Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 74 A successful vampire, only drinking for 82 years

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Thor got rid of some of the haze and lack of self-confidence after losing the hammer a little bit. He stood up, looked at the fragments of Munior on the ground, and was still a little stunned. Seeing this, Natasha put it away and said: "Take these Give me the shards! I will ask the Revolutionary Union to recast it for you... After all, you still lack a decent weapon."

"I can ask the dwarves to reforge a weapon for me," said Thor.

Natasha smiled and said: "The craftsmanship of the Human Revolutionary League is not can't go back to Asgard yet. If Odin thinks you need a weapon, he will throw it in front of you. If he thinks you need a weapon To get rid of your dependence on weapons, you need to rebuild your self-confidence, won’t be able to get it even if you go there!”

Thor thought about it, it really is.

He knew how much his father would be disappointed by his performance after losing Milimur, so thinking about it, he was a little afraid to go back to see Odin.


Los Santos, in the speakeasy, the psychedelic lights flicker throughout the venue, and the intense rhythmic electronic music is passionate. In this speakeasy located in a hidden corner of the Chinatown Night Market, drugs, spirits and a luxurious atmosphere , scantily clad urban men and women, and underground rock bands with extraordinary skills.

This kind of underground bar used to be everywhere in the United States, but after the catastrophe in New York, the government's supervision became more stringent, and young men and women who grew up in this decadent era had nowhere to vent their inner confusion. The strong underground bar has become a place for them to express their presumptuous youth.

The men and women on the dance floor screamed one after another... A few black-clothed tattooed men watched the crowd from hidden corners, watched everyone vigilantly, the women on the dance floor who took drugs and danced wildly, and the men and women who met each other frankly in the corner and communicated with each other close to each other , sometimes these people greedily gouged out two eyes on those beautiful breasts, but they can only look twice more at most, then look away vigilantly and look at other places. This kind of quality is already comparable to An elite agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

A black man wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses, no matter how he behaved or dressed, his personal temperament was different from the chaotic temperament here, which attracted their attention.

Several men in black bowed their heads and said a few words on the headset... Immediately, someone pushed away the revelers who blocked the way and came to the black man. They pressed against the man's chest and whispered: "Follow us!" come here!"

In the noisy music, it was difficult to understand this voice, but they didn't seem to care whether the man heard clearly, and grabbed his halving and brought him out.

They shuttled through the narrow and hidden passages and came to an office.

I brought him in, but to my surprise, besides the boss sitting on the chair who said nothing, there were two other people in the office, a man in a suit with long blond hair who looked like the male protagonist of the old movie "Shocking Point" Sitting halfway on the desk in front of the boss, facing the boss.

Another red-haired woman with a hot and charming figure stood gracefully with her back to them.

Ma Shan, the four men in black who escorted the black man in, became vigilant. They reached into their chests and grabbed the gun in the holster under their ribs, but the red-haired woman smiled at them, and her whole body bounced like a flexible rubber stick. When he got up, a red phantom appeared in his hair, a pair of amazingly tactile thighs clamped the neck of a man in black, and his other hand pressed on the head of another man in black.

Those men in black erupted with astonishing strength and speed, but it was useless in front of Natasha... Natasha strangled one man's neck bone, and twisted the other two with her hand... the last With a flick of the leg, a slender white leg pierced into the heart of the last man in black.

The black man who was brought in could be sure that this heart-warming kick definitely broke the poor guy's heart by no less than six parts.

Natasha stood up straight, and the four fallen men in black still had signs of life and even improved.

Those three whose neck bones were strangled even turned their heads, showing signs of recovery.

Natasha calmly took out a cosmetic box, she opened the cosmetic box, the small cosmetic mirror inside emitted a blue-purple ultraviolet high-power searchlight ray, the four men in black on the ground trembled violently under the light, and their skin appeared They opened their mouths wide and wailed silently amidst dense blisters. Natasha calmly looked at her watch to count the time.

Fifty seconds later, these people were reduced to a pool of ashes.

Ten seconds later, the boss who was pressed by Thor on the chair and broke all the bones of his body also turned into flying ash tremblingly. Natasha closed the makeup box, looked at the watch and said: "One has already He is an expert among vampires, and he can only last for a minute under extreme ultraviolet light."

Thor said: "Just don't expose your skin cancer!"

Natasha smiled and said: "This is a weapon-grade ultraviolet light... a weapon specially designed for them. The penetrating effect is very strong. Even if it irradiates the human body for a long time, it is only equivalent to weak sunlight... The biggest side effect is probably tanning !In fact it is specially formulated according to the spectrum, which to humans is only a harmless, even beneficial sunbathing, but to these dirty beasts, it is a deadly weapon."

The black man found a chair and sat down: "It came here specially to find me."

"By the way, do some experiments!" Natasha said: "Sunwalker, Blade Warrior, a warrior who is hard to tell whether he is a human or a vampire, because he was infected by a vampire and mutated when he was still a fetus, you don't think of yourself as a vampire, But it doesn't seem to agree with humans either..."

"Compared to those vampires... some humans are not much better!" Dao Feng said: "I didn't hunt vampires to protect humans... At first it was just for revenge, and then it became a task. I rely on this to make money and live , because apart from hunting vampires, I don't know anything else... So, I'm just a bounty hunter, not a hero."

"We're here to ask you for a favor!" Natasha said frankly.

The Blade Warrior lowered his head and smoked a cigarette: "I'm not a mercenary... I'm a bounty hunter, you pay the bounty, if I get its head, you pay, if I don't get it... that means I'm a bounty hunter. Don’t do this business. There is no promise, only pay and deliver.”

"We're not here to ask you to kill a vampire!" Natasha said, "We're here to ask you to do an evaluation..."

The Blade Warrior was slightly taken aback, and he said, "Assessment, no one has ever asked me to make that thing... I've said it all, I only know how to hunt those monsters."

"You are the human being who has the most contact with vampires. You understand them, hunt them, investigate them, their every move, and every conspiracy you are the first to notice... What's happened to the vampires recently?" Natasha projected a The bank account, the account that Daofeng is very familiar with.

"One question, ten thousand dollars!"

Blade smiled and said: "Frankly... I like the cleanliness of your S.H.I.E.L.D. By the way, didn't you defect to the Soviet Union? And this alien prince. Did the Avengers come to do this kind of work too?" Thor tilted his head He observed quietly with his head, and didn't answer Blade's words. As a self-proclaimed Asgardian prince, he looked down on these vampires, or... the pride of the Asgardians made him disdain to answer Blade's words.

Daofeng took a puff of cigarette, and slowly exhaled: "Recently, they have made a big move, and several families are about to move. I found that they have mobilized a lot of weapons, and they are developing subordinates aggressively. They haven't developed descendants on such a large scale for a long time. gone."

"I came here today to investigate... I don't need 10,000 for a single question! Give me 1.5 million and tell you all!"

Natasha's eyes moved, she looked at the projection account, and the number of the account changed instantly.

Dao Feng had no doubts, and said with a smile: "Two million... generous enough!"

"They are going to make a big news. Many newborn vampires have been transferred to Africa. Their funds, including the upper-level forces they control, are putting pressure on S.H.I.E.L.D. to support a newborn country called Wakanda. Those old The guys believe that after the New York Incident, humans put more and more pressure on them, and the living space of vampires has been squeezed."

"Law enforcement agencies are becoming less and less afraid of hunting down the unruly lower classes. They want to show their strength and re-balance. In general, they want to intimidate the upper classes of humans and leave enough room for them to survive. "

"Is that right to include things like blood farms and human trafficking?" Natasha asked.

"They become feeders!" Dao Feng said.

"Next, let's get to the point..." Natasha replied: "This question is worth five million, and we hope that you, sincerely, will give us a real and detailed answer from your point of view. First, we need you to provide a Ethnic assessment of vampires. Are they human. What is their level of civilization? Their relationship to humans."

"The most important thing is... Are they willing to coexist peacefully with humans and accept the sanctions of human laws, including settling old accounts. Is it possible for humans and vampires to coexist peacefully?"

Dao Feng took a deep breath, slowly exhaled smoke rings and said: "Every vampire is a heinous sinner, they are a kind of monster, not a race, they may look elegant, but the bloodthirsty desire has distorted their life. Human nature... For a group of beasts that have no humanity and feed on humans, they will bite off the necks of the most innocent children without hesitation and suck them up. They despise humans... The reason why they keep their own place is only because they fear humans Strength, not peace of mind."

"Yes, vampires are divided into two factions, the Devil Party and the Secret Party, but the only difference between them is that the Secret Party hopes to enjoy the life of hunting and predating in secret, and carry out their hidden evil deeds. The Devil Party hopes to establish A terror order dominated by vampires, creating a world where humans are raised."

"One of them chooses to parasitize among humans, and the other chooses to replace humans and become the master."

"Can humans and vampires co-exist...Of course, as long as you can watch the innocent being victimized and those vampires committing crimes in secret. They are willing to compromise and hide themselves. But they want vampires to give up; hunt and kill humans, even for their own It's impossible to pay the price for the crime!"

"...To sum up, after understanding the civilization status and racial characteristics of vampires, the Holy Shield suggested that it should be genocide. It no longer has the conditions for civilization coexistence..." Natasha returned to the floating pyramid The base began to write related reports for the Human Revolutionary Federation.

"The report will be submitted to the Anomalous Biohazard and Control Committee for review..."

Two days later, the audit results were sent to the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, and the headquarters was transferred to the Eastern Base. Natasha came to the Ring Base again and came to the armillary sphere.

The researcher took a look at the report, which read "...the committee's opinion is that vampires do not exist in civilization, nor are they hostile races, but a biological disaster mechanism in human society, which should be corrected and intervened artificially. Genocide plan approve!"

The armillary sphere slowly turned, and the researcher said: "This time we will interfere with the physical properties of ultraviolet rays. The ether will darken part of the ultraviolet spectrum of the sunlight that hits the earth. Ultraviolet rays will be able to penetrate buildings, rocks, magma and Most of the material elements, only carbon is subject to UV interference."

"That is to say, the part of the ultraviolet rays in sunlight will pass through inorganic substances such as facilities and buildings like neutron radiation, and only damage organic substances. But the modulated ultraviolet rays are not harmful to humans and plants, or Say, it's a quasi-vampire weapon."

"For other carbon-based organisms on the earth, this is just equivalent to two days of sunlight, and there will be no harm. Maybe the skin will turn darker, but for vampires... that is two days of soaking in strong acid .”

"Will the Human Revolutionary Federation radiate the Earth with darkening ultraviolet rays for two days?" Natasha asked.

"Yes!" The researcher replied: "In two days, every corner of the earth will be exposed to ultraviolet radiation, even if it is buried in a building or buried underground, it cannot be avoided. We will do a full range of ultraviolet sterilization on the earth..."

"Will it affect the microbial population?" Natasha asked cautiously.

"We have evaluated...the microbial adaptability is very strong. Although the absolute number of some bacteria will be reduced, it will only have a small impact, and it will return to normal after seven days."

"Since there are no negative effects..." Natasha said, "Let's start!"


This day... The vampire populations around the world are spending another poor day peacefully. As the immortal species, they are comfortable, superior, and don't care about this time... until the Human Revolutionary Federation adjusted the light of the earth... They opened the earth UV germicidal lamps.

Stave, the actual controller of the Stave Consortium in the United States, is an old, white, bald, fat middle-aged and elderly person in power in the typical upper class. He looks like a man in his fifties, but the social security records show that he and He is over seventy years old, but his real age is three hundred and sixty-five years old. As a high-level vampire, he can get up in the morning, sit in a special glass shed that can filter ultraviolet rays and harmful rays, and bask in the sun, and then pick up a glass, like mellow red wine, the blood of a beauty in 1982.

Staff's breakfast food only tastes virgins born in 1982, because in that year there was a spectacle of nine stars in astronomy. Girls, blood quality is the best. It's a pity that they are almost forty years old now, and the quality has already begun to decline, and it has been fifteen years since the best taste period.

Only nostalgic vampires like Stuff are still obsessed with this year... This is also the way it shows its identity. The virgin in 1982... has remained intact for forty years... Among the vampires, there are only those with the highest power Only this kind of financial and material resources. Those lowly vampires ruled to suck the poisonous blood of those street drug addicts. Only a successful vampire like Stuff deserves to drink the blood of a 1982 virgin every day.

Quietly appreciating the beautiful arterial blood color of this cultured virgin, shaking the wine glass slightly, the blood in the glass hangs on the wall of the glass and flows down slowly, showing the excellent quality.

This beautiful life, until the photons radiated by the sun show a slight change...

( = remember in a second )

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