Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 656: Back to Beijing, new home

"God's will..."

Inexplicably, Liu Siyu was dismantled from the team. Even Fang Yun felt a little surprised and couldn't help but sigh.

To be honest, when he found Liu Siyu opposite at the beginning, he had already planned to lie down and die.

After all, in the face of Wuzhuangguan, who has a lot of blood and defense and high speed, he is not dominant in all aspects.

But he didn't expect that Liu Siyu's good sun and moon universe would not be used. He had to use the misty and rain swordsmanship to poke it. The key was the damage he pokes. Obviously, he did not attack and repair, which is a bit too impersonal.

The price of not being a human being is very serious. After completely not expecting the damage of Fang Yun, the small Wuzhuang, and the poor defense of their Bone Elf captain, it is normal for the team to be dismantled.

But after this battle, Fang Yun also realized that he always likes to use the trumpet to make trouble with the big one.

It is true that his trumpet is unranked, but the problem is that this unranked body cannot occupy much advantage under the suppression of ranks. .

What's more, apart from the levelless on him, the highest level of his group of babies is 79. No matter how talented the beast is, no matter how much he fights, he will not be able to deal any explosive damage under the suppression of the level, and sometimes even break it. Can't do it.

Fortunately, this is just a competition in the arena, no matter who wins or loses, there is nothing to lose, so after successfully dismantling the second team, Fang Yun did not leave, but swept his eyes quickly in the crowd, aiming at the next target and immediately rushed. past!


Before you know it, the new year is half over.

Since returning to Zhongzhou, Fang Yun has basically spent the rest of his time in the game except for occasionally visiting Li Sitong's house or visiting the elders in the orphanage.

Starting from New Year's Eve, after he came back and touched the fish for several days, he immediately entered the rhythm of the liver emperor again, and plunged into the Spring Festival activities with his big trumpet.

This year's Spring Festival activities are actually a bit perfunctory in Fang Yun's opinion, almost completely copying the previous year's model, still the same as sending the kitchen **** to draw the beast, and he couldn't help but wonder if Brother Sanshi did not plan this year Enough red envelopes.

But it doesn't matter if the model is old, as long as the experience is enough, he doesn't care even if the 100% writing wheel comes over.

Under the madness of the darkness, his Tiangong number was naturally upgraded quickly. Now it has risen to level 138, and he only needs to replenish his skills and it will almost be able to soar.

At the same time as the Crazy Liver Spring Festival activities, he did not forget to contact Sujiu Liu Ximeng.

But unfortunately, when Sujiu was about to go on holiday, something went wrong in the company. Not to mention her, even their bosses didn't have a holiday. A group of high-level executives all stayed in the magic capital to deal with the trouble.

Sujiu couldn't come back. After Fang Yun took time to have a dream with Liu Xi, he suddenly realized that he no longer seemed to have the need to stay in Zhongzhou.

In the past few days, the Beast Master called him to urge him to go back to the capital when he had nothing to do, saying that the brothers pushed the dinner time back and forth, and he would be over if he didn't go back to the New Year.

Being urged by the beast master, and he really has nothing to do in Zhongzhou, so after the tenth day of the first day, Fang Yun has already started to prepare to return to Beijing.

The reason why I chose to return to Beijing after the tenth day was actually because the dreamy Spring Festival activities ended on this day.

Fang Yun is looking forward to the stars and the moon, and he is counting on the anniversary + Spring Festival activities to help him upgrade his Tiangong number by a few levels. Now that the activities have ended, he naturally doesn’t have to stay here long after the harvest is full. It’s time to go back to the capital. .

In fact, the reason why he decided to return to Beijing so early this time was because he was urged by the beast masters and the others, and secondly, he planned to go to Yefengtan to clean up his villa before school started.

As early as two days before New Year's Eve, Liu Siyu called to tell him that the villa had been completely completed, so that he would take time to visit and take a look. By the way, he could also start buying household items.

Although he will not live there for the time being, Fang Yun still likes the environment there. He has long thought about it. As long as he cleans up the inside and outside, he will live there for a while if he has time.

Taking the time to go to Li Sitong's house to say goodbye to Uncle Li and Aunt Chen, under the reluctant eyes of the little apprentice, Fang Yun, who had already packed his luggage, boarded his m3, stepped on the accelerator and hurried to the capital.


"Tsk tsk tsk, this house is truly amazing!"

A week later, Beijing.

Standing in Fang Yun's villa, the beast lord shook his head and couldn't help sighing: "Compared with you, the city lord, my place is simply a pigsty!"

At that time, after Fang Yun rushed back to the capital, the beastmaster immediately took him to the old place for a dinner. When he heard that he planned to clean up the villa, he immediately decided to help. After a busy week, he finally cleaned up the place. come out.

After adding various household items and cleaning, the villa is now fully occupied.

If nothing else, Fang Yun will live here before school starts, so he can adapt to the environment here as soon as possible.

Originally, he thought that because the community was newly built, the various supporting facilities might not be so mature, but soon he found himself thinking too much.

As a real high-end community, the various supporting facilities of Yefengtan have completely exceeded the scope of ordinary needs. For a bachelor like Fang Yun, he can eat whatever he wants without leaving home. of mountain and sea delicacies, or various commodities to be used.

Of course, all of this is based on a sufficient purse, but those who can live in Yefengtan are the ones who are not bad at money. For Fang Yun, as long as it can provide him with convenience, spending a little money is nothing at all.

After learning that Fang Yun intends to come to Yefengtan to live frequently from now on, and finally gave this great neighbor to the beast master who was looking forward to it, he has been very excited in recent At that time, Fang Yun returned to Beijing to talk to everyone During the dinner, I just mentioned that my new house needs a few computers, but I didn't expect that after the big guy came home after dinner, the beast master took people to run with six top-equipped computers early in the morning. When I came here, I completed the assembly and debugging as soon as I moved to the study, and the efficiency was outrageous.

With such a warm-hearted guy who is not bad for money as a neighbor, although he has not officially moved in, Fang Yun can already feel that his future life will be very exciting and lively.

With the computer, the problem of eating has been solved again, and the villa is almost cleaned up inside and out. Fang Yun decided to live here from today and return to the Oasis Garden after school starts.

In the evening, Huang He and Liu Siyu were all called up, and they gathered in Fang Yun's villa for a lively meal, and they did not leave until two or three in the morning.


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