Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 91 The Tearing Dark Night of the Soul

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After Poz punched this punch, there was silence for a while, because it was quite exciting to kill their king in front of the Wakanda people. The crowd of people in the underground was completely silent, and everyone huddled together in panic. , Looking at the person who fell from the sky to kill their king, maybe it was not a human silver-blue armor.

The reporters below were going crazy. They thought it was just a small dessert to introduce and get involved in the mysterious world of Wakanda. Who knew that such a big meal came at the succession ceremony.

The flash bombs were connected together, as if the lightning had not been extinguished.

The reporters below squeezed forward desperately, and roared loudly with the microphone of the interview: "Are you human? Did you just kill the king of Wakanda at the succession ceremony!"

"Is this assassination a protest against the dictatorship of the Wakanda royal family!"

"Are you Wakanda? Do you think you have the right to kill the king on behalf of the people of Wakanda?"

Another reporter noticed the suit of armor: "May I ask what your relationship is with Mr. Stark. Did Stark Industries plan this assassination?"

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Stark?"

Little Pepper asked in a low voice: "Can I open the hood?" Chen Ang refused: "It's better plant this pot of dirty water on Tony! Nick Fury has already promised to take the blame for us!...Don't do that ...Okay! Do whatever you want!" Chen Ang watched as Pozzi took off his mask, which was different from Tony Stark's face-covering mask. Potts can press the mechanical buckle on the nape of the neck to remove the entire helmet.

Her blond hair was freed from the helmet, and Potts tossed it back, sending the blond hair flying in the wind, reflecting the sun's rays.

At this moment, the sound of the flashing lights completely exploded, and there was a continuous clicking sound, just like the runway of a big show in New York, and all the reporters went completely crazy. They are grateful from the heart. Tony Stark is the God of the media. He feeds at least a quarter of the reporters and paparazzi in the United States.

No matter how depressed the journalism industry is, Stark and the women around him can always provide professional financial news newspapers as large as the Wall Street Journal, and the endless news materials as small as gossip magazines are now the same.

The frenzy of the media reporters made the temperature on the scene soar several degrees. They frantically rushed up and said loudly: "Miss Potts, I heard that you broke up with Mr. Stark last month, right?" "You are now Are you wearing Iron Man's armor?" "Is it possible for you to reunite with Mr. Stark?"

"Is this attack ordered by Stark Industries? Does Stark intend to intervene in the vibration gold market?"

"Will Stark Industries monopolize vibration gold resources... Is it legal for large companies to interfere with the sovereignty of other countries? Will you be condemned by the US government?"

"Is this attack related to the military? General Ross once expressed his dissatisfaction with the leader of the mercenary group, Ulysses Crow,

Crowe is considered to be the biggest supporter of Nijadaka. It is said that Nijadaka hired Crowe to murder his cousin, T’Challa, the last king of Wakanda. Are you out of respect for Techa Nijadaka was assassinated with the support of Raja. Is this a royal dispute in Wakanda? "

Facing the camera, Kelly Potts is calm and composed, just like when he was in Stark Industries, he helped his damn high-profile boss deal with the media. Facing the flash, Potts sighed in his heart: "Tony is a helpless A curable childish ghost. But the feeling of facing the flashing light is really good..."

People who are close to the abyss will always become the abyss.

Or... close to vermilion is red, close to ink is black, all in all, like Anthony, let yourself go, Poz can even experience a little bit of Stark's feeling. There is a kind of people who are inherently afraid of loneliness, but enjoy being alone and wrap themselves up. Such people can only hide their fear of inner loneliness under the flashing lights and spotlights.

Like a self-disguised autistic!

No one can walk into his heart, he wraps his heart under heavy iron armor, so he can only rely on the eyes of others to keep him warm!

"I am Kelly Potts, and everything that happened here has nothing to do with my previous identity... I used to be a superhero, and now I have returned to this position after resigning from Stark Industries. I came to Here, killing this person has nothing to do with any other groups, but serves as a holy shield to protect the earth, declaring war on the aliens with evil intentions!"

"You want war..." Poz looked around, turned around and scanned every place under the stage, every dark and hidden corner, those peeping eyes, she raised her head slightly, and said with a firm attitude: "Then we will give You war!"

The spotlights under the stage exploded into a sea of ​​bright light, and the flashes one after another hit the corners of Pozzi's skirt like waves. Her battle armor was her little dress.

"Holy Shield is an international organization co-operated by the United States and the Human Revolutionary Union. It was established with the two major earth defense organizations SHIELD and God Lance as the core. It is an international organization dedicated to combating threats from outside space and protecting the independence and security of the earth. We act decisively , never lenient, our declaration is that you betrayed the earth, so you deserve to die!"

"I say these words on the ground of Wakanda, not to provoke this ancient and great country, but to save it from the flames of war."

Potts said: "As I said, the war has already begun, and this is just a trivial prelude!"

Poz raised her hand, and she whispered to the headset: "You clearly know that the Black Panther's new battle suit is useless against Crowe, and Nijadaka's battle suit is the same as that of the Black Panther. He's as fragile as a piece of paper in front of my armor, and you say I'm useless against Ulysses Crow."

"Then what did you ask Black Panther to send him up to die?"

Chen Ang over there whispered: "You don't have to doubt my plan...we will deal with it ourselves. Alright! Let me tell you a little...I asked Thor to borrow something from Asgard. The king fell into a desperate situation, and then the machine descended, and the story of righteousness and killing. We think this can boost the morale of Wakanda.”

"Restore T'Challa's dignity as king."

"You know that Nijadaka's prestige is completely incapable of doing this. He can only do it by defeating the real villain, Crowe, and regain his popularity."

"What should I do now?" Potts asked in a low voice, and Chen Ang replied: "Go and challenge Crowe! After you are defeated, we will arrange for T'Challa to play to gain popularity. To exaggerate the power of Crowe... You know, the tricks rushing to the street to set off the strength of the enemy, the hero is devastated after coming out of the field, falls into the dark night of the soul, awakens the soul when he is desperate, and then explodes and kills..."

"Since ancient times, routines are touching!"

Poz pulled out a smile and said, "I don't think..." She headed towards the palace behind her, and Crowe was in that direction: "Go to hell with your tricks! This time, I will knock Crowe to the ground , completely disrupting your plans."

Chen Ang over there just smiled slightly, hung up the communication, turned around and came to the outer steps of the floating pyramid, staring at the vast land below, which is Wakanda... He made a call to Thor , asked: "The supporting actors have already entered the stage, and the main character will be on stage soon, are your props ready?"

Thor promised over there again and again: "Father has promised me to activate the Destroyer! Now it is undergoing transformation on your side...Damn it, you can't stuff that thing into the atomic furnace. The shell of this thing is Asgard. De's property... is it being remodeled right now?"

"You guys need to wait..."

Chen Ang looked at his watch, shook his head and said, "I don't think she can delay for five minutes! Hurry up!"

"No, we need at least ten minutes here... buy some time!" Thor said loudly.

"Then what should I do?" Chen Ang spread his hands and said, "Let her chat with Klau for five minutes? Klau is a bad mouth... It seems that this matter seems to be reasonable, but the girl doesn't know her weight .I think she will suffer!" Chen Ang counted the time.

"Klau has always been very interested in the Black Panther. He probably won't kill T'Challa immediately, and let him accept a few minutes of humiliation, which is probably enough." Chen Ang calculated without guilt After a while, I found that as long as the dark night of the soul is longer, the inner torture that T'Challa suffers will be more painful, and the time will be about the same.

Should be able to catch up with the explosive counter-kill!


Chen Ang used a fuzzy algorithm and got an inaccurate result...Maybe T'Challa needs a little luck?

( = Old iron, please remember for a second [email protected])

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