In the dimness, Chen Xuanzang saw a water village half built on the water and half leaning on the hills on both sides, appearing in front of his eyes, he was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "Didn't you mean to see the previous life of the fish demon? Why are you here again?"

The fishermen around are tidying up their fishing nets, clearing up sundries, and preparing for the next fishing trip.

At this time, Chen Xuanzang turned his head thoughtfully, but saw the little girl who was clearly dead in front of him—Chang Sheng, standing timidly by the water, looking at the river flowing by, Chen Xuanzang seemed a little bewildered ! He hurried over and shouted, "Hey! Don't go near the water!"

At this time, the little girl Changsheng seemed to be frightened. She turned her head in panic, but her foot accidentally slipped and fell into the water.

Chen Xuanzang didn't have time to think, a fierce son plunged into the river.

He saw that Changsheng was choking on the water, and his owl head stretched out weakly towards the surface of the river, struggling. Relying on his excellent water skills, Chen Xuanzang swam to her side, strangled her neck from behind, lifted her head out of the water, and supported her , swim to the shore.

Lifting Changsheng to the shore, he found that the little girl was dying, so he quickly floated her up and said in panic, "What should I do when I'm drowning? Master, you never taught me this." In desperation, Chen Xuanzang grabbed the little girl. The girl's feet, let her stand upside down and shake her down, as if she could pour the water out.

Chen Xuanzang shook it twice vigorously, and the little girl he was holding coughed, protruding a turbid stream, and her breathing gradually calmed down.

But at this time, the fisherman next to them found them and quickly shouted: "Changsheng, Changsheng! Changsheng's father...someone kidnapped the child! Come and chase the child!"

At this time, Chen Xuanzang realized that the little girl named Changsheng in his hand seemed to be a little young, about two or three years old. He immediately realized it and said to himself: "No way! I became a fish demon...why? I became a fish demon? You have found the wrong person!"

Before he had time to protest, he saw the villagers rushing up from all directions. The leader was a thick and thick fisherman with strong arms. Chen Xuanzang thought he could probably kill two worthless people like himself with one punch.

Immediately, the mouse ran over and said: "You misunderstood! Listen to me... Oh, don't slap me in the face, auntie... You really misunderstood! I went down to save people, not abduct children!"

"You don't abduct children?" An ugly-looking aunt pointed at his nose and said, "I clearly saw you holding Changsheng upside down and swinging her around. Who are you?"

"Needless to say!" Another granny was furious, pointing at Chen Xuanzang and said word by word: "Hit...death...him!"

Seeing the murderous intentions of the villagers, Chen Xuanzang yelled, "Don't come here! Be careful, I have no eyes." He said secretly: "Fortunately, I have learned a little bit in order to be a qualified exorcist. Fist and foot, although you can't deal with monsters, you can escape from a group of villagers without any problem!"

"Hey! I can't explain so much now! Later, I will explain the misunderstanding to these villagers slowly!" Chen Xuanzang thought so, and put a posture of a white crane airing its wings in his hand.

At this time, a thunderous roar came from among the villagers: "How courageous!"

"Dare to abduct children in our village!" Two shirtless men rushed out from behind. Their muscles were as big as steamed buns. One foot is uneven, as if muddy, but the hands are like two doors, between the punches, the shadows carry afterimages.

"Do you know that every family in our village learns boxing, known as the heirloom of Nanquan, the capital of the Southern Boxing Emperor where there are many masters!"

The two Chinese characters glared at each other, and shouted: "Two shapes of a tiger and a crane! Hong Qiguan" "Wing Chun Xiao Nian Tao! Ye Wen"

The dozens of Chinese characters in the back also put on a posture, kicking seven legs in mid-air, and the afterimage brought out was like a fan: "Huangdu Wuyingjiao, Huang Huihong!"

The other shouted again and again,

Like a thunderclap: "Cai Lifo, Chen Xiang!"

There are also two handsome young men with superb kung fu, not inferior to those big guys. They signed up and said: "Yan Qingquan, Huo Yuanbing!"

"Hong Fist, Fang Shiyu!"

"We are known as a hundred schools of Nanquan here, but let's see who is so bold as to act wild before our Southern Boxing King!"

Chen Xuanzang was stunned, his mouth opened wide unconsciously, and he muttered: "So, how did you get bullied by a fish demon?"

"If you set it up like this earlier, the ten fish demons were also killed by you!"

Chen Xuanzang quickly put away his fists and begged: "You are all reasonable people. Listen to my explanation. There are indeed some misunderstandings. I saw this little girl fall into the water. I went down to save her... we To be reasonable, don't hold up a knife and hold a sword, okay?"

There are a few men next to him who are carrying green steel swords, who are good at Mo's swordsmanship, a big man with a five-point plum blossom stick, a girl with a single knife for cutting horses, and an old man with an iron ruler. The cripples on iron crutches looked at each other and put down their weapons together.

Chen Xuanzang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the old teacher holding an iron ruler say in a breath: "Hack him with a weapon, it's too cheap for this human trafficker! Everyone beat him to death with your fists!"

Chen Xuanzang finally understood why the fish demon's resentment became so great that it became a demon.

He was stunned for a while, and had no choice but to let these people rush up and hammer himself to the ground!


Chen Xuanzang spit out a mouthful of blood silently, and heard the sound of his ribs breaking, and then kicked him to the wall with a flying kick. The two peaks pierced through the brain, very sour, and the bald man with the powerful Vajra finger crushed his limbs bit by bit.


Chen Xuanzang raised his head and looked at the dark and bald man with the Vajra Finger, holding back a mouthful of blood, and said, "You're playing tricks!"

"Isn't this Shaolin?" The bald man was taken aback.

"Shaolin please go north!"

"Oh!" The bald man suddenly realized: "Then hit the wrong person, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Chen Xuanzang finished speaking calmly, and saw the old man holding the iron ruler casually flicking it, and the iron ruler slapped his face flatly, and then fell into endless darkness, only feeling that his body seemed to be floating. When I got to the water, I endured the bites of fish, shrimp and beasts.

Chen Xuanzang slowly opened his eyes, but saw a handsome young man sitting there naked, looking at him quietly.

Chen Xuanzang recognized that it was the fish demon he subdued. The fish demon looked at him quietly. Chen Xuanzang sat up from the ground, opened the stall next to him, took out the gourd silk and sang it for him. first nursery rhyme.

"Only when you have experienced pain can you know the real pain of all beings. Only after you have experienced everything about you can you understand everything about you. But I know that there is still love in this world. I think now, I should be qualified to advise you-let go !"

Two lines of tears slowly flowed from the eyes of the fish demon, and Chen Xuanzang sighed: "The good cause, the evil result, the evil fate, the evil obstacle... all belong to me!"


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