Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 58 Wakanda Conquered

Steve snorted, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he took two steps back. Although he was a superhuman injected with superhuman serum, the opposite was just a second-rate mercenary who had rejuvenated and returned to youth, but it was too dirty! It's really dirty! It has to be repeated twice, even in the face of rape, Steve has never seen such a dirty and unscrupulous hooligan.

Moses Magnum on the opposite side is too dirty to move his hands.

Relying on high-tech equipment, Moses Magnum forced the US team into a panic. On the way, he spilled some disc-shaped magnetic generators, and those small things the size of badges were scattered around. They will be absorbed quickly, but after being absorbed on the metal, these small things will start to flash red light, and after two seconds, an explosion will occur.

All the metal on Moses Magnum's body has been demagnetized, and only Steve has to deal with the bombs that attach to the shield from time to time.

There is also a kind of nano robot, which seems to be only 10

The size of a soybean, if sprinkled on the ground, it will quickly return to the shape of a triangular pyramid, and it will be tightly adsorbed on the surface.

Steve now has a few deep bone wounds on his feet, he has to stand on tiptoe to fight, but Moses Magnum on the opposite side is still mocking: "What's the matter? Girl? Are you dancing ballet?"

"You're the most shameless person I've ever seen... This, even the **** can't compare!" There was a dull pain in the crotch, the heart of the foot was bleeding profusely, and the hands were shaking from being blown up, even the American team I can't bear my good temper.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Moses Magnum took off his hat and gestured, "It's an honor!"

Steve sighed secretly, he was annoyed by the endless tricks on the opposite side, but that guy was very cunning, as slippery as a loach, he was constantly disrupted by these little tricks, unable to organize As an effective means of attack, what worries him most now is Hawkeye.

Hawkeye was frozen into a sculpture, he faced the front blankly, and there seemed to be a trace of disbelief on his expression, which made Steve very worried that Hawkeye would retire long ago! It was only because I recognized myself that I came to Wakanda to help. If he died unfortunately, what face would I have to face Hawkeye's family?

Zheng Shangqi, who had taken care of his eagle eyes, used a trick of Tu Kunlun, using the ring in his hand as a gravity generator, to place the gravitational distortion point around Master Wang's body, and the surrounding marble floor tiles and domes that were attracted by gravity collapsed and fell off. The shattered marble was sucked towards Master Wang.

Master Wang Cai Lifo boxing has reached the unfathomable realm of the unity of law and martial arts, interpreting the mystery of magic with boxing, smashing the marbles flying towards him one by one, and pulling them to a different space, but in the end he was still outnumbered and trapped in a small space by the marbles , The stone coffin made of gravel imprisoned him to death. If Zheng Shangqi hadn't deliberately kept his hand, this flesh and blood body would have been ground by marble and turned into flesh.

The reanimated corpse that Chen Ang leaned over had already cleaned up Achebe, and was sealing Jack the Ripper, who had been severely injured by Master Wang.

Chen Ang forced the black mist that Jack turned into into a voodoo doll.

He saw Zheng Shangqi walking towards him.

Zheng Shangqi said with emotion: "I just saw that Lie Xinxi had a fight with my compatriots, and you accidentally let the people on my side be cleaned up by you!" Jack in the doll cast a glance, and said angrily, "After all, it's colleagues, it's not easy to watch you take them away... In this way, I have two captives here..."

He gave Hawkeye, who was sealed in the ice, and Master Wang, who was trapped in the stone coffin, a glance.

"And you also captured two of our captives. Why don't we exchange..." Zheng Shangqi suggested.

Chen Ang was noncommittal, and threw the voodoo doll and Achebe over. Zheng Shangqi also came into contact with Bi Bingxue, who had frozen Hawkeye, and Tu Kunlun, who had suppressed Master Wang.

The US team took the opportunity to retreat to Chen Ang's side and helped the weak Hawkeye. As for Master Wang, he was not injured in Tukunlun.

Just after he was released from the stone coffin, he was able to stay on guard next to Chen Ang with vigor and vigor. As for the black panther, he was still entangled with the golden leopard. Both of them were wearing indestructible vibrating gold battle suits, defending the strong and attacking the weak, wanting to decide the winner , it is too difficult.

Over there, Strange and Ebony Maw's battle lines were also very stalemate. After giving himself a strong spiritual hint, Strange was immune to part of Ebony Maw's mental attack, but facing Ebony Maw's powerful telekinetic power, he still Very difficult.

With a thought of the ebony throat, the surrounding marble, building domes, and huge stone pillars all turned into deadly weapons. When they threw it at Strange, they could move like a sword, and the huge power of the thought cut the stone very sharply. , or even directly as a weapon, but fortunately Strange's spiritual sense is very keen, and he can always feel the invisible sword of thought power, and resist it with the energy shield formed by the spell in his hand.

Feeling the increasing pressure on himself, Strange secretly opened the Eye of Agomodo.

During the pause, Chen Ang's spirit body stood beside Strange and said, "Doctor Strange, you cheated again!"

Strange blushed, and said, "I'm not afraid of him... It's just that it's not easy to beat him for a while, and we don't have much time!" Chen Ang observed Ebony Throat for a while, then turned around and said: "You're afraid you won't be able to fight him!"

After observing the parallel world, Strange said with emotion: "He has cultivated his psychic ability to the point where he can move his thoughts. The reason why he can't unlock the stop of time is because he has no frame of reference. If a person Cut off from the outside world, he loses the sense of the time he is in. Only when he has a reference to the outside world does he know how time passes."

"This is the sense of time."

Chen Ang took over the words and said: "So you can't do anything to him, his current sense of time is normal, but once you do something to him, then his mind will instinctively perceive you, with your time as a reference , his mind can also move at the speed of light, and he can enter the state where time stops. Although the ability is limited, the power of telekinetics probably cannot reach the speed of light, but the spiritual communication between you can. I can't guarantee that you can support him mind intrusion and spiritual suggestion."

"Open the portal!" Chen Ang said, "We have to rescue T'Challa's relatives first!"

Strange sighed: "That's the only way!" Strange opened the portal, and the hostages present fell into the space door under their feet, including the bewitched princess and queen, as well as T'Challa's little lover.

"What about the others?" Strange looked at the tribal elders.

"Leave it here!" Chen Ang shrugged and said, "I don't think T'Challa will care about them!"

Strange quickly released the time stop. After the time stop was released, Ebony Maw reacted immediately. He looked at the time gem on Strange's chest and said, "Is it the power of time?"

At this time, Princess Su Rui and the queen fell from a height of several thousand meters. Even though they were controlled, the three women still couldn't help screaming. Three Mark armors rushed up to the sky and covered the three hostages.

The US team watched this scene nervously, until they were all protected by the armor, and then they were relieved, and said to the communicator: "Thank you...Little Pepper, you really helped us a lot!"

"Captain, this is what I should do!" Little Pepper laughed and said:

"How's Tony?" Steve asked.

Pepper sighed feebly: "It sucks! You should look at him, he is not like a tech genius, entrepreneur, iron man, superhero, but a drunk on the street! I don't even know him now He is! He is so strange to me!"

Steve comforted: "He's just been too deeply corrupted by Sargeras's spirit! We are trying to find a way to give him psychological treatment... I hope he can recover quickly. The Avengers can't survive without him!"

Steve glanced at the wounded Avengers around him, and Falcon Sam over there was urging him: "Quickly withdraw! Captain! The situation is very bad, those King's Guards did not support T'Challa as we expected , They are all controlled by the magic of Ebony Maw! Now the controlled fighters in Wakanda are going to the palace for support in a steady stream, we can't hold it any longer!"

Steve saw that most of the planned actions had failed, and now only by decisively stopping losses can the existing profits be kept. Immediately said: "Sam, you start withdrawing! We will meet up later!"

Then he said to T'Challa through a secret communicator: "The situation is even worse than we imagined. The restoration operation failed, but the hostages have been rescued. Evacuate quickly!"

When the black panther heard that the hostages had been rescued, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to give the leopard some hate, and then retreated.

But at this time, Xiaojiao suddenly nervously said: "The remote control of the armor here is interfered... It is caused by electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves. Our signal stabilizer can't work! Friday, fix the signal... Ma'am, There is a powerful source of interference on the opposite side, and the source of interference must be eliminated!"

Steve's heart tightened all of a sudden!

The panther also heard the call from the communicator, and at this moment Crowe stood up from the throne, clapped his hands and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful... But do you think I'll let you just save someone and go away?"

Crowe brushed the dome, and the huge marble and vibrating gold dome opened a gap. Through the gap, the panther could see three silver and blue battle armors falling from a height in the sky. He roared, and his voice contained with horror and grief.

Crowe laughed and said, "Kneel down!"

Black Panther's mind was in a mess, countless thoughts and memories burst out, and then he calmed down under extreme emotions, a sentence flashed through his mind, the source of interference must be eliminated!

He took a few steps towards Crowe and knelt down!

Crowe lifted the interference, and the battle armor wrapped around the princess and queen began to restart and stabilized in mid-air. At this moment, the black panther's fists popped out their claws and stabbed Crowe's abdomen.

The claws sank into Crowe's belly, but the man only had a mocking smile on his face.

He put his hand on the panther, and the high-frequency vibration caused his armor to quickly disintegrate, revealing T'Challa's naked body. Crowe's right hand covered T'Challa's celestial cover, forcing him to look up at the sky.

A battle armor in the sky exploded into smallpox, T'Challa roared silently, tears gushed out, his eyes were blurred by the tears, his body trembled and twisted due to violent emotions, and the veins on his neck swelled and thickened.

He kept roaring, hissing wind from his lungs.

Crowe whispered in his ear: "Did you see it? Black Panther... your mother exploded!"

"This is what I want you to see, this is what I want to see...or I would have killed you yesterday! Thanks to your father, I was a homeless dog for a while. But you can't watch me forever Be a lost dog! I am different! You look at me with hatred and disdain, but tomorrow I only want to see one emotion, and that is fear!"

"I'm Ulysses Claw!"

Crowe threw T'Challa out like a dead dog, and then punched the shield of the rushing American team, punching a big hole in the shield, knocking Steve to his knees on the ground, and he threw With a wave, a strong vibration caused Strange to suffer unbearably, and he collapsed to the ground. With a light thud under his foot, the fighters of the SHIELD and the border tribes who were resisting were all distorted by the vibration and their tendons and bones were paralyzed. fell to the ground.

With a wave of his hand, no one in the direction can block a round.

"Conqueror of Wakanda!"

Jadaka made a gesture of submission to him, and then went up and stepped on T'Challa's head, showing it to the warriors and elders of the rivers, mines, and border tribes who came to help.

"The master of the black panther!"

Jadaka knelt down on the ground, took off his leopard mask, and motioned for everyone to see.

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