Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 28 Recasting No Way, Love Is a Light

Mrs. Gao waited quietly until Chen Ang finished speaking, and then she raised her head, her hunched body slowly straightened up, although the five fingers of her hands and arms prolonged her own life with the help of the black sky, but they could not stop them from getting old. Mrs. Gao's body shape has the characteristic shrunken and thinness of an old man, but at this moment, she stretched out her body, and it seemed that she could hear the cracking sound of her joints swelling.

Mrs. Gao's height skyrocketed by nearly ten centimeters. She showed a sly smile and said, "Thank you for helping me delay for so long..."

Madam Gao retreated to Harold's withered corpse, and slowly pulled out the katana-shaped 'No Way' from his chest.

This time Tewakai will recast Wudao in Japan. For some reason, they chose the shape of the samurai sword. In terms of the length of the sword, it should be Taidao or Taidao. Short, the dark metal rust has faded from the blade, and it has a metallic silver texture, with strands of blood wrapped around it. Viewed from the side, a human face can be printed.

Mrs. Gao pulled out Wudao with her backhand, and put the knife at her waist. She put the blade upward and inserted it into her belt. Because there was no sheath, the silver mirror-like edge of the knife was exposed in sight, bringing a chill.

She pressed her backhand on the handle of the knife, but everyone's eyes were fixed on Wudao's blade.

Alexandra's face was getting older, and she couldn't believe it: "Impossible... This is impossible, how could Wudao be recast?"

"The blood sacrifice has been successful!" Mrs. Gao said with a smile, "I have been waiting for this moment. Fortunately, you gave me enough time to complete the last step of the blood sacrifice."

Chen Ang stared at Harold's withered corpse, and suddenly smiled and said, "We ignored the abnormality of Harold's corpse! Originally, everyone thought it was a normal condition caused by the infuriating Qi of the Heavenly Wolf Sword and Drought Demon, but they ignored it... The dryness of the corpse does not necessarily mean that the water has evaporated, but it may also be that the blood has been drained."

"Harold is the last sacrifice, you used his to complete the blood sacrifice!"

Regardless of her serious injuries and frequent deaths, Alexandra yelled: "Impossible... There must be five evils if there is no blood sacrifice. Daniel and Harold have nothing to do with each other, and even though Harold killed Ward and let the blood sacrifice complete More than half of it was done, but the recasting of Wudao still requires the blood of at least hundreds of people to be applied on the blade in a way that meets the requirements of Wudao's sacrificial ceremony."

"Unless... Harold has nothing to do with Daniel!" Chen Ang said slowly.

He turned his head to look at Danny with a blank face, and suddenly laughed. He turned to Mrs. Gao and said, "Harold is Daniel's biological father!"

Danny trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, he suddenly raised his head to look at Mrs. Gao, and muttered: "No, no..." But Mrs. Gao made a movement that terrified him, She pulled her hair back and nodded.

"Yes, I found this out with great difficulty. Harold had a crush on Heather, so he wanted to kill Rand out of jealousy. They were friends, so he found me and got a bottle from me. Poison. This kind of poison can make people weak, and he asked Rand to go hiking with him, originally planning to make Rand die from lack of oxygen when he climbed the snow-capped mountain."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for your father to fall off the cliff!" Mrs. Gao turned to Daniel and said, "He has practiced internal strength in Kunlun and already has a six-year-old skill. How could he die because of a fall off the cliff? It is my poison. He's weak and weak."

Danny's body was stiff, he clenched his fists, and wanted to punch, but as soon as he stood up, he felt that his true energy was blown away, his body couldn't lift a little strength, and he fell limp on the ground.

Mrs. Gao smiled and said: "It's this kind of poison... Do you understand your father's feelings now? He felt something was wrong halfway, but it was too late. Originally, Harold had planned well. Your father—Lan De didn't dare to expose him at all, because he was afraid that Harold would attack you who knew."

"So he worked hard, pretended to miss, and let himself fall off the cliff. He calculated well. He knew that Harold had a crush on Heather. Under normal circumstances, he would not attack you mother and son.

Because he wants to be your stepfather. And with experience, Rand can completely avoid fatal injuries after falling off the cliff. Here is Kunlun, he can send a message to the people of Kunlun to rescue him, and then go back to find Harold for revenge. "

"What a tale of the Prince's Revenge..." Mrs. Gao vividly told the story that she didn't see with her own eyes, as if she was by the side at that time, listening to Rand's heartfelt voice.

"But he miscalculated!" Mrs. Gao slowly pulled out the magic blade while pressing Wudao's handle. Messed up his plans..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Daniel roared heart-piercingly.

"His son rushed forward to pull his father back. The father and son struggled on the cliff. Rand had to stop and lift his son up. But Harold was tormented by the jealousy in his heart. He made a mistake and pushed Rand... This is really stupid behavior. He exposed his jealousy naked to everyone."

"Heather went to fight him like crazy, and Harold simply pushed her off the cliff... What a cruel man!"

"Rand protected his wife and children and fell into the cliff. At this moment, he can still protect the two of you from getting hurt and fall into the snowdrift, but he himself was seriously injured. In the severe cold of the snow-capped mountains, how can two women and children survive a night in the majestic Kunlun?"

"So Rand issued a secret signal, calling for the people who came to Kunlun. He transferred a sixty-year-old internal force into your body to protect you from the severe cold and frostbite your internal organs. Your mother is an adult, and it was not difficult to sustain it. Rescuers from Kunlun arrived. But another accident happened! You encountered a pack of wolves..."

"Stop it!" Daniel yelled.

"But Harold is actually secretly having an affair with Heather. What he doesn't know is that you are actually his son!" Mrs. Gao suddenly broke the big news. Daniel's eyes were bloodshot, and he stiffly carried the The poison-numbed body stood up, and the veins all over his body burst out: "You...shut up! I won't allow you to insult her..."

Daniel's healed wound has been cracked by his abnormal emotion, and the Sirius knife stuck in Harold's chest: "Slightly trembling, Danny's oozing blood is suspended in mid-air, like pearls, covered by the invisible necklace Kawasaki , Floating towards the Sirius Knife, being sucked by this divine weapon.

Chen Ang and the others watched in embarrassment the love-hate relationship and ethical entanglements that had lasted for decades.

Mrs. Gao was still irritating Lanier and said, "Don't deceive yourself anymore! Only Harold and you are related by blood, and if you kill him with innocence, you will meet the conditions of the blood sacrifice and let indifference be recast in the first step. success."

"He's not my father..." Danny faltered, but still insisted: "My father will always be the man who protects us and loves us. My mother only loves him. Even if I have nothing to do with that scum Relationships can never change these things, I will never regret killing him!"

As Daniel braced his body and straightened his spine bit by bit, the trembling of the Sirius Sword became more and more intense, and it let out a fierce scream, and the red and black Sirius True Qi shot up from the Sirius Sword , hovered in the air, turned into a galloping Sirius, and sank into Danny's body.

The powerful zhenqi burst instantly, Danny raised his head and roared, his muscles tensed immediately, the powerful zhenqi tore the clothes that wrapped him, leaving only a pair of tattered trousers, the wound on his body shrank rapidly, a A scar covered the entire body.

Mrs. Gao slowly let go of Wudao...

Chen Ang sighed beside him in a low voice: "Daniel finally comprehended the way of the magic weapon, the power of the curse of the Sirius knife... The more painful the heart, the faster the knife."

"The power of the green cloud cover!"

"Mom Lu is also green!"

The mage Strange frowned, as if he couldn't stand it anymore, a golden magic line appeared in the void in front of him, but Chen Ang stopped him, saying: "This is the master of the sky wolf sword and the master of the Wudao army." The battle between the two is a fateful duel between the magic weapon and the magic blade, and the intervention of other people will only attract the common rejection of the magic weapon and the magic blade."

"Trust me, you don't want to be hit by their combination."

"If I go to help him, he will still hit me?" Strange asked angrily.

Chen Ang looked at Danny with a determined face, and said slowly: "Revenge is a cup of hearty wine, and you must never give it to others. Now, whoever dares to interrupt his revenge, he will kill him!"

"But that old woman is obviously taking advantage of this..." Strange said, "If you say she has no conspiracy, I wouldn't believe it!"

"Wu Dao, which has been recast, is obviously better than the still wrecked Sirius Knife. Daniel, who is tired and scarred, is by no means an opponent of Mrs. Gao who is in good condition. If Mrs. Gao wins, she can use Wu Dao to control Daniel, let the Master of the Sirius Sword become her puppet!"

"You know you can't stop her?" Strange asked angrily.

Chen Ang was exceptionally calm, and even showed a mysterious smile and said: "This is a normal reasoning, but martial arts and magic weapons cannot be calculated so simply. Mrs. Gao just uses magic weapons like wielding a hammer-head dung fork, Although Daniel's body is tired and broken, his soul is full of grief and pain, just like Temujin in the past. He touched the magic weapon, a deeper level of power."

"The outcome is far from clear!"

Chen Ang glanced at the dying Alexandra: "This Mrs. Gao has the delicacy and caution of a woman and the boldness and determination of a man when she lays out the conspiracy. She uses Harold to divert attention and get rid of Alexandra. Pull, and use Danny to get rid of Harold, recast the magic blade, so as to become the Lord of No Way, and finally make a move by yourself to subdue Daniel as a puppet!"

"Such a subtle and vicious calculation, I don't know how this useless Alexandra has been the boss for hundreds of years?"

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