What Danny has accepted today is obviously beyond his ability to accept. After spending his youth in Kunlun, he was a little strange and alienated from the world outside Kunlun. After coming to New York, he was faintly involved in a Danny, at the center of an unprecedented storm, was deeply weary.

He decided to find Kunlun's agent in New York and visit an old man who was friends with Kunlun.

Contrary to most people's imagination, Kunlun's agent is not a mysterious shopkeeper on the streets of New York, nor is it a Chinese gang leader in Chinatown, nor is it even the owner of a martial arts dojo.

Instead, a professor of Asian history, newly relocated to Columbia University in New York.

When Danny came to visit, the middle-aged man who looked like a gentle scholar was a little surprised when he saw his Caucasian appearance, but he still welcomed him in calmly. He smiled and said, "I heard that, Kunlun's new generation of Iron Fist is an American. But I didn't expect that you would pass the test of Iron Fist at such a young age and become the guardian of Kunlun..."

The professor's name is Li Wen. He and Danny talked about many changes in the United States in recent years, and also talked about the chaos and anxiety in the old New York catastrophe.

Just when the two recalled the thrilling magnificence of the Kunlun Wanzai Glacier, the changes in the ancient city of Kunlun in recent years, and the impact on the ancient holy places after China's climate change, Li Wen's house was pushed open. , a young woman with an oriental face but a western temperament stepped into the house.

When she saw Danny in the living room, she was stunned.

But Li Wen got up and said hello: "Xiaolin, don't say hello when you see guests!"

At the same time, he introduced to Danny: "This is my daughter Kelin. Her Chinese name is Li Keling. Her mother is Yamato Nadeko. She grew up in Japan in her early years. She learned all the little Japanese skills. Later, I want to teach her Chinese Martial arts, she was unwilling in every possible way, so she did not enter the Kunlun gate wall, and now she runs a gymnasium in the new district, just making a living!"

Colleen couldn't understand her father's Chinese with an accent, so she gave Danny an angry look. Danny didn't understand why the girl didn't speak well when she first saw him, so he had to say hello politely, and then continued to listen. Li Wen introduced New New York, especially some situations in the underground world.

Of course he wouldn't believe what Cyclops said, as there was still necessary verification.

When mentioning the hand and meeting, Li Wen had a strange look on his face, and he whispered: "Did you know? The symbol of the hand and meeting is a bloody hand, and its leader is the five bloody hands on the bloody hand." fingers. These five fingers have a deep connection with Kunlun."

"It can be said that Kunlun created them all by himself!"

Danny couldn't help but interrupted: "How could it be related to Kunlun?"

Li Wen sighed: "That is a dark history in the history of Kunlun. About a few centuries ago, the Song Dynasty on the land of China faced another threat of captivity from the north, but this time, this dynasty is facing the classical history. The most powerful barbarian in the world, once swept the world - Mongolia!"

"The Lord of Sirius Knife, Genghis Khan unified Mongolia during his lifetime, but under the awe of the ancient holy earthquake, he did not dare to go south, so Mongolia conquered westward, destroyed the ancient Persian food, and finally conquered Eastern Rome, The white people of Europe tremble under the iron heels of Mongolia."

"After conquering many ethnic groups, forcing Dashi, and surrendering to the Holy See, Mongolia finally had the ability to go south to the Central Plains and invade the Song Dynasty. At that time, Kunlun supported the orthodoxy on the one hand, and on the other hand, also bet on Mongolia, hoping to expand its power to the entire The Eurasian continent. Therefore, Kunlun split into a faction——Quanzhen, surrendered to the Mongolian Khan.”

"On the Kunlun Mountains, supporters of the orthodoxy pinned their hopes on the Three Emperors Sword and the Five Emperors Sword's lord to be born to fight against Mongolia."

"So, in order to fight against Mongolia and prevent the Mongolian army, under the leadership of Sirius Swordsman, they attacked Kunlun. Kunlun adopted five orphans who had blood feuds with Mongolia in the areas conquered by Mongolia. Some of them came from Dashi, some Some came from the Jin Dynasty, and some came from the Wa Kingdom, a vassal state of the Song Dynasty.


"Kunlun taught them, hoping that they can avenge Mongolia and advance for the king."

"But they underestimated the children who grew up in the chaos of war, the darkness in their hearts, and the five orphans were lost in the darkness when they were cultivating. One of them found a story about God in the ancient library of Kunlun. The record of the Demon Sword. Then I became crazy obsessed with that power."

"So, for the power of the magic blade, they betrayed Kunlun!"

"As a result, the Mongolian iron cavalry broke through the mountains and rivers of the southern country. The five people took this opportunity to seize a magic blade with infinite power, and successfully sacrificed the magic blade with blood. Under the influence of the power of the magic blade, their ambitions grew wildly. , After gaining eternal life with the help of the power of the magic blade, they started various betrayals and calculations with each other.

In the end, after the birth of the sword masters of the Three Emperors of the Central Plains and the birth of Zhu Chongjiu, the kingly warrior master recast as the Sun Moon God Sword, he received Lan Yu, the master sword master of the Five Emperors who was recast as a vertical and horizontal sword, and inherited the magic tricks left by Zhuge. Assisted by Liu Bowen, the military leader of Jingtianweidi, he destroyed the greedy wolf sword in the capital of Mongolia, and killed the greedy wolf sword soldier, expansion Timur.

Then defeat Chen Youliang, the master of the magic blade, Shi Cheng, the master of the magic weapon, and others one by one, and rule the world! Those five traitors held the magic blade and wanted to bring disaster to the world, but Liu Ji, who was already a half-immortal at that time, made a move. In the end, the magic blade was destroyed and he escaped with his body. "

"Those five people knew that they were the bereaved dogs of the Central Plains courts and rivers and lakes, and they fled to Dongying in embarrassment, where they took in a Koga ninja and formed the later hand and society."

Li Wen sighed slowly: "Now the hand and society are about to move, I'm afraid it's because of the magic blade that can make them immortal. They have felt the powerful power of the magic blade before, and they have been looking for it."

When Danny first heard the secret, his heart was shaken. He asked: "What is the origin of the magic blade that the five fingers of the hand and the club are looking for?"

Li Wen got up slowly and said: "Back then, after the Blood Sacrifice Demon Blade, after the heavy light, they called it 'Black Sky!'"

"But that's just the ignorant words of foreigners. In the records of the Kunlun inheritance, the magic blade is called - Wudao! It was the sword of Emperor Shoude, the emperor of the Yin and Shang Dynasties."

"According to the psychic research of the Onmyoji School."

"At that time, Emperor Shoude, the emperor of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, was a hero of a generation. He conquered Dongyi and liberated the slaves, but he offended the princes. The Yin and Shang Dynasties were in turmoil. The ministers killed the emperor, the emperor abused his ministers, and the princes hated each other and killed each other as usual. , although Shoude was heroic, he could not subdue the princes, and the final revitalization caused the princes to rebel."

"Zhou uses this as a proxy for business!"

"When the princes attacked and Lutai set himself on fire, Emperor Shoude was full of resentment in his heart. He laughed loudly that the princes have no way, and the world has no way. Therefore, this magic blade is the blade of the world's abandonment, the blade of ritual collapse and music destruction, and no way. After the Onmyo family recasts this magic blade, it implements the Yin-Yang secrets of various alchemy techniques of the Onmyo family on it."

"Therefore, Wudao is also the blade of ghosts and gods."

"The five members of the hand and society, using the blade of ghosts and gods, sacrificed the magic blade with blood during the chaos at the end of the Song Dynasty, and shaped an evil beast called Heikong. With the power of this beast, they can live forever. But because The magic blade was destroyed, and although Hei Kong didn't die, it also lost control. The five had no choice but to seal it with the help of the Yin Yang family's secret technique that was exiled in Dongpu in the past. To make offerings to this beast, we can barely borrow its power."

"The magic blade has no way, and has been lost for a long time. It only appeared once in the period of the Republic of China. It seems that Zhang Zuolin in the Northeast had obtained the wreckage of the magic blade. Dao then wandered into the rivers and lakes again, missing his whereabouts. Now that the hand and society are making such a big move, could it be that they have obtained the wreckage of Wudao and want to recast the magic blade with a blood sacrifice?"

Danny wondered: "Harold is closely related to the Hand and Society, but S.H.I.E.L.D. believes that they are plotting an ancient, indescribable terrorist force. But Kunlun knows everything about the Hand and Society, and believes that the evil behind the Hand and Society Power is the evil beast black sky created by Demon Blade Wudao."

"What's going on behind this?"

At this time, Li Wen handed a letter to Danny, saying: "I have lived in the United States for decades, and I have been monitoring the Hands and Conference. If you want to deal with them, there is someone who can help you. But It's not easy for you to find him..."

Danny opened the envelope, which contained some information about an old man called Stick.

As if he had found a treasure, Danny learned from the above that the missing Daredevil was actually the old man's apprentice, so he immediately put away the envelope, and thanked Li Wen: "Thank you for your help, elder, this junior will retire now!"

After Danny walked out of Li Wen's house, he had a faint feeling that someone was following him. He used a remote alley to shake this person away and killed a carbine. The person following him saw that the alley had reached a dead end. None of them turned pale and repelled them, but when they turned their heads, a mottled black iron rod lay across their throats.

The cold black short stick touched her skin, and a thick and strange true energy emanated from it.

Danny only felt his true qi being touched, like a tentacle, through the remains of the Sirius Knife in his hand, it seemed to radiate out, forming a dense aura around him, Danny slightly mobilized his true energy. Qi, the strange real Qi that seemed to be real, strangled the man's throat.

It made her cry out.

Hearing that familiar voice, Danny unknowingly got a trace of evil. He unbuttoned the man's mask and said with a wicked smile, "Why are you following me? Ke Ling..."

Ke Ling, or Ke Lin, showed pain on his face, and said with difficulty: "Dad mentioned you, he said that you are the new generation of Kunlun's guardian, and he also said that the Dongying Kendo I practiced is like a little boy compared to Kunlun's martial arts. It's a child's game. So... I want to test whether Kunlun Martial Arts is worthy of its name!"

Danny tilted his head and said with a smile, "What about now? Little girl?"

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