Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 41 God and the Devil

Chen Ang stared at the flustered eyes of the Voodoo wizard. The room was very gloomy, and traces of Voodoo witchcraft could be seen everywhere, such as the dry and decayed remains of eagles, snakes and lizards, animal corpses, human bones, hanging on the wall, etc. There are bracelets made of monkey heads, antelope skulls, and elephant tails for casting spells, and there are various bottles and jars on the table.

Chen Ang walked over from the table and saw dried chameleons, women's fingers with long nails, the head of a vulture, bundles of bundled antelope horns and ivory, brightly colored local textiles, and bundled dead hair.

Chen Ang walked to a shelf where blood sacrifice utensils were placed. On it were necklaces made of beast teeth, ashes and other colored powders used to smear the body, gorgeous priest costumes and decorative witchcraft, as well as different sizes. A hammer to crush skulls, a sledgehammer to crush bones, a dagger to slit a chest, a broadsword to decapitate, and a spear to kill sacrifices.

Chen Ang took down the spear and held it twice in his hand. The wizard over there was sobbing and begged in a low voice: "Let me go! I don't know anything!"

Chen Ang turned around suddenly, and the spear in his hand shot out, piercing his chest.

Strange, who was guarding the wizard, was taken aback and said in horror, "You killed him? Why did you kill him! We haven't asked anything yet! Are you crazy?"

Chen Ang stepped forward, stepped on the spear, and pushed the spear that had passed through his chest forward again. Most of the spear passed through his chest and hit the ground, forming a support for him. Standing up, the wizard hanging on the spear was bleeding from seven holes, and died a terrible death. Strange was at a loss, and had no idea what Chen Ang was doing.

"No matter how we torture him, he won't say anything!" Chen Ang said calmly, "After all, we can't hurt him."

The sorcerer wearing the spear was still motionless, his limbs twisted and dead in a miserable state.

Chen Ang reached out and grabbed a handful of butterfly scale powder from the jar on the table, and sprinkled it on his body. Then he opened five or six boxes of witchcraft materials, and grabbed a lot of powders of various colors, including lime and clay. , there is red clay, dark red powder made of blood mixed with spices, and even a small amount of gold powder.

Chen Ang looked at the gold and silver powder in his hand, with an interesting taste: "It seems that you have been in Egypt for so long, you are not wasting time, gold, silver and gems symbolize the gods of ancient Egypt, and are also the origin of European alchemy. The sun, man, the power of life, silver is the moon, woman, the power of spirit, this is the ancient Egyptian magic system."

"It's just convenient for me!" Chen Ang used the powder to stain the wizard's blood, and drew various mysterious symbols and geometric patterns around it.

Strange watched him do this solemnly, and said, "Are you trying to summon his soul back for torture?"

"No!" Chen Ang quickly finished drawing these rune symbols, stood up, looked at the corpse and said, "Do you know the meaning of the word Voodoo?"

"This word comes from Benin, which is one of the most backward countries in Africa and is also the origin of Voodoo. Voodoo in the true sense was created by the Queen of Voodoo, Lavieu, in the eighteenth century, but Benin did not It is the cradle of voodoo, which originated from the ancient beliefs of the local indigenous people. In the local language, voodoo means "god", "spirit" and "soul".

"Few people know that the ancient origin of Voodoo, even before humans came out of Africa, it was passed down from generation to generation in an ancient tribe, long before the Egyptians built pyramids and developed their own sacrificial culture, Voodoo's The predecessor was spread on the land of Africa."

"Legends say that its source is one of the five tribes on the African continent who hold the secret of human origin."

"The name of that ancient tribe is unverifiable! But the 'god' they worshiped or feared has spread. Voodoo is to describe the essence of that 'god' and the inheritance of its power. Voodoo In the world view, everything has a spirit, and spirituality comes from the outflow of an indescribable 'God'."

"The Spirit flows from the fountain of God, and with death,

Return to the body of God. "

"They worship the soul, study the soul, try to use the power of spells, refuse the process of return, and refuse to die! Why do you think that you can control the soul of a voodoo wizard? They have been struggling all their lives to escape that curse, that existence With their eyes, they kill spiritual animals, use those spiritual materials to create substitutes, in an attempt to confuse that existence and replace their own death."

Chen Ang looked at the spear under his feet, and said with a smile: "The spear can't kill them!"

The corpse hanging on the spear suddenly raised his head, with an extremely distorted expression on his bloody face, and he used his broken lungs to make a weird voice leaking air: "Since you know that swords can't kill us, why do you dare to come here? ?”

Chen Ang kicked his body heavily, kicking him into the air, then lifted his spear and nailed him to the wall, sneered and said, "Even if I can't kill you, so what? Isn't it a war scum? There are a lot of immortal people... Have you ever heard of demihumans? They wish they could die. Do you want to be wrapped in a hundred tons of cement blocks and sink into the Maradona Trench? Scum!"

The wizard on the wall, in front of Chen Ang's unrestrained arrogance, still revealed his true nature. Seeing that he did not receive fatal damage before but still chose to pretend to be dead instead of fighting back, he knew that this guy took immortality as his trump card , It's revealed when you're scared!

He hurriedly begged for mercy: "You have something to say, strong man, you can ask anything you want. We Voodoo wizards have not been dealt with in this way. They cut off our heads, or burned our bodies with fire. Burn to ashes...but these methods have long been cracked by our wizards! You can't kill me...but that person can kill me."

"He can destroy my soul...I dare not offend him."

The wizard begged: "Why don't I tell you some clues. I won't offend him too much, and you can go find it yourself."

Chen Ang glanced at him. He couldn't bear the rancid smell in the room, so he asked Strange to open the door. Strange simply stood at the door. Chen Ang turned his back to him, and faced him nailed to the wall. The voodoo wizard said leisurely: "Playing with the soul? Is it a devil or a demon? Satan...or Lucifer? Mephitus? Baal? Belial? Amon?"

"It shouldn't be Satan..." Chen Ang Xiao said: "It seems that Satan has taken the blame for you! I hope he won't be messed up too badly by the investigation team of the Human Revolutionary League..."

"Which devil or demon lord became an ally of Thanos?" Chen Ang played with the lighter in his hand.

The wizard hanging on the wall showed a flattering smile and said: "The monster I summoned should have gone to Wakanda! The reason why they came to me is because I sneaked into Wakanda once."

Strange said solemnly: "Why did you sneak into Wakanda, and why did you sneak there?"

The wizard showed a greedy smile: "Of course I went there for Zhenjin, if not, who would go to that remote place..."

Chen Ang sneered mockingly.

The voodoo wizard trembled, and said cautiously: "Wakanda seems to have a mysterious connection with Voodoo, and Voodoo people sometimes go there to exchange some things. Provide them with information... There was a time in Wakanda People came to Voodoo, hoping that we could provide some clues to the slave-hunting team that took the slaves, so I took the opportunity to sneak in, but unfortunately I was caught before I found Zhenjin!"

Chen Ang added calmly: "Wakanda is one of the other four ancient tribes who hold the secret of human origin. It is normal for them to be connected with Voodoo!"

"I think he knows who is cooperating with Thanos!" Strange tilted his head and looked at the wizard, and said, "How can we get what we want from him."

"I see it now! His soul is not in his body...his body is just a puppet!"

"Didn't you find something missing from him?" Chen Ang gestured: "His voodoo doll is not on him, in fact his soul was hidden in the doll by him, and then he made his body into a resurrected corpse, Even if fatally injured, even if we cut off his head! He will not be harmed."

Chen Ang grabbed the tail of the spear and shook it down vigorously. The spear trembled against the wizard's chest, and rubbed against his ribs, making a cracking sound.

"Then why is he so afraid of you destroying his body?" Strange asked curiously.

"He hid the voodoo doll so well! I'm afraid that someone won't find it!" Chen Ang said disdainfully: "After the soul is attached to the voodoo doll, he loses the ability to move and relies on controlling the reanimated corpse to move. If We destroyed the resurrected corpse, and he will be imprisoned in the doll, waiting for someone to find out."

"Only if someone rediscovers him, he can manipulate others to perform various evil magic rituals, seize new bodies, or refine new reanimated corpses, so in Benin and Haiti, locals often fear those who hide in remote places. old voodoo dolls, thinking it was something a wizard had cast a curse on."

"The local wizards couldn't erase the fear and long-held experience, so they threatened them that when they found the voodoo doll, they would be cursed. The only way to get rid of this fear was to induce others to take it. Curse. Curious tourists often suffer because of this... I investigated a case where the whole family of tourists who bought this kind of voodoo doll attached to the soul of a wizard as a tourist souvenir because of curiosity was killed."

"So..." Chen Ang concluded: "Every wizard is distressed, how to hide their voodoo dolls, if they are too obvious, they will be destroyed by the enemy. If someone finds out, it's over!" Chen Ang looked at the wizard hanging on the wall with a half-smile: "This one is too hidden!"

"So he is afraid that we will destroy his body, but he keeps the bottom line. Because if he betrays that person, even the soul will not survive, right?" Strange sighed: "It seems that we can't get more There are too many things! Let him explain a little more, and just change back to his body!"

When the wizard heard this, there was excitement in his eyes.

Chen Ang sneered to dispel his elation: "It's cruel, ruthless, sorry... I haven't lost yet. He's afraid of the person who persecuted him, but he should be more afraid of me!" Chen Ang's voice came from the dark It came coldly, his face was hidden in the faint, extremely gloomy.

Chen Ang leaned in front of the Voodoo wizard, and said in a low voice: "It seems that you haven't felt the real fear, so you put the fear of that person above me..."

The wizard was almost pissed off.

Obviously it is scary enough, there are not many human beings who are more terrifying than you, as a human being, why do you compare with the devil? Are you proud of winning?

He yelled frantically: "What are you going to do? If you destroy my body, I won't tell you anything!"

Chen Ang threw the heads of crocodiles, eagles, wild dogs, goats and orangutans at his feet, got the corpse oil, mixed it in high alcohol, fell slowly from his head, and sprayed blood on the wall behind him Draw a complex magic circle. The wizard's soul frantically issued a warning sign. He burst into tears in fear, and begged: "Please, I really can't say his name. If I say it, my soul will be taken away by him..."

"I made a contract!" he wailed at last. "Please, I made a contract...don't destroy my soul. Are you going to use hellfire?"

Chen Ang's face relaxed: "It's the devil! Very good, we know something again."

"And we know why that existence let him go! Out of the devil's nature, he hopes that our actions will gain nothing, but let him harvest a superior soul." Strange added.

"You're so cowardly!" Chen Ang said in the wizard's ear: "Seeing that you chose the spirited voodoo doll, I knew you were a coward. A true voodoo wizard who has no fear of life and death can only make substitutes. Doll, and then transfer the damage you have received to the substitute, the kind of wizard who dares to pick up a knife and do it hard!"

"You coward who only thinks about feigning death, no wonder that existence thinks it can take away your soul!"

Chen Ang paused, and then continued to pour alcohol on his head... The wizard struggled frantically, he wanted to pull out the spear in his chest, but Chen Ang quickly nailed his palm with two sacrificial daggers, and then used The dagger nailed his feet, and the wizard collapsed on the wall like a crucifixion.

Strange frowned and said, "Why do you put him in such a state to attract the church's pursuit? This is the image of the Holy Son Jesus suffering...he is not worthy of this!"

"I don't have that illegitimate child!" Chen Ang said indifferently: "There is nothing unworthy, the person I personally nailed, he deserves this honor!"

The wizard on the wall didn't feel the supreme glory, he just felt the deep fear of death.

Chen Ang lit the lighter and threw it on him, and the raging fire burned from the body of the "Sacred Son". In the faint blue flame, Chen Ang recited the mantra: "The eagle's wings, the crocodile's fins, the wild dog's sense of smell." , the hand and wisdom of the orangutan, offering goats as sacrifices to the nameless, guiding them to what I seek..."

Strange couldn't bear to see him, and turned his head to avoid looking directly at the wizard's earth-shattering screams and struggles, but the fire was lit for three seconds, and then went out!

After a while, the wizard stopped screaming and said excitedly, "I'm fine...haha! I'm fine!"

Strange turned his head and noticed the skulls that disappeared in the center of the magic circle under his feet, and after that, things that didn't belong here reappeared - the hair was woven, the blood was coated, and the skeleton was carved with the bones taken from the body , a simple doll engraved with witchcraft.

Strange looked at the voodoo wizard who was overjoyed with sympathy, and silently mourned for him for three seconds, which was rare in his heart.

A few minutes later, the ashen-faced voodoo wizard said everything like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

His contract was replaced by Chen Ang with a fresh dead man's soul. When Strange saw the soul taken away by an inexplicable force in the void behind him, he finally thought seriously about what strength Chen Ang was. What kind of wizard is it, and how much magic do you have to learn to tamper with the devil's contract?

Strange couldn't think of it... He felt a genuine fear.

I always feel that Mephitus, who is playing tricks behind the scenes, may not be as terrifying as this person.

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