Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 59 The Strong Pillar of World Peace

Strange endured the severe pain of the muscles and nerves twisted by the force, and shouted to the sky: "Thor! What are you waiting for? If you don't come out, we will all be wiped out here!"

There was thunder in the sky, and a colorful light descended across the sky, blocking the way between Crowe and the panther.

Ulysses Crow just punched the past, hitting the space with an oscillation frequency calculated in attoseconds (minus 18 seconds of 10), setting off hundreds of millions of space-time ripples in the blink of an eye, making the sea guarding the Rainbow Bridge Mudar's face changed. He hurried out of the guarded palace and saw a crack appear on the magnificent rainbow bridge in front of Asgard's royal city.

High-frequency gravitational wave vibrations, transmitted through the wormhole structure of the Einstein Rosen Bridge, caused the resonance of the Rainbow Bridge, and countless cracks spread on the rainbow-colored bridge deck, and finally... the end of the Rainbow Bridge began Broken, the rainbow bridge deck made of countless glass textures shattered into the largest fragments only the size of a thumb, falling into the endless void under the bridge.

At the other end of the Rosen Bridge, on the earth, Thor's figure was punched out of the colored light by Klaue's punch. Into the marble floors of the palace.

Chen Ang couldn't help turning his head when he saw it, and couldn't bear to witness this embarrassing scene.

Crowe withdrew his fist and said with a chuckle: "The god of Asgard? What are you pretending to be in front of me? The fluctuations of the universe are invisible to me. You opened the wormhole and came to me. You thought I would see it. Is it a rainbow? I see more than you can imagine. In front of me, a large mass of distorted space-time is opened, and the Einstein-Rosen bridge that connects this space is built. It seems to me to follow my What difference does it make to open a door with your face."

"So of course I can punch you in the face along the door opening when you open the door!"

"To warn you to knock when you open the door to your master's house... Didn't your mother teach you manners, Asgardians?"

Thor let out a cry of pain, covered his face and got up from the ground, shook his head to get rid of the dizzy feeling, and replied: "I don't need to be polite to the robber... I came here because of the invitation of the master." Here, expel you, a villain who forcibly broke into this country, usurped the throne, and killed the master here!"

"Asgardians... I know your style!" Ebony Maw slowly walked out from behind Klaue, "You are unscrupulous, relying on your advanced technology to forcibly invade those planets with insufficient technology. You are in other people's land Go up, open the door to Asgard without any scruples, to some extent... this is an invasion!"

"You condemn us for invading planets that are not our domain, but you do the same."

"The Titan god Thanos is frank. He never hides his claims—the weak have no power, but the gods of Asgard are hypocritical. You use your rhetoric to cover up your invasion. Let me ask... Which country will allow another force to open the door unscrupulously in its own land?"

Ebony Throat said: "You look down on the weak as much as we do, but there is always a set of hypocritical rhetoric to cover up this. But in fact, we all know—we are descended from the same group of monkeys!"

"Shut up!" Thor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

He picked up his hammer and said in a deep voice: "We originate from humble beginnings, but in the process of protecting this universe, we have become great because of it... Asgard is worthy of this world and the nine kingdoms we rule !"

"You keep saying that you are protecting this universe, but when Lord Thanos and other great beings are working hard to save this universe... what are you doing?" Ebony Throat asked.

"Save this universe?" Thor sneered, "Is this why you want to destroy half of life in this universe?"

Steve was stunned when he heard this! He raised his head in shock and asked, "Wait a minute... What does it mean to destroy half of the life in this universe?"

"If we say that by our own will,

To decide who to destroy, it is natural to say that we have prejudices... But what we bring is indiscriminate, absolute justice, regardless of high or low, and gives absolute equality to the destruction of life in this universe-this can prove that we have no selfishness ! ’ said Ebony Throat.

Thor yelled angrily: "You are not qualified to destroy life in the one or anything can give you such power!"

"Prince of Asgard!" Ebony Throat said, "You don't understand the meaning of existence at all. This meaning transcends everything. Before this, humanity is useless, morality is useless, compassion is useless, pity is useless, equality is useless, and democracy is useless. , Freedom is useless, and all the value of life is based on survival.”

"Once it violates existence, everything created by life is meaningless!"

"In the face of the survival of the universe - survival is the greatest morality, compassion, conscience and awareness!"

"Your capacity is not enough to be a god." Ebony Throat said: "The real god is a Titan, who has the consciousness of Thanos, who bears everything and bears the weight of the universe—whether it is good or evil! God has no good or evil, God is the responsibility. So you who evade the responsibility of choosing for your life—do not deserve to be God!"

Thor roared: "God should guard his everything!"

Thor's Hammer swung out amidst the thunder and lightning, and the powerful force instantly swept away everything. During the wild dance of thunder, several bolts of lightning struck Ebony Maw's chest, knocking him down to the ground. Ebony Maw's spiritual suggestion was suppressed Thor broke it simply and rudely, and he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Just when Thor was about to swing Thor's Hammer for the second time, killing the lackey of Thanos.

A person stood in front of Ebony Maw. He raised his hand and grabbed the head of the hammer.

"A magical weapon made of neutron star core?" Crowe grabbed Thor's Hammer and sneered, "It's really a powerful artifact! I have long possessed the power to destroy Wakanda, as early as when I killed the last Black Panther , but I held back! Now it seems that it is true, conquering this booger-sized country, so many people jumped out to trouble me!"

"If I'm still at the level I was three years ago... I really can't beat you guys!"

"But it's different now!" Crowe said with emotion.

"Twelve levels of Zhenjin Tiandi, the fourth level - the star-breaking realm!" Crowe smiled and said, "Give me the power to destroy this little planet under my feet... How do you say that? If you have a If you don’t have one nuclear weapon, then you are the biggest terrorist in the world and the enemy of all civilized countries, but if you have one hundred nuclear weapons, you are a powerful country in the region, and if you have one thousand nuclear weapons, you will be a strong force for world peace pillar!"

"Now I have finally become a strong pillar of peace on earth!"

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