sect.

"Haha, I hope it can happen this time, and we also hope to break through Venerable!"

On the edge of the wilderness, deep in the void.

There were volcanoes all over the place, and the air was scorching with heat.

This is the territory of the Phoenix clan.

At this time, the woman in red skirt fell from the sky and arrived in front of the ancestor of the Feng clan.

"Lord Ancestor, that person is probably from Limitless Sect!"

The woman told him all about her experience.

After Lao Feng learned everything, he looked thoughtful.

"That shouldn't be the case. I know Limitless Sect is a group of lunatics with violent temperaments."

"But in the past thousand years, they have suddenly kept a low profile. I even suspect that their ancestors died, so they had to keep a low profile."

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