Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 9 The Ultimate Team

After Chen Ang finished asking, he said to Luke: "I hope we can talk alone in a moment. Now we have a common interest, which is to find Daredevil, so maybe we can exchange information. And I also want to talk to you behind the scenes. Talk to those people."

Luke nodded silently, but Danny suddenly interrupted: "I hope we can talk alone now, so..." He made a sorry expression to Chen Ang, and Chen Ang nodded understandingly , smiled and said: "Then I'll go out and smoke a cigarette!" After finishing speaking, he opened the door and left here.

Danny has been observing Chen Ang's breath with keen perception, but he saw Chen Ang walking out all the way as if no one was there.

Those monitoring equipment seemed to ignore him completely, Chen Ang's aura disappeared after walking all the way downstairs, at this moment Luke suddenly said: "I thought you two were in the same group!"

Danny turned around and said, "It's not... maybe we should be more honest. Although we have never dealt with each other, I have heard of the name of the Punisher, and I am willing to believe him." Danny took off his hood and explained : "It has been shown frankly... In this world, I have nothing to worry about, so I don't have to hide my identity."

He shrugged in self-deprecating manner, and said, "Anyway, I've just been exposed once by an untrustworthy person, so it doesn't seem like a bad idea to trust someone who seems trustworthy?"

Luke said with interest: "It sounds like you want to cooperate with us."

"You are willing to trust me...your business at that time." Luke's reaction was very cold, and he whispered: "But why should I trust you."

"You can trust me!" Danny said: "I believe you have a way to confirm whether you can trust me in a limited way. Even if you can't confirm, Punisher should be able to."

Luke laughed. He raised the phone with his right hand and pointed the camera at Danny. A deep voice came from the phone and said, "Danny Thomas, Kunlun's new generation of 'Iron Fist'. Although I don't know why this generation of Kunlun We chose you, but we know everything about you. We trust you more than that mysterious investigator."

Danny took a deep breath: "I didn't expect that you would follow me so quickly."

"If we don't know anything about the new generation of masters of the gods chosen by Kunlun, we will be dereliction of duty." The voice on the phone said calmly.

Danny's eyes suddenly sank: "Do you know the magic weapon?"

The voice laughed: "You don't think that the Shenbing entered the Western world, but this place knows nothing about it? In fact, the Shenbing plan is not carried out by the eastern forces on their own, but with our approval. Yes. The ancient inheritance of the East hopes to recast the magic weapon, control the master of the army, and obtain the powerful power of the magic blade of the magic weapon. To deal with the coming crisis."

"And we also need the power of divine soldiers to protect the earth."

"So after the Chinese government vetoed the plan to recast the Shenbing in their territory, it is imperative that the Shenbing outflow, Danny, you are recognized by the Shenbing, not only the decision of those old antiques in Kunlun, but also ours. The promotion of power. It is we who put forward the conditions, let Kunlun make concessions, and choose a magic soldier who belongs to us."

"That's you... Danny!"

"So, instead of knowing nothing about you, we know a lot about you, so we are willing to believe you."

Danny's eyes changed: "You are not the punisher..."

But the voice said: "But the Punisher trusted me..." The phone in Luke's hand suddenly projected a ray, and a three-dimensional projection was fabricated in mid-air. A black-skinned bald one-eyed dragon looked at Danny with a smile in the projection. , he smiled and said, "First time meeting, Danny. Our master of magic soldiers."

Looking at the projection in front of him, Danny suddenly felt that he seemed to have some impressions. Kunlun is not a sacred place that knows nothing about the outside world. In fact, before the sky changed, Kunlun used to be the pillars of the Shenspear Bureau, an important strategic department in China. For one, they clearly do not lack knowledge of their Western counterparts.

After the change of days,

The Divine Spear Bureau was disbanded, and the hidden forces in China—such as ancient holy lands, Buddhist and Taoist schools, major families, martial arts sects, dynamic social organizations and hidden political forces—were all crushed by the iron fist of the dictatorship. The so-called aristocratic families were liquidated, and the new government personally destroyed the rotten parts of the old self-organization.

Danny has seen with his own eyes that the Shenspear Bureau controlled by Kunlun has been liquidated by the government.

The Kunlun superhero leaders codenamed Jade Emperor and Lei Gong, as well as the combat team known as the Gods of God, were completely destroyed by the reorganized armed police force. The members either retired, were directly killed, or were shuanggui deal with.

Danny knew that the leaders of Kunlun were unfortunately liquidated and killed. The Jade Emperor was killed by the Weiwei soldiers. Before he died, he failed to injure the encirclement and suppression troops. It can be said that he was powerless to fight back. Lei Gong was imprisoned in the former Air Prison of Shenmao Bureau, now the No. 3 Special Prison in Chaoyang District.

Otherwise, those ancient inheritances in China and the old forces are not so honest. They dare not recast the magic blade if they say that the magic weapon cannot be recast in the country. High-level officials like the three elders of Kunlun would not be so humble in front of a scenic spot administrator. (Recently, it was reported that Zhao Tiezhu, the administrator of the scenic spot, found an organization to investigate for some unspeakable reasons.)

It was really that bloody liquidation, and I was afraid of being killed! Danny also knew that a vigorous social organization headed by the Mandarin was hunted down to the point where the Mandarin escaped with his body.

Countless ancient aristocratic families and hidden forces are like dogs that lose their homes. Even if they just passed by the storm in Kunlun, Danny left a shadow in his heart. At that time, the nominal ruler of Kunming, the Jade Emperor, was found to have traces of interference from alien forces. He was extremely powerful, one hundred thousand times stronger than Danny, and seemed like a god-man.

There is also the powerful force that he has accumulated in Kunlun for thousands of years and is so powerful that it penetrates into every corner of Kunlun.

In Kunlun City, their lair, they were uprooted by a team of five dimension fighters from the government in just an hour.

This scene once appeared repeatedly in Danny's nightmares.

Thinking of the scene that impressed Danny so deeply, Danny trembled, and suddenly heard the identity of the person opposite: "You are Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I used to be in the file of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw you."

The black one-eyed man suddenly laughed. He smiled happily, looked at the left and right sides, and said to Danny: "Yes, I am Nick. In fact, I am talking to you not just to express my respect for you." Support...and solicitation. Would you like to work for me."

"Avenger?" Danny frowned.

Cyclops shook his head and said, "No, no, no, the Avengers are no longer under my leadership. They have their own will and belong directly to the World Security Council...but after the establishment of the Human Revolutionary Alliance, the World Security Council has actually split. Yes, the Avengers have a will of their own, they are nominally subordinate to the whole world, and are influenced by the American government."

"And I am in charge of forming a brand new superhero organization. The purpose of the establishment of the Avengers is to prepare for revenge against the enemies outside the earth. It can be said that it is an organization that ensures that we can destroy each other with aliens. And the newly established The organization is subordinate to the U.S. government, and they assigned me to form a "heroic" super team."

"Or 'human mass destruction'!"

"In fact, the reason for the establishment of this combat force is that the US government is deeply disturbed by the establishment of the Human Revolutionary League, a national alliance that is completely out of control. They hope to have a super force that can deal with the shock from the East. So There is my mission. That is - the ultimate team!"

Danny frowned deeper, and he said directly: "You know that I can't, and I don't want to join this kind of... government minions."

"Danny, you are already an independent person compared to Kunlun!" Cyclops said frankly: "Yes, I hope you join in, of course it is the purpose of those stupid, stupid bureaucrats with rotten brains , they hope to use you to win over those ancient forces in the East and support the "democratic" forces in the East... But that is impossible, the thinking of the Cold War is outdated, I have long tried to convince them that the CRRU is not in the usual sense The National League is not a revival of the old Cold War pole."

"It's a whole new political concept, an unprecedented political entity."

"But they are holding the rotten Cold War mentality... I still have to work under them! I can't help it."

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