Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 654: hit the mandarin duck

He had actually thought about it before, since the existence of this Wuzhuang trumpet is of little significance to him now, it is better to directly raise it up, relying on the whole set of 15-forged equipment on his body, to the altar of the Martial God. Also a good guy.

But back then, in order to get this set of no-levels on his body, he put a lot of effort into it, and it was really reluctant to let him raise the level casually.

In addition, most of his energy is now devoted to the Tiangong number, and he can't take much time to manage the Wuzhuang number for the time being, so after careful consideration, he decided to maintain the status quo for the first time, and wait for the need in the future. Make another decision.

Without thinking any further, Fang Yun stopped the account of the five villages with official titles hanging on the trustee assistant, stopped it, and hurried towards the ring after re-setting it for a while.

As the New Year is approaching, the number of online players in Bianliang City is rising steadily every day. No matter where you go, you can see a large number of players.

As the official designated place for fighting, the Chang'an arena is now crowded with countless players.

With the continuous update of the game version, players' understanding of the game is getting deeper and deeper, and they are constantly moving towards a higher level in terms of practice and hardware. .

It is precisely because of this that while the strength is getting better and better, everyone's desire to fight is also getting stronger and stronger.

Of course, Fang Yun was no exception.

As a noble person, a person who is out of vulgar taste, his pursuit of sentiment is more pure than ordinary people, in other words, he is heavier than ordinary people.

That's why he didn't come to fight with Qiancheng or Qianren.

With the damage of Qiancheng and Qianren, once they reach the arena, it will be a complete fish-bombing. Whether it is a lone wolf or a full set, there will be a group of corpses in front of these two numbers. The difference is only early death or late death.

It's easy to get tired of bullying little friends, so instead of using those two numbers to spoil the fun, it's better to use the Wuzhuang number that is not so exaggerated in all aspects, and at least you can enjoy the joy of going back and forth.

Standing under the ring, Fang Yun first glanced at the crowd above, found that there were no acquaintances, pouted, and then clicked the mouse to board.

As soon as he boarded the ring, he didn't give him any time to react at all, and he saw the game screen suddenly turn and he was dragged into the battle in an instant!

Looking at the game screen that has already entered the battle, Fang Yun was not surprised at all, and directly raised his eyes and swept towards the opposite side.

At this time, there were two players who appeared opposite him, one was holding the God of Thunder God Soldier, and the other was Xuan Cai'e with Liuyun around his waist.

The names of these two people are very interesting. Xuan Cai'e is called 'Le Duo', while Shen Tianbing is called 'Yakult'. The relationship between the two is clear at a glance.

"How about Lele, I'll say Xing Tian Zhi Ni is handsome, right?"

"It's very good-looking, but there's no need to get someone else, right? What if I can't beat it?"

"It's okay, it's definitely no problem for the two of us to fight!"

"That's a... escort? That's weird."

After dragging Fang Yun into the battle, the couple on the opposite side did not rush to do it, but chatted on the public screen.

From the chat content, it can be seen that the purpose of the two of them clicking on themselves is actually very simple, just to see the Xingtian Reverse in his hand.

Fang Yun has long been taken aback by this, there are people who can say anything in the arena, some are just here to fight and have fun, some are like the young couple on the opposite side to see the appearance of high-end weapons, and some are always happy to dismantle the team.

In the past, Fang Yun was a famous team-breaking madman, but after his rebirth, he was busy a lot, and he was not so keen on team-breaking.

A moment later, as the 30-second battle countdown ended, in the surprised eyes of the young couple on the opposite side, they saw the Dragon Prince who was holding the Xingtian Rebellion rush out instantly, and poked at Yakult with a 'Misty Rain Sword Technique'!


With one shot, Yakult's blood volume disappeared in half in an instant, and before he could speak, the second shot of 98k followed closely!


As the second shot fell, Yakult, which was full of blood at the beginning, slanted, and instantly fell to the floor with a "thump"!

"Fuck me, Liwuzhuang?! #glare"

"What is Liwuzhuang?"

It was not until the 98k of the Misty Rain Swordsmanship was finished that the young couple on the opposite side reacted, and they were immediately dumbfounded!

Liwuzhuang is a real rarity these days. After all, the power growth of the immortals is too low, and the financial resources and energy of building Liwuzhuang are enough to create a more superb Datang or Lion Camel.

They probably would never have imagined that the Li Wuzhuang, who brought down the full-blooded Yakult with two shots, was only level 69. If they knew about this, they would probably have their three views exploded.

After 98k finished his shot, he saw the fairy hibiscus in front of Yakult rushing out immediately and kicked the guard in front of 98k!



As soon as he kicked it down, he saw that a painless, itchy injury floated from the guard's head, and then a shock was suddenly triggered, and more than 200 of Furong's blood was shaken out.

"What kind of guard is this, why is it so hard, is it a blood pet?"

"I always feel that this Wuzhuang is weird..."

Seeing that her own Furong only kicked off 500 blood on the opposite baby, and even lost more than 200 blood by the shock, Yakult, lying on the ground, couldn't help scratching his head, realizing that this time he really kicked the iron plate.

A moment later, after Ledo's parade deity, a fly swatter, swatted over the guard and slapped the guard with more than 400 blood, he saw that the guard suddenly moved!

Good and Evil Pay (Evil)—

In the confused expressions on the young couple's faces, they saw that the guard, who was as hard as a tortoise, suddenly activated a skill that they did not expect, and then swooped towards the hibiscus of Yakult!

Crit - 1436!


A golden light lit up, and I saw that the HP of this Hibiscus Fairy had just been emptied, and it flew out of the field!

The key is that while Furong was slashed by a critical strike, this strange guard actually sucked back more than 400 blood, which made the Yakult couple be stunned for a while.

Immediately afterwards, after the only surviving Ledo on the opposite side threw a tornado to suppress the 98k characters and the baby with a small amount of blood, the first round of battle ended quickly.

Soon, the 30-second battle countdown at the top of the screen The two sides immediately came to the second round.

But what the Yakult couple never expected was that, as the second round of battle began, 98k, who had the upper hand in the first round, suddenly turned around, instead of chasing the rest of the Leduo, but with a His own guard chose to escape!

Ding Ding Deng

With the sound of running away from the earphones, looking at 98k, who soon disappeared from view, the Yakult couple, who thought they were going to be destroyed, sat in front of the computer and looked at each other for a while...

"Hmph, let you spread dog food in front of Lao Tzu!"

Fang Yun, who trotted away from the battle and successfully separated the Yakult couple, only felt refreshed at this time, and did not feel any guilt after hitting the mandarin ducks.


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