Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 29 Mind the Universe, Memetic Creatures

Mrs. Gao's biggest shortcoming still comes from her unfamiliarity with the magic blade Wudao. Whether it is to find someone to replace her as a countertop for the hand and meeting, or forbearance under the general trend, Mrs. Gao gave up her control over Wudao The struggle for power gave it to Alexandra, and as a result, she did not have the opportunity to familiarize herself with the power of Wudao.

Alexandra is like a lioness, wary of all those who spy on her power.

Controlling Wudao, and then affecting Heikong, is the key to her control of the other four fingers, ruling the hand and society, and never allowing others to get involved. Since Mrs. Gao chose to forbear, she naturally lost the opportunity to be familiar with Wudao.

Only when Alexandra let go of Wudao and asked her to complete the mission, she quietly confirmed that the Zhengyi alliance power talisman she obtained during the Republic of China could influence Wudao to a certain extent, and nothing more It can be said that even though she has recast Wudao and obtained the preliminary recognition of Wudao's military master qualification.

But at this time, her comprehension of the power of the magic blade in her hand is not as good as that young boy with the green head who relies on the infinite grief and anger in his heart to echo the magic weapon in his hand.

Madam Gao secretly sank her heart, using her breath to continuously infect the magic blade in her hand. With the exchange of breaths, the true energy in the magic blade germinated and grew like a seed, feeling the daunting power of the magic blade.

While procrastinating for time, he kept familiarizing himself with the magic blade in his hand.

Fortunately, Chen Ang was also very cooperative, constantly exposing her various conspiracies.

Mrs. Gao sneered secretly: "The content of the plan that has been completed is meaningless. No matter how much you say, these are just things that happened in the past. What use is it for the present...?" After she discovered that Rand possessed the inheritance from Kunlun, she used Harold's secret of constantly probing and finally murdering him.

This secret even gave her a huge advantage when she assassinated Alexandra today, and it was also the basis of all her plans to seize Wudao. This conspiracy was formed during her hundreds of years under Alexandra The conjecture of her character and behavior is rooted in the secrets that Rand knew when she plotted against her back then, and formed in the unreasonable recasting plan. Finally, she found the last piece of the puzzle in China——Daniel.

As for Daniel's identity as the master of the magic weapon, it was an unexpected surprise.

Mrs. Gao knows very well that as a conspirator, she cares about the precise planning, and the interlocking details are meaningless, because the reason why the conspiracy is a conspiracy is that the perpetrators are weak and difficult to influence the general situation, let alone control the implementation of the conspiracy. A condition, such as some conspirators try to control every detail of their schemes, seemed to her simply foolish.

With such power, why don't you act in an upright manner and overwhelm others?

The real charm of the conspiracy lies in digging deeply into every ounce of strength, spreading the tentacles wide and deep into the subtle corners, constantly grasping the secret information, and then guiding the force, taking advantage of the constant changes in the situation, and taking advantage of the information, to constantly expand In the planning of a specific time and place, a relative information advantage is obtained.

Overwrite the information held by the opponent, manipulate and influence the opponent, and finally at the critical moment, use your own information advantage to complete the fatal blow.

Just like this time, Mrs. Gao does not have any advantage in power. Whether it is Harold who controls the evil god's family, or Alexandra who controls the innocent, she is not an opponent, and Daniel is not controlled by her. In the beginning, Mrs. Gao didn't have any advantage, but she made full use of the information she had - Daniel's life experience, Harold's fear, the evil god's prophecy, the secret of innocence...

In the end, the one who pushed the boat along the way became the final winner of this series of vicissitudes.

This is the essence of conspiracy—a conspiracy is a kind of information warfare. To implement a conspiracy, you should have the vision and determination of a strategist, master the wisdom of the game, and don't care about the temporary gains and losses of a city or a place. You must also be good at seizing opportunities and learn to Give up, a conspiracy that is not launched will not fail.

When there is a real loophole in the conspiracy,

Only when it is approached by people, so if a plan must be completed, then the conspiracy has already failed in half, because the conspiracy that cannot bear the variables is the conspiracy that is close to failure. Conspiracy is at its strongest when it can be activated or not.

This is the wisdom Mrs. Gao has painstakingly comprehended—Schrödinger's conspiracy.

Among all the calculations, Harold's conspiracy was the most inept, because his plan could not withstand changes, nor could it withstand failure. The moment he summoned the servants of the evil god, he drove himself to a dead end— —If he can't take Wudao, he will definitely lose... It's so stupid.

As for Alexandra, she was secretly forced into a dilemma by Mrs. Gao. Harold's conspiracy became Alexandra's handcuffs. Alexandra couldn't bear the loss of innocence. The entanglement between her and Harold was secretly promoted by Mrs. Gao, and it became a zero-sum game. Alexandra had no conspiracy at all. She was a complete victim of Harold and Mrs. Gao's plan. The most critical factor for her loss was her passivity.

Alexandra didn't have the initiative, she couldn't afford to lose.

Only Mrs. Gao hid herself very deeply from the very beginning. She was prepared to plot against the two of them with the hope of success and failure. She could bear the variables. Ang's summoning of Bayaki, and Daniel's explosive seed are all variables other than the conspiracy, but these affected Harold and Alexandra, but they did not affect her at all.

There is only one key point in all her plots - that is, she will send Wudao into the hands of Harold or Daniel to complete the fatal blow.

Whether Daniel kills Harold or Harold kills Daniel, the blood sacrifice will be done.

She didn't even trust the prophecy of the evil god.

Only if this key point fails, her conspiracy will go bankrupt, so the only reason for the failure of Mrs. Gao's conspiracy is that Harold and Daniel have completed the reconciliation, and Daniel forgave Harold. So she intervened first and fueled the flames, prompting Daniel to decide to kill Harold-this is why she plotted against Daniel and made him and Harold fight to the death.

It's not difficult. The information Mrs. Gao possesses can turn the two of them 10,000 times, and she hasn't given any of the big details yet!

Two people are either you die, or I live.

The second key is to send Wudao into the decisive battle between the two. This requires Mrs. Gao to act personally, and it is also the moment when the conspiracy is weakest. Mrs. Gao relies on careful observation for hundreds of years. With this person's understanding and calculations, a poisonous snake has been observing for hundreds of years, and the moment it strikes, there is really no reason for failure.

Compared with Harold, who has endless loopholes, key points, and countless personal shots, Mrs. Gao only needs to complete these two things, and she will definitely win.

The interlocking conspiracies are just the complacency of the fools, and the real wise men will always push the boat along the way, and win the game as soon as they make a move.

These layers of games are constantly looking for and grasping opportunities, creating opportunities, analyzing variables, using variables, constantly integrating external changes into the conspiracy, and then completing the plan with the smallest additional actions—the conspiracy also follows Occam The razor principle...don't add more links if it is not necessary.

The more movements, the more traces, the more flaws.

The real perfect crime is not a chain of links and exquisite planning, but a precise blow that seizes the opportunity without leaving any traces.

But why would Mrs. Gao want to control Daniel? It completely violates any taboo in her laws of intrigue. She couldn't bear the variables, she had countless flaws, and she did it herself, and didn't follow the general trend at all-because this was not a conspiracy! Madam Gao didn't want to control Daniel.

She's just trying, it's a decision...not a plan!

When she got Wudao, she found that this was no longer a choice she could not afford to come back... Daniel could not kill her... Mrs. Gao felt the fusion of Wudao in her hand and her true energy, and felt her thinking break through common sense In addition to rationality and instinct in consciousness, all forgotten memories, perceptions and repressed experiences, as well as conscious factors of superhuman perception such as dreams and fantasies, are constantly being understood.

This is the world beyond the human intellectual world, the world of all gods, old and new.

She 'understands' ghosts and gods...

Silently, the evil beast Hei Kong has been completely controlled by her. This invisible beast is no longer an incomprehensible existence to her, but like an ordinary beast, she easily tied it the reins.

Her way of existence has changed, now she is not a mortal body, but a kind of weirdness, even if the body dies, she can still get information about her from the rumors passed down by her subordinates, what she has seen and heard The memories of her by those who lived her, her stories that belonged to her for hundreds of years, are reborn from these memes, and the information becomes her DNA.

So to speak—memetic creatures.

She manipulates information to affect people's spirits, she can sneak into people's hearts, use consciousness to change the material world perceived by life, she is a ghost, she can exist in human brains, and further, she is a god!

This is the insignificant power of 'No Way'.

At the moment of Wudao's initial recognition, Mrs. Gao had an epiphany. She only knew the vastness of the universe, the infinity of time and space... What are human beings, Daniel, Alexandra, Harold, Luke Cage... What is Chen Ang, but they are all ants and dust!

She finally transcended this game of chess and games, and jumped out of the computer. She is just a Daniel, not the master of the magic weapon, but just a pawn! There is no need for any conspiracy against a pawn. The choice this time is just a move on the chessboard, so what? So what if you lose!

When she knew that it was impossible for her to control Sirius Knife and Wudao at the same time, Daniel lost meaning to her.

At this time, this duel is just a game, and no one will be very concerned about the character controlled by their computer, winning or losing a game... She has already entered another game of chess. Play chess with those old gods, with Dormammu, with Vishander, and with Mephisto.

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