Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 42 Earth Folds, Isolated Waves

To the south of Cairo, the surrounding scenery is getting more and more desolate. Except for a few tourist cities, the whole of Egypt is just a large tract of farmland, and the city clusters are dotted along both sides of the Nile River. Distressed and dull, it's like Egypt in the late '60s, in fact.

If you open your eyes and look at the whole world, you will find that most countries in this world are still in the late agricultural period.

Except for a few economically developed areas in Western Europe, North America, East Asia, and Australia, most other countries and regions are still in an agricultural society. Even Egypt, the number one power in Africa, except for a few industrial tourism cities, other places It's like being in the sixties, it seems that time here has never moved forward since 1960.

After the Human Revolutionary Union made a breakthrough to complete the industrial, energy and artificial intelligence revolutions and became a national alliance capable of traveling across galaxies, this geographical division became more and more obvious.

On this planet: The three major allies of the Human Revolutionary Federation have entered the interstellar era, and have entered the communist society as a whole, which is the first world. The United States, Australia and other countries are still economically prosperous, and industries support the backbone of the entire society. They have entered the late stage of capitalism, and they are the second world. In countries such as India, Southeast Asia, and Egypt, some areas have entered the early capitalist society. In urbanized areas like Mumbai, people still live in industrialized societies. This is the third world; but except for cities, the countryside , time seems to have stagnated there...

The Nazis also did a good job in South America. After the founding of the People's Revolutionary Federation, economic globalization went bankrupt, and South America fell into a period of huge recession, almost being thrown into the fourth world. But after the Nazis occupied South America, relying on Hydra's technological strength and the seriousness of the Nazis, they actually engaged in a wave of industrialization, abruptly continuing the life of South America, and now they are doing better than India. "

But on the African continent, after leaving Egypt, the places with cities may be called the fourth world...where there is water, electricity, and some primary industrial products, other than that, industry has nothing to do with them. After the establishment of the Human Revolutionary Federation, the division of the entire world and the bankruptcy of the wave of globalization since World War II brought these countries back to their original shape.

On the vast land outside these cities, human activities have almost declined to the Iron Age—except for iron, there are almost no means of production that have anything to do with industry.

It used to be rich in resources, and it was a competition field for many countries. African people often criticized developed countries such as China, European countries, and the United States for plundering their resources. Money resources are available after all.

Only then did the African people know that what is more tragic than being plundered is that they are not even entitled to be plundered.

Capitalists don’t have too much money to burn, and they come here to spend money for charity... Along the way, mines were abandoned, factories closed down, and roads were never maintained. The farther you leave Luo, it seems that you have gradually stepped out of civilized society. The blacks on the side of the road looked numb, and the road under the car was dilapidated.

Only three years after globalization went bankrupt and the world was divided, this place has been beaten back to its original form, almost back to the form of primitive tribes.

Strange watched these changes, and said with a feeling of compassion: "When China needs this place, the highways, high-rise buildings, mines and factories built here, but once it is no longer needed, they will be abandoned like shoes..."

"The earth is full of crises in the universe, and the Human Revolutionary Union can't protect itself. How can we come here to save the world and black people?" Chen Ang said with a noncommittal smile.

"The Human Revolutionary League closed its doors and closed its contacts with other countries. It is too harmful to the development of the world economy! It is almost equivalent to the whole of Europe, half of Central Asia, and the whole of East Asia. It is a wide area across the Eurasian continent. It is closed and independent, occupying global industrialization. Two-thirds of the country’s size, such a vast market and the closure of investment sources have had a fatal impact on these countries that have long since divided labor in the world market.”

"So the new American president didn't save the world after he came to power!" Chen Ang looked at Strange with a half-smile and said, "Instead of pulling India,

Win over Southeast Asia, unite with Australia and Canada, create your own small economic circle, return to industrialization, and give up other regions? "

"The separation of the third and fourth worlds is the result of the joint action of the Human Revolutionary Union, the American Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean Economic Alliance. The earth is being divided into four dimensions, and the whole world is like the earth in four different spaces! "

"The closure of the Human Revolutionary Federation is due to the gap between ideology and the origin of the old and new human beings. The United States' closure is independent."

"The human society on the entire earth is like four divided parallel earths. One world cultivates the universe, travels in the star sea, absorbs tens of millions of resource planets, and supports the development of civilization. It has a great reputation in the Milky Way. The rising interstellar civilization."

"The other world is industrially developed. Although the economy has been impacted, it is generally developing well. In the face of the wave of globalization collapse, it is more than enough to protect itself. It has established a self-styled small circle and gradually abandoned global hegemony. One is to retreat and seek domestic industry to develop again. , The second is the expansion of the Progressive Revolutionary League outside the planet. Other countries can also enjoy the international order established by the United States by taking advantage of the United States. If it were not for the shocking of the Revolutionary League in the front and the hostility of the Nazis in the rear, it can still be called He Qinghai Yan."

"The third world, under the wave of global economic isolation, can only protect itself. Countries like Egypt and the Middle East can still embrace the thighs of the United States, sell resources, and keep major cities from declining. Countries like South Africa It would be miserable...falling into the abyss! They are like isolated islands and reefs emerging one after another after being submerged by the waves, and even the duality of the entire country, the city and the country are separated."

"The fourth world has been almost forgotten outside the civilized society, and has become primitive and closed tribes one after another. It can almost be said that it has regressed back to the feudal society!"

"The entire world, in the wave of global isolation, although it is still connected in space, has been separated into several completely different worlds economically and socially... This is the earth in the post-industrial era. This is the coming The changes in the world after one year..."

All the way to North Sudan, there are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road... Some abandoned cars are parked by the side of the road. The iron sheet on the body has been stripped off by the hardworking African people, leaving only an abandoned messy body on the side of the road rust.

Then there was a fallen tree blocking their way. Strange got out of the car, looked at the tree trunk that had obviously been down for a few days, and exclaimed: "Oh my God! Is there no car here? The road There is an obstacle on the ground, and no one has dealt with it for a few days?"

"There is really no car here!" The black wizard sat in the car and said indifferently.

Strange was puzzled: "Have I arrived on an alien planet? I don't believe that no one in Africa can buy a car anymore?"

"What's the use of buying a car if you can't buy oil? If you can buy oil, is it just for a few people to drive and maintain the road?" The wizard rolled his eyes and said, "The white people have left! The businessmen have left! They have left the factories here , store, leave the niggers, what's the use of the road?"

Strange said in shock: "But you are an oil-producing country! You can refine oil yourself!"

"Engineers are gone. Investors are gone. You can't buy machines, you can't sell oil... What's the use of refineries? Stark invented new energy, and now only the Middle East can sell oil at a low price...Africa It has stopped producing oil for a long time!" The wizard spread his hands.

"We gotta get this thing out of the way!" Strange grumbled. "Oh my God! We should have asked S.H.I.E.L.D. to drop us off to Wakanda! Why are we driving there?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. sent us there...then there is no real Wakanda! Only Wakanda, one of the poorest countries in Africa. And your hanging ring can't be teleported there, there is a space monitoring system. I can I don't want to be hunted down like a dog once I get there!" Chen Ang also got out of the car and looked at the big tree blocking the way.

He took out the voodoo doll and threw it to Strange. The wizard in the car looked nervous, afraid that the doll would fall to the ground.

Strange reached out to catch the voodoo doll, as if the wizard in the car hit a wall of air, Strange reached out and touched the voodoo doll, and then grabbed the doll's hands and feet, like a little girl playing house Similarly, manipulate the doll to make the action of opening the door and getting out of the car.

His movements were quite rude, obviously playing with dolls like a little girl is not Strange's hobby, the wizard's body seemed to be manipulated by someone, he moved involuntarily, he stood up with big movements, heavy Bumped his head and had to complain, "Easy, man! You're manipulating me, not playing with dolls!"

With a dark face, Strange controlled the wizard's body to lift up the big tree and throw the obstacle aside.

"You should find a way to develop a spell to control the doll!" Chen Ang said sarcasticly at the side: "Otherwise, this resurrected corpse will be completely wasted!"

"You can let him act on his own!" Strange complained: "His possessed doll is in your hands, and he will definitely obey you!"

"The reanimated corpse can only play its greatest value under the control of the wizard!" Chen Ang took the voodoo doll from him, grabbed the doll and twisted it twice, and the wizard's physical body made a series, which is absolutely impossible for the human body to complete. Chen Ang grasped the forearm of the voodoo doll and lifted it vigorously, and the wizard on the road in front of him soared into the sky and flew into the air, making the classic superman gesture.

"Look... can he make this by himself?" Chen Ang casually threw the doll back into Strange's hands.

The wizard in the sky was thrown into the distance... or thrown, his body seemed to be thrown back by an invisible force, and then hit the ground.

There was a desperate expression on the wizard's face.

"I'll use the Taiyin shape refining method to refine it another day, and it will be more useful then!" Chen Ang opened the co-pilot's door as he spoke, and got back into the car.

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