"So, Danny. Let me tell you the truth... The Ultimate Team is not for confrontation on the earth, but for uniting all forces to fight against the most terrifying and darkest forces in the universe. It is not for intrigue on the earth. life, but for protection, or for the life and death of all human beings.”

Danny was silent for a long time, but still refused: "But you are not the boss, Nick! I also... need to consider Kunlun's will. It is impossible for them to allow me to join this Cold War-style confrontation organization."

"Speaking again, why do you pay attention to this case. This is not something that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to care about."

Cyclops laughed frankly, and said: "It's the former director. I was dismissed from the S.H.I.E.L.D. because I made some serious mistakes. The current director is Coulson, and I can give you his contact way. Your investigation can be supported by S.H.I.E.L.D...”

"But you didn't get back to my question!" Danny pressed on.

After Nick listened to his words, he was silent for a long time. He considered talking to Danny for a while before saying: "Turn on Harold's computer!" Then Cyclops cut off the call with Nick, and a hoarse voice took over the conversation with Danny : "Luke, give him the wireless network card!" Luke Cage, holding his mobile phone, took out a small thing with a usb interface from his coat pocket.

"Who are you!" Danny asked cautiously.

The hoarse voice said, "Haven't you heard the name for a long time?"

"You are the punisher!" Danny asked, but the voice did not answer, but said to Luke: "Turn on the computer!" Luke turned on the computer and plugged the thing into the computer's USB port.

At this moment, Skye in S.H.I.E.L.D. flew her hands over the keyboard, and she said to the Punisher: "Harold's firewall uses a strange technology, a chaotic algorithm. But it still doesn't bother me. I bypass Sand The box system, has entered his database. It has been cleaned up here..."

The internal network of the Harold Industries Group is physically isolated, and Luke sneaked in to put this little thing on the network interface of Harold's office.

SHIELD's computer team quickly processed the data and quickly extracted the key data.

Soon, the Punisher sent a picture to the desktop of Harold's personal computer. Danny sat in front of the computer, listening to the Punisher's explanation, while checking the picture. It was a picture of a yellow parchment, which seemed to be Very old.

A circle was drawn on the parchment, with the eccentricity of the circle as the origin, many radial straight lines shot out, and many ancient Latin words were written beside the straight lines. It was very difficult for Danny to recognize some of them, which seemed to be some ancient gods with twisted tongues. On the left side of the parchment, there are some illegible Latin words and several symbols of unknown meaning.

The Punisher explained: "Three years ago, Daredevil and I were accidentally involved in a criminal wrestling at the ruins of New York, and encountered the number one most wanted criminal of S.H.I.E.L.D. He was very dangerous. I can't even mention his name, so I can only tell you that his code name is 'Adam'. It's not that I concealed it deliberately, but our memory of him has gradually become blurred since that day. If the memory becomes clear, it will be quite dangerous. Many people who came into contact with him, including those resolute agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., died one after another in strange ways in the following days."

"That's when we knew how dangerous he was, and started to track down the people who came into contact with him. The Avengers told us that the existence behind Adam created a series of terrible creations. The danger of those creations is even unspeakable. Mere contact Their existence, even if it is just a name, a picture, and people who have come into contact with them are quite dangerous."

"Originally, we thought that those creations appeared and were created after a series of disasters in recent years, after the birth of Adam. But after investigation, it was found that they were not 'created', but were discovered."

"Long before the Messiah came to this planet, before man was born, they existed here,

on this planet. They, like the apocalypse, were born at the beginning of the universe, and we can't even tell whether an unspeakable horrible existence came to the end of time to create them, or whether they were created and then extended to the end of time by themselves. "

"The ancient relics and civilizations recorded their fragments. Only then did we realize the problem. I have been exposed to that indescribable fear, and my body has been polluted. After receiving the help of the Avengers, I paid After a great price, I was cured of this lesion."

"But in an Avenger, there's a more serious infection. He's a bigger problem, and we need him, the whole world needs him."

"When we were looking for Daredevil, we found that he had been elusive for three years, but he managed to suppress his infection. We thought it was just because he didn't see those indescribable horrors, but later research found that it was Because he is blind in both eyes, his perception is sharper than anyone else."

Danny said solemnly: "In other words, his infection is more serious."

The Punisher said with emotion: "Originally we just wanted to use him to obtain a way to suppress that infection. But then we discovered that everything is not that simple. The secret of Daredevil may hide something more serious."

The punisher said: "He's looking for some people, some people like Harold."

Danny finally couldn't help standing up at this time, he re-examined the parchment drawing anxiously: "What does it have to do with Harold?"

The Punisher explained: "Harold's legs were amputated due to a climbing accident!"

Danny was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Amputation...a mountaineering accident...he deserves it! This is God's punishment for him!"

The punisher waited quietly for Danny to calm down before continuing: "He has never given up hope of healing his legs. He has invested in the regeneration serum of the Osborn Group, applied for the Avenger's regeneration cradle, and has contacted Si Tucker, wanting 'high-tech prosthetics."

Danny sneered: "But it all failed!"

The punisher affirmed: "Yes, so he pinned his hopes on some older powers, evil powers. Since three years ago, he seems to have made some progress and started to live in isolation, but through remote control, he has turned the development of the enterprise It will grow stronger and even participate in the construction of New New York."

"We think that he may have gained some of those forbidden powers."

"Now the relevant data of the Harold Group proves this even more. This parchment is the remnant leaf of a black magic book in the Middle Ages. The names of gods on it are all hidden names, and those symbols... you still It's better not to understand."

"Harold has recently begun to destroy some information within the group. One of his secret properties, the old castle where he lived for three years, was also destroyed by an accidental fire two months ago. There is no doubt that he is cleaning himself up. He seems to have expected his own death...but it seems that the Daredevil came to him and killed him, which seemed to be another thing that was beyond his expectation."

Danny said with a gloomy face: "In other words, he is planning to die. Sometimes, death is not necessarily the end, it may also be the beginning!"

"What else has he left behind! I don't believe he can do it all by himself."

"Even if he destroys the traces, there are still people alive!"

The punisher sighed: "Hands and clubs... Harold has cooperated with many gangsters, and the closest one should be Hands and Clubs. We think that Hands and Clubs may have participated in Harold's plan, and among those Japanese , also has traces of that evil power. Daredevil has always been committed to hitters and meetings."

"So we think that this group should know a lot of secrets."

"Shouhehui?" Danny remembered the name, but at this time Luke suddenly invited: "If you want to deal with Handhehui, can you join us?"

"You?" Danny looked up suspiciously.

Luke Cage said: "Yes, we. You are not the only one who wants to eradicate the cancer of the hand and society. You can join us. Daredevil was one of us, I hope you can fill his place."

Danny: "Who are you?"

Luke smiled and said, "The Defenders!"

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