Chen Xuanzang opened his eyes quietly, and the first thing that caught his eyes was Wukong's hairy face and thunderous mouth. Such a big face filled his sight, which shocked Chen Xuanzang who had just woken up, and he backed up again and again, staggering to the back Go, hide beside the stone, and said to Wukong: "When did Mr. Sun wake up, I'm so scared!"

Wukong turned around and said: "I didn't sleep! I ask you, have you influenced the fish demon?"

"I had a good talk with him. He has realized his mistakes and decided to change his face and start a new life." Chen Xuanzang said with emotion. At this time, he found that the magician and others also appeared behind him, but the expression on his face was a little weird.

The magician stared at a pair of bruised eyes, and said to Chen Xuanzang: "It seems that the 're-enactment of the case' is very helpful for exorcism, and you are also very suitable to learn from me how to awaken the demon's humanity. But this fish demon, you decide how to deal with it he."

Chen Xuanzang took out the fish demon doll and said: "He decided to follow me, learn Buddhist practice from me, and atone for the sins he committed. So I decided to accept him as a disciple. From now on, he will be my disciple. The name—— Wujing!"

But Wukong said with a smile: "It's okay to say that this fish demon is kind in nature. As long as his demonic nature is temporarily sealed, someone will understand and feel his pain, and it will not be difficult to resolve its resentment, but Zhu Gangli is different. He In fact, he is greedy for money, lustful, and was victimized by his wife and adulterer, I am afraid that a word of empathy will not be able to resolve his grievances."

Chen Xuanzang looked at Wukong's eloquent talk, but he was a little taken aback. He faltered and said: "Mr. Sun still understands this?"

"Why can't I understand?" Wukong looked back at him in surprise, pointed to himself and said, "Do I look very ignorant and ignorant? Let me tell you, you are still far behind in terms of Buddhism!"

"It seems that Mr. Sun really has a deep demonic nature, which cannot be resolved by idle Buddhism." Chen Xuanzang sighed.

The magician nodded and said: "Besides, Sun Wukong is different from those two monsters. They are hateful out of love, resentment out of injustice, and their demonic nature is born of human nature. But Mr. Sun is born holy, with a demonic nature naturally formed and deeply rooted." He leaned into Chen Xuanzang's ear and whispered: "Sun Wukong is not a monster transformed from a human, he is probably a born devil, inhumane, very dangerous!"

Chen Xuanzang whispered to him, "Then what should we do?"

"The purpose of our exorcism is to awaken the truth, kindness and beauty in the demon's heart. When encountering such a demon who has no humanity at all, he will naturally not have truth, kindness and beauty in his heart. At this time, we must let him feel humanity. First, he must become human. , and then you can eradicate the demon nature." The magician whispered: "Sun Wukong is worthy of being the king of demons. Just now you entered the heart of the fish demon, felt the pain in his heart, and returned to the old dream. It was not me who manipulated it, but it."

"Just now I entered the memories of the Heavenly Court Rolling Curtain General. I dreamed that when the former Rolling Curtain General met him and caused a disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, he was beaten terribly. Did you see my eyes?" The magician pointed at his bruises. Eye sockets: "Sun Wukong in the dream, so powerful! So scary!"

"Our routine, in its view, is nothing more than mediocre."

"To influence this need Chen Xuanzang to dedicate your life to all sentient beings!"

"Me?" Chen Xuanzang pointed to his nose in surprise, the magician nodded and patted his shoulder: "Yes, it's you."

Chen Xuanzang looked back subconsciously, but saw Wukong smiling and saying: "Young man, you are still close!"

He twisted his fingertips: "It's just a little short!"

This familiar sentence reminded him of his master, and he suddenly thought that he was dazzled, so he shook his head, and Wukong's shadow gradually became clear, and Wukong immediately changed his face and said with a sneer: "You are joking! You are still far away. As a Mahayana disciple, there is still an insurmountable obstacle in your heart - the petty love between men and women, so you are not the one who learns the scriptures yet."

"Only when the man who beat your woman to ashes and puts your ring on him will you become the one who learns the scriptures.


"Mr. Sun, I don't understand what you are talking about." Chen Xuanzang asked doubtfully.

But the reincarnated people next to him all opened their eyes wide as if they had seen a ghost. Wukong sat down and explained to him: "Actually, it is like this. In your previous life, you were Jin Chanzi, the second disciple of the Tathagata Buddha. , despised Buddhism, and was relegated to the human world by the Buddha, destined to go to the west to learn scriptures, accomplish a great cause, and then the Buddha can justify his name and get you back to sit on the lotus platform."

Chen Xuanzang interjected: "Mr. Sun, please respect yourself, the word 'nong'... is very inappropriate!"

"It's all details, don't worry about it!" Wukong waved his hand and said, "Back then, my grandson fought against the forced demolitions of the Heavenly Court, punched the old man Li Jing, kicked the little boy Nezha, that was majestic! When the Tathagata mediated, Seeing that I am a talent, he once intentionally recruited me to work in his Western Lingshan Group."

"But he has a condition, that is, he wants me to accompany his second disciple Jin Chanzi to Lingshan on a business trip as a temporary worker, and he will make me a full-time worker when I come back. But who am I! Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Tianting Chaopin, if you ask me to be a temporary worker, I will obediently work as a temporary worker for you, will you take the blame for that?"

"Between talents and employers, there needs to be a two-way choice, right? You can't say that if you ask me to learn from the scriptures, I will go to learn from the scriptures. I have my freedom."

"Like you, there is someone you like in your heart. If the Tathagata wants you to learn scriptures, do you want to think about it?" Wukong gesticulated and said, "It's so tiring to learn scriptures! And it doesn't make any contribution to the sentient beings of the Three Realms. It's just a superficial Engineering, right? But Tathagata's style is very rough! I said I would think about it, and he settled me here."

"If you ask me, this kind of paternalistic and rough style is a manifestation of the rigid bureaucracy in Lingshan. Tathagata should reflect on it carefully, and realize his mistakes in the three worlds and sentient beings. But my words are slight!"

"Now, you have finally come to me, and I have become a kind and kind monkey. I have no desires, no desires, right! As for you, there is also a love between men and women, so at this time, there is a problem with the great cause of learning from the scriptures." Already! Excuse me, how can I make up a sutra learning team?" Monkey King asked left and right.

"Dead woman!" Zhuang Bifan interrupted.

"Bingo!" Wukong snapped his fingers: "It's back to the old routine. As a hero who is destined to achieve a great career, how should he usher in a turning point in his fate?"

"Dead woman!" said Ramil Khan.

"When a love story has come to an end, how can I reap my own ending?" Wukong asked again.

Abe Seimei hurriedly replied: "Damn woman!"

"When a Mahayana disciple who is obsessed with obsession and clings to the relationship between a man and a woman is just a little short, how can he comprehend the true meaning of Buddhism and assign him a great responsibility from heaven?"

The magician said with emotion: "Dead woman!"

"So, everyone can see it. But things have developed to this point, Miss Duan... her fate is self-evident. At this time, the best result should be that I kill Miss Duan, and then you come to surrender me, right?" Wukong asked both sides of the reincarnated people, and the reincarnated people were speechless: "You have finished talking, what else should we say?"

"No, the plot is spoiled by you! Then how should things develop!" The reincarnated people were a little crazy in their hearts.

"The problem now is..." Wukong clasped his hands together: "I have debunked the routine of the Tathagata! How can I go to the west to learn from the scriptures?"

Chen Xuanzang was puzzled and said, "I'm a little confused by what Mr. Sun said...why do you want to go to the west to learn scriptures?"

"It's a prestige project planned by Lingshan for thousands of years, and Tathagata is leading the political work." Wukong looked at Chen Xuanzang and said, "Now that I've heard so much, do you have any dissatisfaction with Tathagata?"

Chen Xuanzang shook his head and said, "I don't know if what you said is true or not. If it is true, then it is my Buddha who needs me to make a sacrifice. It must be for the boundless love of the world. I will not resent or hate anything!"

"Ah!" Wukong sighed, "What's the use of heaven and earth? What's the use of wind and moon if you can't make a bed? You can't eat or drink. What's the use of fine dust? What's the use of change among all things? Taoism is self-contained. What's the use of facing the wall? What's the use of drinking if you don't see the waves What's the use of giving birth to me? If you can't laugh, what's the use of destroying me, if you don't lose your arrogance. Where did you come from? We were born in the same world, singing together with joy, walking all over the road..."

Looking at the puzzled Chen Xuanzang, Wukong sighed: "One day, you will understand my words. Then join me and sing this song again!"

After all, he sat facing the lotus, and said to Chen Xuanzang behind him: "I will help you conquer the pig demon. But after you surrender the pig demon, it is time for you to face your destiny..."

While putting on makeup, Wukong yelled at the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable in his heart, finally got through to Chen Ang, and said to Chen Ang: "Master, this Chen Xuanzang is simply a clay puppet, a gentle and tame thing trained by Buddhism! I've already said this He still looks like he understands, I think even if he kills a woman, he may not be possessed by demons!"

"Master, this kind of idiot can't be persuaded. You'd better give up this idea!"

Chen Ang said: "Wukong, you have to keep working hard. As a teacher, I believe you can do it. Let him worship you as a teacher. As a teacher, he has even thought about his dharma name. Let him be buried three times, bury the sky and bury the common people."

"That fellow Tathagata, deceived you to learn scriptures as a coolie, and now I want to deceive his disciples to come over to be your apprentices and learn from me. As a teacher, I must show my anger for you... If the Tathagata fellow will force you To promote the great cause of learning Buddhist scriptures, you have directly published the Tripitaka. I think he is still taking a fart!"

The magician over there was beating drums in his heart, feeling that the development of the plot was too weird, especially Monkey King, it was too weird! It made him a little uneasy. On the other hand, the cost investment was too high, which had reached the point where he couldn't afford to lose. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk down, and said to Chen Xuanzang.

"Master Xuanzang, with the promise of Sun Wukong, it is no longer a problem to subdue the pig demon. If you want to subdue the pig demon, you have to lure it over. You should already know that the pig demon still loves his wife deeply. ——Gao Cuilan. I will tell you their stories now. When the pig demon is attracted later, I will use the demon mirror to seal his demonic nature. Or you can enter his dream and take the opportunity to enlighten him and make him regain his strength. Return to humanity."

"I think the key point is that Zhu Ganglu still loves Gao Cuilan deeply."

"Then how should we lure the pig demon?"

"The pig demon likes to watch his wife dance under the moonlight the most. He even wrote a poem to his wife. So we need to find a beautiful woman to dance with this poem under the moonlight, so that the pig demon will definitely Come on the moon."

"Master magician, what do you think of me?" Chen Xuanzang took off his clothes and flirted.

The magician applauded: "That's right, that's right, Mr. Chen is flirting, and there's nothing wrong with women! Now, I'll ask someone to dress you up..."

This time, without Wukong's interruption, Ms. Duan's role was cut tragically, and Chen Xuanzang, the master of women's clothing, officially launched.

Reincarnation people are people who have seen the world, such as women's clothing, they have seen a lot, Abe found a Thai reincarnation person, dressed up Chen Xuanzang, and Zhuang Bifan couldn't help but go to the magician and said: "This way Do it, is there something wrong? Also, what about the origin mission of General Rolling Shutter you mentioned? Why did we just get beaten up by Monkey King in his memory."

"Don't worry, everything is still under control." The magician still said mysteriously.

"Besides, Zhu Gangli has a heavy taste, maybe it likes it even more like this?"

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