Under the moonlight, Chen Xuanzang wore a white dress, which was extraordinarily enchanting. He had delicate features, and under the superb make-up skills of the reincarnation, he was three points better than Miss Duan. Xuanzang put his hands on his chest and said helplessly: "That Master, I think it's better to let other people do something so technical. I think Miss Duan is pretty good..."

"Shut up!" Wukong made a gesture to shut up, and said to the magician, "Your proposal won the heart of my grandson! I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"This time I volunteered to do the planning, choreography and composition of this project. Let me tell you, it's not for bragging. I also have some accomplishments in dance and music. In this way, the stage layout! A steel pipe, I still have a small tiger skin skirt carefully collected here, let him wear it too!"

Wukong took out a tiger skin skirt from nowhere, shook it off, and said to Miss Duan: "White clothes are out of date! Do you know if you want to leak it? It needs to be warmed up, and the blood of pig monsters must boil , to arouse its animal desire."

"That's it!" Wukong bared his canine teeth and made a biting expression.

"Tiger skin skirt, right!" Wukong whispered: "Female fairy! Spider spirit, apricot tree spirit, jade rabbit spirit, white mouse spirit, bone spirit, and the queen of the daughter country. You really have all kinds of tastes! I will send you to learn Buddhist scriptures, eat and sleep on the way, a lot of hard work, and there are all kinds of ferocious and weird monsters, and you are the only one who loves you all the way."

"This time, my grandson, if I don't play you into a flower, my surname will not be Sun!"

The magician who heard something next to him hadn't reacted yet, what tiger skin skirt, what female goblin, when he thought of some clues, he suddenly felt a deep fear - "There is a chilling feeling of terror!"

Ms. Duan was beside her, half of whom thought it was funny, and the other half said sympathetically, "Mr. Sun, he doesn't seem to know how to dance yet!"

Wukong looked back at her: "Then you will?"

"I don't know how either!" Miss Duan touched her hair and said helplessly, "My family is from a family of martial arts. My father never taught me the tricks of those daughters' family when I was young. He only taught me how to practice martial arts."

"Your father loves you very much!" Wukong said with emotion.

Miss Duan asked puzzledly, "Why did Mr. Sun say that?"

"People! You have to hold your destiny in your own hands, or you will be like him..." Wukong pointed at Chen Xuanzang and said, "Let others manipulate you!"

"But I don't want to practice martial arts, and I don't want to be an exorcist." Ms. Duan said helplessly: "My ideal is to find a good husband, have a cute child, and live a simple life. Even if I am at the mercy of others ...There's nothing wrong with that!"

Wukong shook his head and said: "It's not that kind of meaning to be manipulated by others, you are thinking wrong!"

"The so-called being at the mercy of others means that you are unable to realize even the simplest and most humble idea. It is your every move, which is like a puppet on a string. Manipulation is your most basic dignity. Trampling. There are too many people in this world who can't help themselves, that kid wants to persuade me to let go of my demonic nature."

"In fact, where is my demon nature? It's all the demon nature defined by him!" Wukong said with emotion: "About this world, you still know too little. Have you ever seen all sentient beings give up themselves because of the pain in the world and devote themselves to a world?" The helplessness in the illusory dreamland. Have you ever seen those people who cannot help themselves, for the sake of the final dignity, the anger of everyone. Have you ever seen the people who are persecuted and insulted in the world, the unwilling roar! "

"At that time, his Buddha, can he save them?"

"Buddha can't save sentient beings... Only sentient beings can save yourself. When you see these things, will you look up to the sky and ask Him... What can you do? What have you done?"

"Then Mr. Sun, what have you done?" Ms. Duan was a little dissatisfied. Although she could not understand Chen Xuanzang's pedantic appearance, she still had to protect the dignity of the person she loved.

Wukong laughed and said, "So I never promised anything!"

After talking about this topic, Wukong asked Ms. Duan: "It doesn't matter if you don't know how to dance! Come on, come on,

Find out about the puppet character. But Ms. Duan was surprised and said, "How do you know that I have an obedient talisman." "

"This name is too low-level!" Wukong shook his head while holding the two human-shaped talisman papers: "The level of education of exorcists nowadays is getting lower and lower. In those days, exorcists without education level were all They were discriminated against. At that time, they were all talents trained in Buddhism and Taoism. They could talk about mystery and poetry. It was an era of exorcism with poetry and swords."

"Compared to the rough embryos of your family, I don't know how elegant it is. You can also discuss with me the inheritance of oracle bone inscriptions and Dongsheng Shenzhou culture, the textual research of Shan Hai Jing and the dialectics of the origin of monsters!"

"The name Puppet Talisman has the elegance of the Three Generations Period, and the mystery of the Three Emperors Period..." Wukong beckoned a few reincarnations and asked, "Which one of you dances better?"

Ramir Khan volunteered: "We Indian boys are good at singing and dancing, enthusiastic and funny, of course I will do my part!"

"From Tianzhu?" Wukong looked up and down: "Please go away from the ethnic customs dance. The style of our choreography this time is surreal, hot, primitive, and animalistic. I want to bring a little enthusiasm and passion from the ignorance and prehistoric period." The release of the demon is that kind of feeling, very wading."

"To match the steel poles on the stage, perform that kind of obscene style." Wukong said a lot, and asked: "Which of you can do it?"

The magicians peeked at each other, and suddenly pointed their hands at the real Hans, who was pointing at Abe Seimei in embarrassment.

"Why me?" The real Hans said in surprise: "I am a German, strict, rigid, and elegant. You can tell me to bury me in the sewer for the rest of my life, but if you ask me to dance, it's a bit embarrassing for me."

Abe Seimei explained: "Is it rigorous? There is some disagreement about which of us is more refined, but in terms of coquettishness, we Japanese feel inferior."

"I remember that the pole dance movement was the best developed by the Germans." Zhuang Bifan explained.

The magician smiled and said, "If we Americans make a fuss, the whole world will kneel, if the Japanese make a fuss, we Americans will kneel, if the Germans make a fuss, no one else will have anything to do!"

The real Hans was speechless, so he had to stick a puppet talisman and guide him on the spot.

Finally, many preparations were settled. Under the moonlight, Wukong stood in front of a row of drum sets, surrounded by magicians, Zhuang Bifan, Abe and others with electric guitars, basses and electronic keyboards, plus top speakers and stage facilities. , and a Viking man tuning in.

The magician said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, there are so many music lovers among us. My private collection of top-level outdoor speaker equipment is equipped with Abe's top Yamaha musical instruments, plus Mark (Viking Dahan)'s electronic music. Accomplishments. I will definitely be able to perform a top-level performance.”

Zhuang Bifan touched the electric guitar and picked out a series of intense vibrato, like a devil's teeth.

He opened his eyes, his eyes sparkled, and he turned to Wukong and said, "Mr. Sun, it's okay to leave the drum set to you!"

Wukong sneered, his hands slid out a series of afterimages, and the fierce jazz drum beat instantly caught up with Zhuang Bifan's rhythm, and by the way, he accelerated the rhythm, forcing Zhuang Bifan to almost break the guitar strings.

"You should worry about the drum!"

Abe Seimei said seriously: "Yamaha quality is trustworthy!"

The magician said quietly: "America is the sanctuary of rock music!"

Viking Big Han Mark said seriously: "Nordic electronic music is not weaker than others!"

Following Zhuang Bifan's convulsive hand speed, the prelude of the electric guitar suddenly sounded, which aroused everyone's emotions, and then Wukong's meritorious drum set followed. The fierce drumbeat and changing rhythm seemed to combine classical and trendy Melting together, the magician as the bass player fully sets off the mood.

Mark's tuning did not improve the sound that could not be modified. But the electronic music factor he cleverly added added a touch of psychedelic feeling to this atmosphere.

As the keyboard player, Abe danced uncontrollably.

Zhuang Bifan's hoarse voice opened with a faint sigh.

Chen Xuanzang stood on the rock, half undressed, and a pair of slender thighs set off by a short tiger skin skirt, which made him even more enchanting. One of his legs was coiled on the steel pipe, and the other was slightly raised, touching the sexy body like a young woman. , with a hint of girlish playfulness, with the music, the waist twisted like a water snake.

The real Hans with the guidance of the puppet charm at the side showed the temptation and enchantment of Jiwu to the fullest.

The hoarse singing voice faintly spread far away——

The past is now gone~ never come again

Red and red fallen leaves long buried in the dust

Beginning and ending ~ always the same

You in the sky ~ drifting outside the white clouds

Following Chen Xuanzang's mad dance, in the distance... a ferocious roar shattered the sky.

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