Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 55 Ask the Creator to Listen

That face seemed to guess that he didn't know himself, he pulled off his lower lip, revealing a line of blue fluorescent codes, Klaue laughed, and laughed so hard that he fell down on the throne.

Crowe choked with laughter, and said: "He is the son of my partner, the royal family of Wakanda! His father is your father's younger brother, the prince who was killed by your father himself-Nijob. "

Black Panther was shocked!

He looked at the young cousin before him, noticing the ring he wore around his neck, and he recalled the secret the old king had told him in visions—about the death of his uncle Nejob. He whispered: "My father, the king of Wakanda, everything T'Chaka did was just!"

"It's a fair trial because your father betrayed Wakanda!"

"Shut up!" yelled Eric Killmonger or Ni Jadaka. "He just has some disagreements about Wakanda, but he still loves this country!"

"So you brought people to invade it?" T'Challa asked.

Ni Jadaka replied: "I am here to change it! Wakanda, do you know how powerful Wakanda is? But our compatriots still suffer the most miserable suffering in the world. Our nation and race have become The lowest-status race in the world. You cowardly protect yourself here...but you watch helplessly outside this barrier, where more than a billion people with the same skin color as us are struggling to survive."

"You sit back and watch the crimes that white people have committed here for hundreds of years, higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea, and watch them commit bloody debts, but do nothing."

"Wakanda, which is closed to the outside world, has so many lies for the so-called peace?"

Although T'Challa also felt it, but at this time he had to maintain his father's dignity, he replied: "Is that because we are protecting this country?"

"Protection?" Ni Jadaka roared, "The weak need protection, and the strong are only bound!"

"Outside of Wakanda, people have lost their minds because of greed. Just let Ulysses Crow behind you know that it has brought us so much suffering. If the wealth here, Zhenjin makes the whole The world knows that war will break the peace here, and Wakanda will become a hell of war!"

"There will be countless ambitious people staring at this place, and we will never have peace!"

"Zhenjin...Zhenjin...Zhenjin!" Ni Jadaka slammed his spear and made a loud noise to interrupt T'Challa's words: "How long are you going to maintain this lie?"

"Vibranium is not is a curse!" said Ni Jadaka.

T'Challa couldn't help but tighten his hands, and he said nervously, "What did you say?"

Ni Jadaka proudly said: "Stop repeating the lie that has been told for tens of thousands of years? Why did the Jabari tribe betray the king, and why did they reject the Leopard Goddess? Because they knew the truth...the so-called heart-shaped herbs endowed the black panther with Power, but a lie! A lie!"

"It just undoes the shackles on us and gives us back our own power!"

"Black Panther is a hoax, the royal family is a lie, every Wakanda, no, every black person has this power inside of them, it is Zhenjin who cursed us! Sealed our power!"

"What crazy talk are you talking about?" T'Challa said: "There are so many tribes far away from Zhenjin, when will they have the strength and wisdom of Wakanda?"

"Because there are five sources of curses that have sealed them!" Ni Jadaka counted: "Matter, soul, death, life, and destiny. The five oldest tribes keep five seals. As long as we untie the seals, we We will gain the power and wisdom of our ancestors, and we will rule the world!"

"Jadaka!" the Panther cut him off, roaring, "Do you want Wakanda to be destroyed?"

Ni Jadaka showed a mysterious smile, he looked back to the top of his head, T'Challa also turned his head, and he saw a camera... Ni Jadaka said: "Now, everyone knows!"

T'Challa paled,

Shaking his head, he said: "No, you don't know. Zhenjin is imprisonment, but it is also protection. If you unlock the seal, it means that you have sent a signal to the Creator, and you want to accept the test! Our ancestors feared the Creator The disaster brought about by the test sealed my strength!"

"If you do this, you will only attract them!"

"Who are they?" Ni Jadaka snarled.

"They are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!" T'Challa terrified: "Created our ancestors, gave them strength and wisdom, but cruelly destroyed them, and gave them the so-called test of the Messiah and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of Creation! "

Steve was stunned when he heard it next to him: "It's the apocalypse again!"

"Zhenjin records the history of our tribe..." T'Challa whispered: "The meteorite that fell from the sky is part of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Our ancestors discovered that this meteorite recorded everything that happened around us. Our tribe The birth, growth and destruction, new life, so I know the horror of that disaster!"

"Originally, only when the king took the heart-shaped herb and released the shackles, could he enter the meteorite, inspect everything, meet the souls of the kings, and see the Leopard Goddess."

"But now, I can send out a high-frequency vibration that makes Vibranium reproduce everything it recorded!"

Techara sent a message to Chen Ang while talking. After receiving the message, Chen Ang adjusted the vibration frequency of the gravitational wave generator on the ship. The city created by Zhenjin also resonated accordingly, turning into a blue ocean. In the blue light, endless battlefield ruins suddenly appeared around people.

It seems to be back in ancient times!

What a terrifying battlefield it was. The tall, blurred human figures existed like gods, and when they raised their hands, they were overwhelming. The people of Wakanda even knelt down in fright in front of their divine power, thinking that They are gods.

But in a blink of an eye, their enemies appeared.

There are shadows that cannot be seen clearly surrounded by intense glare, the deepest and blackest shadows, all kinds of ferocious monsters, and an unimaginable dark space. The tall figures like gods collapsed, and they died in battle. Fleeing, leaving the ruins of their civilization and countless corpses on the ground.

Finally, a small group of remnant tall figures came to Wakanda, and they looked at the huge meteorite falling from the sky in surprise.

They knelt down to the Zhenjin Meteorite, using the ancient language, offering sacrifices to the surrounding Meteorite, and the boundless ancient singing sounded again, echoing beside the Meteorite——

At this moment, please listen to the creator

We have no intention of challenging your authority

Even if we know that we were born because of you, and blame God

But all life in the world is unique

Should not be selected nor should be eliminated

I beg you to give me hope now

Although we know that the world has its own good and evil, wise and foolish

May you have mercy on those who will walk with you and give them hope

As the sun rises again, the meteorite emits a golden light in the afterglow of the sun. The Wakanda people have never seen such a light that vibranium can emit. In the light, all tall figures fade away from gold, Transformed into little blacks, they were ecstatic and sang praises around the meteorite naked.

Thank the Creator for His forgiveness!

Under the meteorite, the head of the tall black man, who was degenerate, knelt devoutly at the foot of the meteorite. A black panther slowly walked towards him. The blacks picked the herbs and drank the herbs, and the blacks around him cheered and embraced him as king.

Some blacks who resisted the light of the meteorite still had ape-like hair. They seemed to disapprove of the leader's behavior. Amidst the loud cheers of the crowd, they quietly retreated to the remote mountains.

What Techara plays is naturally not the original history, but the history that has been processed by the souls of the Black Panthers of Wakanda, eliminating sensitive words...the so-called official history!

The exposure of Wakanda's history made people in the whole city uneasy. Those people who had firmly supported T'Challa became confused. The majesty of the royal family was weaker than ever. Ni Jadaka's goal was achieved, and he was shaken. support for T'Challa.

"According to the tradition of our tribe..." Ni Jadaka pulled up the spear in front of him, walked towards T'Challa and said, "The winner is the king!"

"This is not a tribe's tradition. Although you have the right to challenge the throne, you must follow the traditional ceremony. The ceremony is over. I am your king!" Black Panther suppressed his anger and said, "You have taken refuge in the enemy who killed the old king... You are not worthy to be king!"

"That's your father, but he is my father-killing enemy!" Jadaka said: "There are no traditional ceremonies, these are just the traditions followed by the mediocre, and there is only one real tradition-the strong is king. I will step on your head and make you bow to me. When I prove that I am far stronger than you, I will naturally be the king!"

Jadaka pointed the tip of his spear at T'Challa and said, "The battle for the throne!"

His voice was broadcast live to Boninzana by countless relay screens. In the process, Ebony Throat used its own magic power to quietly plant a spiritual hint. At this time, someone in Boninzana raised his hand and said: "Take The king!"

The rivers, mines, and the elders of the royal tribe of Boninzana came to see each other, acquiescing to the sporadic sound, and then the sound of the tsunami on the return journey: "The battle for the throne, the winner is the king!"

The panther popped out its sharp claws, sank down, and responded, "The winner is king...don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

Jadaka roared, and went up with a spear, and the four helpers from Clara over there also rushed towards the opposite hero. Claudius was laughing on the throne, Chen Ang was smiling on the spaceship, Ebony Throat raised his index finger, and hissed before his lips, interrupting the mental suggestion, and Strange's figure in a red cloak appeared behind him.

The flames of war, ignite!

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