Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 57 Making a Difficult Choice

Faced with Jack the Ripper, who has transformed into a monster in the dark space, Mage Wang is not joking with his thick tendons. He exhaled and let out a loud roar of "Yi", and the fat all over his body shook like running water, layer upon layer. Stacked, as if to cause waves, he gestured with his left hand like opening a stele, and unfolded a magic circle with his right hand.

A black tiger pierced the heart, passed through the suddenly opened portal, and hit Jack the Ripper in the back of his heart.

Jack's face was hidden under a layer of black mist. He was holding a scalpel in a bow-holding style. When he was hit by Mage Wang on the back of his heart, it suddenly turned into a puff of black smoke and shot up into the sky. The direction falls.


Master Wang roared, his right hand was like a tiger's claw, and he grabbed the black smoke rushing towards Jack.

When his two fingers were about to scratch through the black smoke, they suddenly popped up. A few space blades that were as transparent as daggers and made of glass made the sharp weapon that was originally condensed and hidden in the nails cut open the black smoke. Yan, although Jack dispersed in time, was also caught in a black mist.

Jack's voice cried out in mid-air.

"Hu~ wow!" Master Wang screamed strangely, his hands were condensed into tiger claws, and he lunged upright in front of his chest.

Over there, Zheng Shangqi's blow implying the power of Meixiadang sent Hawkeye flying away. The fiery vigor made Hawkeye's complexion red, his chest was empty and he was about to vomit blood, when he heard the strange cry of Master Wang, Zheng Shangqi couldn't help but look back, but gave Hawkeye a chance to breathe, of course Zheng Shangqi didn't care.

"Exhale and open the sound, quite Nanyin... Could it be the Cai-Li-Fo boxing that has been spread in Fujian and Guangdong?" Zheng Shangqi only felt that this kind of sound hitting method was inexplicably handsome, and he was eager to try it.

The chubby mage Wang pulled out a magic weapon stick from behind, and pulled out a eyebrow-level stick. The stick was surrounded by runes. Although it was made of wood, it was Kama Taj's standard magic weapon. , Master Wang shook off, and his stick technique was orderly, like flowing water, and he couldn't get close to the stick circle with Jack's short knife.

It can be said to be a routine of bullying short weapons with long weapons, making it absolutely perfect!

Zheng Shangqi next to him couldn't help applauding secretly: "This pair of single sticks, plus the big red flag stick and the small flag stick are so exquisite, and the way of playing with the crutches and bridge stools, it can be called like ordinary people. What was never thought of, what was never done before.”

Master Wang put a stick on Jack's chest, was held up by him with a scalpel, and then shook off the stick flower. He had already integrated Karma Taj's spells and Cai Lifoquan, and he had the upper hand, forcing the Ripper to the ground. Can parry, no initiative.

"Master is very capable!" Zheng Shangqi couldn't help but said.

"Of course! Your Grandpa Wang...before he worshiped Karma Taj! But the famous double-bonus red stick!" Master Wang couldn't help but wildly said while beating heartily.

A long stick in his hand, like a dragon, swung it across the river and the sea wantonly, not giving it to anyone.


The reanimated corpse manipulated by Chen Ang, facing the black brother who belongs to the voodoo sect, smiled slightly: "Get out of the way! My opponent is not you!"

"Uluqi..." Achebe on the opposite side said: "It is already a miracle that you managed to save your own soul from your hand! To be honest, I was very surprised to see you, but... you are here That's it!"

"Are you surprised, why is my soul still on me after betraying you?" Chen Ang laughed.

Seeing Achebe showing jealousy and doubts in front of him, Chen Ang showed his big white teeth and laughed...

"That means... I'm not me!"

Achebe felt his strength in his body, like straw husks in a typhoon of level 18, quickly disappeared... His eyes began to blur, and he lost even the strength to support his body, he was weak Kneeling down in front of Chen Ang, the weak could barely lift his hands.

Looking at his trembling hands like a Parkinson's patient, Achebe raised his head in confusion.

Chen Ang just shook his head lightly and said: "You shouldn't sell your soul... I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I'm your boss's boss,

All human souls belong to me. Next time with a more reliable boss, Mephitos' business has been so poor recently, I'm ready to fire him! "


Ebony Maw put his hands behind his back, turned his back to Strange, and said softly, "Have you ever walked out of this planet? Respect...Guardian of the Rough Stone? I wonder what they call you? It seems to be the Supreme Mage ?”

"I seem to have seen him as the last supreme mage! So, how long have you been in office?"

Strange said slowly: "Less than seven years..."

"Less than seven years... I can say that you are very immature." Ebony Throat said calmly: "Master, we need to talk about the fate of this universe."

"I don't know what to talk about with you!" Strange said coldly.

" don't know the truth, you think we are here to conquer? That is a thing of the past. I am not here to conquer, but for you and me, our survival, for the survival of the entire can say It is for salvation! The entire universe has lost its balance, Thanos is not for his desire and ambition, on the contrary, what makes him do all this is out of the sacred part of his body, the part full of love."

"Yes, I admit that our loving father Thanos is sometimes difficult to get along with, but you have to believe that today we came together for common goodwill. Uniting these notorious people is not that we want to rule the universe, But for a sacred and great save this universe!"

Strange and Ebony Maw seemed to have fallen into a cosmic space, facing the endless galaxy, and when they were backed by the dark vacuum, an unimaginable dark existence appeared in front of them, independent of the universe, interpreting everything The ultimate of life and matter, this is death!

In the universe, two indescribably huge existences and two kinds of deaths are entangled together, forming the balance of this universe together.

"You know... three million years ago, all the great and eternal beings in the universe gave up eternal life and set themselves a destination of death. They all voluntarily surrendered to death. That was to maintain this universe The great law of balance, in which unknown death and known death intertwine in the universe."

"With the prosperity of life, the power of unknown death began to override the known death, so all immortal beings had to appoint their own fate of death, in order to prevent the imbalance between the two kinds of death, and the entire universe into the dark abyss."

"But it's just a drop in the bucket. The new balance lasted just three million years, and the sacrifices of all the immortals in the universe only lasted an insignificant era."

"Finally, our loving father Thanos realized that this is not the solution!"

"All unknown deaths in the universe come from life and the continuation and prosperity of civilization. The power of unknown death comes from life. Only by balancing the power of life and the power of death can the end of destruction be avoided. Thought you were guarding, don't you know that you are actually condoning the destruction!"

Strange saw the 'end' of the universe in his eyes, tears ran across his cheeks silently, he could barely breathe, and there was an indescribable darkness in his eyes.

"In order to achieve a balance, Thanos decided to follow the law of balance in the universe, and lead the two forces of death to balance. This means...we need to kill half of the life in the universe in order to allow the force of life and the force of death to development, return to balance...great...balance!"

"This is the truth...everything we're going to work for!"

The voice of Ebony Throat rang in Strange's ears, and the truth of death was clearly visible in his eyes. He knew that all of this was true. Shaking Strange's will.

At this time, Chen Ang appeared in the spiritual world where the two were intertwined. He touched the Eye of Agomodo and set the time back to three minutes ago... Strange reappeared from the portal. He chose to forget the fact that Ebony Maw had added powerful spiritual hints. He left hints in his own consciousness, no longer communicated with Ebony Maw, and attacked directly as soon as he showed up.

Only then did Chen Ang withdraw his mental power, and secretly said: "This is a great situation, I can't let you ruin it!"

"Existence is but an illusion...destruction is eternity!"

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