Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 655: Demolition of the mad demon, come back to the arena!

Although it has been a long time since he has done such a thing, Fang Yun is still the former team-breaking madman in essence. Once he gets a chance, he must be disgusted by others before he is willing to give up.

After dismantling the Yakult couple, Fang Yun, who felt that Ye Qinghui, controlled the Wuzhuanghao to continue walking on the arena, his eyes swept across the full formations, and wanted to break up a few more teams to play.

To say how boring people's bad tastes are, at this moment, Fang Yun is personally verifying it.

It's a pity that although there are many full formations in the arena, almost all of these teams are in battle. Even if he wants to break up the team, he can't find a chance for a while, and he can't help scratching his head in a hurry.

Just when he thought about not playing if there was no team to dismantle, he saw a bone elf with the captain icon above his head holding a Coiling Dragon suddenly left the battle, and the captain icon above her head did not disappear.

If the icon did not disappear, it meant that they had just won a battle. Based on the principle that any abuse is abuse, Fang Yun decisively clicked on the opponent to enter the battle without any hesitation!




As soon as she entered the battle, after discovering that the one who dragged her team into the battle turned out to be a lone wolf, the bone elf on the opposite side and her teammates all felt inexplicable.

At the same time, Fang Yun, who finally succeeded, was also surprised at this time, because he saw a familiar figure on the opposite side. .

"Taro... Isn't this guy leveling up? Why is he free to play in the arena?"

Looking at the taro standing in the opposite corner holding the flying dragon in the sky, this time it was Fang Yun's turn to scratch his head. The reason is very simple. He knows the situation of the taro too well.

As a former five-good youth and rich second generation, after Liu Siyu was completely fascinated by fantasy, he spared no effort in creating his account, which was no less than the money spent by Huang He and a few old fritters.

Under this circumstance, Taro's strength improved very fast, not only the level had risen to 135, but also the cultivation and equipment went hand in hand, and it was moving forward in the direction of a big five village.

In the face of such a big five village with software and hardware up to standard and a high level, Fang Yun's 69 small five villages have no advantages at all.

Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance for the second time he broke up the team. The key point is that this acquaintance's strength is quite good. Fang Yun shook his head, knowing that he was going to be planted nine times out of ten.

But it doesn't matter. When he decided to use this small five villages to do things in the arena, he knew that he would definitely not be able to be crushed like a thousand cities and a thousand blades. It is normal for high-level players to be crushed. Have this mental preparation.

At the same time, looking at the Prince Long standing opposite, Liu Siyu just frowned and didn't notice any surprises.

Although the trumpet Fang Yun knew Meng Ge and Beast Master, but because they hadn't played together for too long, the two brothers and sisters probably forgot about it, and naturally it was impossible to mention it to the new driver Liu Siyu.

A moment later, as the 30-second countdown at the top of the screen ended, in Fang Yun's unexpected eyes, he saw that Liu Siyu didn't use the sun and moon to seal him, but suddenly launched the "Smoke and Rain Sword Technique" to attack him!

"I'm going...what does this guy want to do?"

At the same time that Liu Siyu's five villages were attacking him at high speed, Fang Yun couldn't help but be shocked, not knowing what this guy was thinking.



Two spears were stabbed by the sword technique, and in an awkward atmosphere, Taro quickly returned to the queue, leaving only a few teammates who looked at each other and Fang Yun who was about to laugh.

Obviously, after getting the levelless flying dragon from his hands, Liu Siyu, who has always had a soft spot for damage, began to have ideas again, and felt that he could also play damage.

But in the face of 98k, who is a 15-level and no-level Wuzhuang, it is impossible for him to deal enough crushing damage. If the gap between the two sides is not too big, he may not even be able to break the defense with these two shots...

But after Taro returned to the queue, he saw that the next shot was not someone else, but Fang Yun's Xiaowuzhuang!

With the blessing of two pieces of 15-forged black gemstone equipment, the speed of his small Wuzhuang has reached 500 points.

When it was his turn to shoot, he also started with the Misty Rain Sword Technique, and rushed towards the bone elf holding a Coiling Dragon in the middle of the opposite side!



With two quick stabs, the bone elf's blood volume instantly dropped to less than 1,000 points. If it weren't for the fact that she was an underworld, she would probably have already knelt down at this time.

Seeing the damage of the two shots stabbed by 98k, Liu Siyu was almost stunned, thinking that everyone is also a five village, why is this five village so much higher than his own damage?

But before he could think about it, several teammates had agreed to send the opponent away as soon as possible, so after 98k returned to the queue, the two big Tangs in Liu Siyu's team made a decisive move, launched a sweep, and rushed over!

In the face of two Datangs holding enhanced weapons, no matter how strong the 98k hardware was, but because the level was crushed too hard, he quickly fell to the floor under the sweep of six consecutive knives.

98k fell to the ground, and everyone's next target immediately came to the big turtle in front of him.

This big turtle was watched by their group from the beginning. After all, even at this period, Fang Yun, who brought a big turtle to find trouble in the formation at the beginning, was also the first one, and it was full of ridicule.

But what the group of them didn't expect was that after the faster players on both sides made their shots, this big turtle, which seemed to be bigger than existence, actually suppressed the babies in front of them in speed, and the turtle shell turned over. Take the lead!

Smashing Huashan——

In the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, including Liu Siyu, they saw that this seemingly harmless sea turtle suddenly activated a skill that did not match its identity, and rushed towards their bone elf captain!


As the big turtle swooped in and slammed I saw the bone elf captain who didn't have much blood for a while, and then "thumped" and fell to the floor!


Looking at the bone elf captain who was suddenly thrown to the ground by the big turtle, Liu Siyu, who was originally shocked, suddenly narrowed his eyes and realized what might happen next!

Sure enough, after Captain Bone Elf fell to the ground, the babies of the other people shot one after another. After a round of beatings, the turtle couldn't hold it any longer. Quickly flew out of the field.

After 98k and his big turtles were all cleared from the game, Liu Siyu and his teammates did not have the slightest joy of victory, because they couldn't accept it yet, and one day they would be dismantled by a big turtle. ...


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