Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 75 The Demise of the Vampire

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As the sun gradually rose and the warm morning light grew hotter, Staffor's breakfast time was coming to an end. Usually at this time, he would stand on the rooftop, look down for a while on the only peaceful morning in Los Santos, and then turn around and go back to deal with today's consortium business - even a vampire will be very busy if he succeeds!

Staff is as busy as a president every day, and he does have the powers of a president.

The national conditions of the United States are such that the president of the district is a fart! Back when President Trump was still working as his real estate tycoon, Chairman Stave didn't sell his face at all. How dare a new small capitalist compare with the accumulation of the Stave family for three hundred years?

Just like the Jews will be in groups in economic activities, vampires will also be in groups, and their advantages are far stronger than those of the Jews. Before World War II, the Jews were all kinds of fleeces by governments and capitalists. At that time, various aristocratic families in Europe were deeply infiltrated by vampires, so that human beings had to rely on various religious activities of the church to maintain the purity of the class.

As we all know, vampires are not allowed to participate in Catholic religious activities.

Specifically, it can be verified that the Egyptian pharaoh who was bewitched by a certain high priest was cursed by the Messiah, and that an angel of the Plague Legion fell under human tricks and was dismembered by the angels, and the ancient evil gods created blood-sucking relatives, Ebo The specific mutation of the original virus of the La tribe... Their common feature is that, in a sense, they are all the targets of the Messiah's sanction.

The evil god is the enemy of the Messiah, an enemy created by the Creator that is completely opposite to the essence of the Messiah.

The plague angel is a traitor under the Messiah and ordered to dismember his body.

The feud between a certain Egyptian high priest and Apocalypse was as deep as sea, and he vowed to resist the fate imposed on him by Apocalypse.

Although the original virus of the Ebola tribe was part of the Plague Knight, when the angels of the Plague Legion betrayed, they stole part of the power of the original virus and induced the vampire virus.

The four origins of vampires in this world-the evil god, the Egyptian curse, the angelic virus, and the corrupted parasites are all disgusted by the Messiah. He has enthusiastically transformed many vampire species, and Adam even created the Radiant Blood Race with radiation as the source of power.

But the Holy Son, Christ Jesus, hates vampires, which is not a rumor without reason.

After Rome, the Western world became a Catholic Christian civilization, which may be inseparable from the threat of vampires. In the era of the Roman Republic,

How many chief citizens are related to vampires, how many Roman emperors chose First Embrace in order to live forever, at least Nero has a very close relationship with vampires.

Although Nero himself is a devil contractor... But among his Roman officials and nobles, there are many vampires who can hold blood clan meetings in the palace!

As an existence so deeply rooted in the Western world, after the Industrial Revolution, they were among the first to join the business and financial industries, compiling a large number of dividends from the development of the Industrial Revolution. It is international capital without borders, co-existing with each other, and after the post-war international capital transferred to the United States, it has a deep influence and can control this country.

Needless to say, the political and economic strength of a vampire is like a parasite that grows in all limbs of the capital world, deeply rooted in it from the brain to the limbs.

Many people refer to bankers as vampires... many times, that's literally what they mean.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can deal with the aliens who invaded the earth, the masters of different time and space, the super villains who have gained power by chance, and even deal with the extremely powerful Hydra that has been lurking since the ancient Egyptian era, but it just can't Deal with the vampires who eat people.

Because in a sense, vampires are this country, at least the economy of this country.

Capital vampires like Stave who control a powerful consortium are not rare in this country, but they are the huge shadow of the iceberg under the sea... So Stave can see the power of human beings, and he has seen how the Avengers fight against them Thanos, the galactic overlord whose race is thousands of times stronger, is not worried about the reason why they will attack him.

Sometimes, people can fight against opponents who are much stronger than themselves, but they can't help the little plasmodium parasites in their brains.

When Staff looked down at Los Santos, he felt that the sun was shining on him, filtering out the radiation harmful to vampires. His skin felt itchy, just like the feeling of a slightly acidic liquid corroding human skin. It was weak. Yes, but the itching persisted, and Stave's face darkened instantly.

In order to allow himself to bask in the sun every day, he invested nearly one billion dollars in research on how to remove harmful radiation in the sun, manufactured this special glass for filtering ultraviolet rays, and built this glass greenhouse... But now, this The billion-dollar glass conservatory has gone wrong.

Staff was furious, and he was going to call the person in charge to reprimand him. He wanted to lock that low-level vampire in this glass greenhouse for a day and let it experience the power of the midday sun... The glass greenhouse can only be used on cloudy or cloudy days. In the early morning when the sun is not so violent, the vampires are protected. At noon, even with the protection of special glass, it is still harmful.

It is roughly equivalent to a human soaking in a weakly acidic solution for a whole day...

But just after these thoughts turned in Stave's mind, the vampire's excellent motion capture ability allowed him to see the white smoke coming out of the skin on his hands, and then the well-maintained skin although there were spots of age spots It began to fester and burn rapidly as if stuck on a red iron plate.

Stuff felt a burst of sudden pain, and couldn't help screaming in pain.

"Another villain wants to harm me!" Stav could only think of this thought in his mind, and then he jumped up quickly, his obese body turned into a black shadow with indescribable agility, and rushed towards the room .

Staff looks old and fat, but that's just a disguise. In fact, its physical fitness is far superior to that of a human. It still thinks that someone has tampered with the glass to murder him, and when it returns to the shadows, it will be safe! In fact, it is still vigilant. No one would think that such a small trick can still be a high-level blood race, so the opponent must have back tricks.

But when he stepped into the room, he didn't wait for the "opponent"'s last move.

Instead, he saw his group of subordinates, descendants, low-level vampires, and vampires all screaming, and the entire Stave bodyguard team and personal affairs handling team were in chaos... Stave can still feel the sun-baked Pain... His face had festered into a pool of rotten flesh. The corpses of some low-level vampires were on the ground, as if they had been corroded by strong acid. The flesh and blood were still bubbling and smoking.

This is not a conspiracy by the enemy... but a genocide by the Human Revolutionary League!

"!" Staff bit the neck of his beautiful female secretary, greedily sucking the blood of this Hagui who graduated from the prestigious Ivy League University. After sucking the blood, the festering on his body healed a little, but Things haven't gotten any better, with sun damage still happening.

The wound healed by blood sucking is only in exchange for more continuous pain.

In order to survive, Stav and his vampire confidants frantically killed the Hagui tribe humans under his command, but as time went by, there were fewer and fewer humans who could sustain his life. A bald, fat middle-aged man who disdains, this is his personal accountant.

Stuff slammed into his neck artery, controlled the speed of blood sucking, turned into a black phantom and swept downstairs.

There are many employees who serve him below, but they are no longer his cronies. The humans there basically didn't know his true identity, and if he was exposed in front of them, even Stav would be in a lot of trouble.

But now that he was dying, he couldn't care about these anymore... Most of the vampires under him had turned into a puddle of mud, and some even turned into ashes... Time was racing against time.

A middle-level vampire couldn't bear the pain of the scorching sun, and jumped down from the top of the fifty-six-story building... At this height, even a vampire would have to be smashed into mud... If it was night, he could have waited. The body healed itself, then attacked a few passers-by, wiped his mouth dry, and he was another hero.

But now he doesn't have that chance.

With all his bones broken, he could only collapse on the ground, letting the sun evaporate his flesh and blood. The crowd around him were screaming, and everyone was watching in horror. Fresh flesh and blood ran around him, but He could only face the body that was constantly melting and evaporating, and finally, in the inexplicable panic of passers-by, it melted and evaporated, leaving black embers in place.

Staff, who jumped down to the office of the employees on the lower floor, has already melted into a bloody meat sauce man. His flesh and blood melted and mixed together, hanging on the skeleton like wet mud. When he jumped out, this appearance The horror index and nausea index are also considered to be second to none among plasma tablets.

Those weak employees screamed and tried to stay away from him.

But Stave couldn't move anymore. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the group of fresh blood bags. The short few meters were like a moat... out of reach, his legs had melted, and he was paralyzed. On the ground, he persistently reached out to the person who exuded the smell of blood he longed for.

In the end, Stav was exuding front of everyone, he was reduced to ashes.

Horrified employees pulled out their phones with trembling hands and recorded the short video, which would appear on YouTube and Facebook minutes later, complete with smug comments from petty, ignorant human beings, haughty Taff, the noble high blood race, just became the entertainment after dinner in his eyes.

In this era of entertainment to death...even if all the vampires in the world evaporate at the same time, it can become a carnival for the whole people.

( = remember in a second )

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