Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 56 Unlimited Fighting Technique

Jadaka put on the Panther battle suit also made of vibrating gold. Compared with T'Challa's battle suit, Jadaka's battle suit is made of gold as the secondary color, and the mask has obvious money patterns. According to Wakanda's tradition that only the king can be called a black panther, Jadaka, who has not yet ascended the throne, may be called a leopard!

Although the leopard battle suit was also made by Princess Su Rui, after Jadaka captured the suit, it was transformed by Crowe with superb acoustic technology.

So when Jadaka was wearing the golden decoration and money-spotted battle suit, around the battle suit, there was an air barrier that distorted the light like steam.

Before T'Challa could react, the spear in Jadaka's hand shot out. With the unique properties of vibrating gold, a silver spear was drawn silently, only the afterimage left in the air could be seen. The sharp, almost indestructible spearhead pointed directly at T'Challa's left chest.

Except for the sharp claws that come with the battle suit, the black panther does not carry any weapons.

The distance between the two sides was about three or four meters, but Jadaka, wrapped in the battle suit, seemed to have crossed this space and penetrated many barriers, and appeared in front of T'Challa almost unbelievably. The air barrier around him was like steam, like There were layers of ripples like water waves, and the violently twisted air refracted the light, making the silver light of the spear waved erratic, deceiving T'Challa's eyes.

T'Challa just had time to fold his arms across his chest.

Then he felt his hand sank, the spear collided with his arms, making a dull sound, and then an unrivaled force surged from the point of contact, T'Challa couldn't stop under his feet, and retreated continuously After a few steps, he barely managed to hold back.

There was a panic in T'Challa's heart—I don't know how Crowe modified this suit. The leopard suit that has been acoustically modified makes no sound, breaks through the sound barrier, and steps on the ground will not cause any sound , and the speed of breaking through the sound barrier distorts the air around the suit, causing the refraction of light.

With this kind of vision and hearing being deceived, Techalai couldn't deal with Jadaka's attack at all.

And Jadaka's spear technique is amazing. He uses a spear as a stick. When he swings it, he vibrates the gold material through the stick. When he swings and deforms, he accumulates powerful kinetic energy, which is equivalent to every time Jadaka swings a spear. , are accumulating power, and these powers will only explode when they fight T'Challa.

This is equivalent to every time T'Challa fights him, he will be completely suppressed in terms of strength.

Soon he was hit several times, the body under the battle suit was severely contused, his ribs and arm bones were burning, and he seemed to have symptoms of fractured bones.

And Jadaka's bare-handed fighting skills are even fiercer. This murderer who was born in the US special forces and killed people in Afghanistan is fierce and decisive. Knowing the weakness of his body, his fighting style is even more deadly, making T'Challa difficult to parry. .

Captain America met Moses Magnum and wanted a quick victory. Originally, this was not unimaginable. After all, Moses Magnum was just an arms dealer, a great mercenary, and belonged to ordinary human beings. No matter how you say it, it's hard to compare with a superhuman like Steve who has used the super soldier serum.

So the US team used the neat military fighting skills he learned in the army.

But Moses Magnum just opened his right hand and sprinkled a cloud of white powder smoke over his head. He was wearing windproof glasses and a gas mask. How could Steve not be surprised?

Steve rolled on the spot and blocked the vibrating gold shield in front of him: "Sprinkle sand... Is this a fight between children?"

"I'm very old!" Moses Magnan said, "You bully an old man with handicapped legs like me, can't I use tricks?" ! What I spilled is an irritating poisonous powder, which is specially aimed at the cornea of ​​the human eye!"

Captain America kicked over and said, "Speaking of respecting the elderly... I'm ten years older than you!"

The windshield that Moses Magnum wore on his eyes suddenly shot a bright white light,

The degree of white light emitted was very strong, and the light emitted by a light bulb the size of a cigarette butt almost illuminated the entire hall of the palace.

The American team was caught off guard, and felt that his kryptonite eyes were about to go blind!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the toes. He hugged his feet, held back the pain, and was furious. He barely opened his tearful eyes, and vaguely saw Moses Magnum lifting the shoes under his feet. The shoes Moses was wearing The heel of the shoe has a half-palm-sized thick-soled vibrating gold heel.

The heel is even made into a small hydraulic mechanical device. When his foot is lifted, the heel will retract a bit, and when he steps down, the heel will be smashed down like a hammer. .

This not only gives him a reverse impact, allowing him to move faster, but also has a special bonus to the toe-stomping move.

Moses Magnum wore vibrating gold gloves with barbs on his fists, so that the US team could only use a shield to parry and prevent him from spitting.

Captain America has to deal with his attacks on the one hand, and on the other hand he has to deal with his endless small movements, including... the provocative legs with vibrating spikes and impact hammers on the toes, Moses Magnum's two feet are almost hooked Like the scorpion tail, it can attack the "vital points" of the US team from various tricky angles and timing.

Every part of his body has become a 'weapon', with special modifications, including, but not limited to, inserting eyes, pulling out gears, shooting, locking throat, and inserting knives. He is extremely erratic, good at staggered steps, repeated horizontal jumps, rolling and ground skills. In fact, Magnum has always wanted to fight Steve close to him.

But Steve managed to avoid direct contact with him by virtue of his superb fighting skills.

Even so, facing the endless "high-tech" props on Moses' body, Steve couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He hid several "human landmines" that would suddenly burst out a strong electric current when he was hit. There was a sudden burst of bright human body flash bombs, as well as hidden weapons for poisoning. From time to time, two disabling bombs, tear gas bombs, and shock bombs would be detonated close to the body.

Moses Magnum only relied on the defensive measures he had prepared in advance to attack Steve who was caught off guard.

Steve really felt what stalking and obscene fighting techniques are. Moses even installed a kind of vibrating gold blade on his nails, which is specially used to scratch people's faces. He scratched half of his face, and five deep scars appeared immediately.

Even Chen Ang, who was on the sidelines, was amazed by Moses' attack, which could be used everywhere as a weapon and exerted extreme imagination. Hawkeye and others saw the provocative feet that could not be traced like the horns of antelopes. It broke out in a cold sweat.

Chen Ang said with a lot of emotion: "Could this be the unlimited fighting technique created by the legendary martial arts master Chen Hegao?"

"I didn't expect that the national wind passed away, and a generation of legendary martial arts could be seen on this vast land of Africa..."

After seeing Moses throwing two iron balls, an iron net made of vibrating metal wire the size of a hair popped out in mid-air, tightly entangled the US team, and resorted to this kind of hooliganism that Yang Guo was helpless back then, Hitting the entangled Steve's crotch with his heel, the strong plasma and impact drill mechanism on the shoe caused an indescribable pain to the onlookers. Hawkeye had to use a magnetic arrow to rescue him. steve.

At this time, Zheng Shangqi, who hadn't shot in front of Hawkeye, blocked Hawkeye's arrow.

Hawkeye said seriously: "I don't want to hurt a child... so you'd better get out of the way!" He pointed the arrow at Zheng Shangqi.

Zheng Shangqi said calmly: "Your opponent is me! Although I don't agree with his martial arts, this is not the reason why you can besiege...We, one-on-one!"

Hawkeye sighed helplessly, let go of the bowstring, and the magnetic discharge arrow turned into an afterimage and shot out at a speed invisible to the naked eye, but Zheng Shangqi just raised one hand, and put on the blue gemstone ring on his ring finger, With a slight light, the silver-white cold air with a green color instantly froze everything in front of him.

The metal arrowhead was condensed and frozen in his hand, and as the bone-piercing Jade Crystal True Qi gushed out, the arrowhead made of high-strength alloy froze and shattered.

With Zheng Shangqi's other hand, he punched out a positive fist, and the white steam was hot and boiling, covering his fist, filling his fist like a miasma, and white zhenqi, like smoke and mist, gushed out from the white jade ring on his thumb, and the zhenqi was extremely hot , Dense and tough, directly defeated Hawkeye's blocking frame, broke Hawkeye's block, and draped it on his chest.

Hawkeye fell straight out, feeling a hot qi in his chest seal the valve, making him unable to breathe, let alone fight back.

"Bi Bingxue... Bai Yunyan!" Chen Ang exclaimed, "What a Huntian Ten Commandments!"


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