Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 92 Let's Do This Again

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Of course, Ulysses Crowe noticed everything that happened unexpectedly on the stage he planned. Zheng Shangqi thought that Crowe would immediately go up to solve the trouble, but he unexpectedly discovered that instead of immediately interrupting Potts to kill Ni In the process of Jadaka, he even looked a little sluggish.

Zheng Shangqi noticed the fear under Crowe's wandering eyes...

Of course it is not fear of this, but a kind of memory. In the memory, Crowe is as helpless and weak as a child, which shows the deep shadow in his heart.

"Here he comes!" Crowe said to himself, "No, I can't let him find me."

Crowe felt that shadow existed around him all the time, and he even thought a little belatedly why he built that vibrating gold tower. Adam did not appear in front of him, but the one behind Adam Existence, the more terrifying original version, his shadow quietly enveloped him.

Obviously everything is free, but he just feels that he is already in the abyss, surrounded by the shadow of that existence...

"No... I don't want this Wakanda anymore!" Crowe stood up immediately when he thought of this, ready to escape from here.

He wants to escape from the center of the vortex created by that existence...

But at this time, Crowe's body suddenly stopped, and he stood quietly on the spot, with his back to Zheng Shangqi.

Zheng Shangqi asked himself that he was not so curious, but Crowe's abnormal behavior made him feel that something was wrong. He let go of his arms around his shoulders, and walked forward to see what kind of moth Crowe was selling.

At this time, Little Pepper was approaching here... She suddenly felt a little oppressed ahead, as if something she couldn't understand was happening quietly, like the sound of life sprouting after the first rain in spring, like summer The billowing muffled sound came from the dark clouds in the distance, something was being conceived, she could feel it but couldn't understand it at all.

Zheng Shangqi went around and saw Crowe's face... There was a strange expression on his face. On the one hand, he was indifferent to everything in the outside world, and on the other hand, there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, but it didn't look like he was looking at anyone. The mockery, but the irony and ridicule to himself, to the helplessness of fate, his expression carries a kind of deep sadness.

It seems to oneself, and it seems to the world.

It was as if at this moment he was faced with the collapse of the whole world and suffered the most complete destruction, and before the destruction, Claude's cynical nature made him laugh at all of this.

"I can't escape!" Crowe said tremblingly,

His eyes dimmed, as if he was talking to himself, and he seemed to say to Zheng Shangqi: "I knew this day would come, and I tried my best to avoid it, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon." A line of muddy tears flowed from the corner of his eyes It slipped and dripped down the metalized skin quickly.

Zheng Shangqi never expected to see such a scene... He thought that Crowe had lost this function.

In the next moment, Zheng Shangqi saw a look in Crowe's eyes, which dimmed, and something in his eyes was completely erased, and it seemed that the revived one could hardly be called 'Crow' again. At this time 'Crow' spoke again: "Human beings are something to look forward to...the seed that Adam planted, hoping that it would grow and bear fruit he didn't expect, but the seed would just rot in the ground ...because it was planted on an unsuitable soil."

This time Crowe didn't talk nonsense. The first time Pots came to the palace, he bent his knees slightly. The strong pressure made the metal floor mixed with a trace of vibrating gold alloy violently deform and tremble. The palace was trembling, and 'Crow' had been ejected at a speed that Zheng Shangqi couldn't see clearly.

Pozzi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his whole body was punched in the lower abdomen together with the battle armor. The aftermath of the vibration came out through the body and smashed the entire tall building behind. Fortunately, Wakhan Everyone was semi-mandated to attend the coronation ceremony, and there was no one in the building.

Zheng Shangqi's face changed, and he quickly ordered the mercenaries who were still in shock, and arranged for the citizens and reporters to retreat to the air-raid shelters and shelters.

The correctness of his order was revealed in the next second.

In the next second, Crowe opened his mouth and began to resonate with his entire chest cavity. The powerful onomatopoeia echoed in his chest cavity with enough energy to overwhelm mountains and seas. Above the diaphragm of the entire lung, it became a huge cavity, countless Waves echoed inside, and the powerful energy resonance made Crowe's mouth a place where countless waves gathered.

The trace of power revealed, the energy reaction so powerful that it was frightening was touched by Klau.

A bright to dazzling destructive strong light erupted, accompanied by endless heat radiation, gravitational waves, and pseudosonic waves, directly vaporized half of Boninzana, and the armor, which was urgently taken over by the combat compensation system in the armor, erupted Only after exceeding the speed that caused the air shock, did he barely escape the range of the attack.

The battle armor brushed by the sound wave from Crowe's mouth was on the verge of disintegration, and Pozzi fell into a coma state where he was seriously injured and lost consciousness.

It can be said that the failure was very miserable!

The only thing that is gratifying is that for some reason, Crowe did not dare to pour his power at the earth. The power of this wave went to the sky, directly penetrated the atmosphere, and evaporated half of the air over Africa. Atmospheric layer, the black uncles were surprised to see that the sky above their heads... leaked!

There was a hole in the blue sky, revealing the black background color, and countless stars dotted in this extremely deep sky.

The atmospheric layer that causes sunlight to scatter is directly evaporated, revealing the true face of the universe. According to this situation, at the speed of compensation by the near-Earth air, an astonishing low pressure will usher in the African continent in ten minutes. Countless black uncles will open their mouths, like Live fish that come ashore breathe as hard as they do, but they can't get any air from the surrounding space, because the air density that starts to compensate for the atmosphere will drop to the point where the human body's breathing pressure is lower.

The black uncles who are under negative pressure will soon suffocate to death.

Among the half-destroyed ruins of Boninzana, the only vibrating tower standing proudly, the cosmic tuning fork, gave out a weak self-sounding sound, and 'Crow' changed his face greatly, and said in horror: "Your Majesty, I was wrong. Already!" Then, the energy level is extremely weak, but the frequency exceeds the scope of the cosmic background, and it can tear the fluctuations of the multiverse, directly tearing the body.

Made of vibrating gold, the body that was considered indestructible was easily torn with a huge wound.

It is above Wakanda, so it is unfortunate to face this time the Sacred Shield headquarters where the sound waves, energy waves, and matter waves are coordinating and resonating. It is also a floating pyramid made of vibrating gold. This attack was carried out, but the agents of the Holy Shield headquarters also discovered a huge hole in the sky over Africa.

The Earth defense system of the Human Revolutionary Union began to function. Most of the human beings were completely unaware, and in the process of calculating Planck time, the backup Earth stored in a different space silently replaced the original Earth. Through information coordination, , all life on Earth was transferred to a backup of this fully complex Earth.

The original earth returns to a different space for repairs.

"There are really three earths in this world, thanks to the preparations made by the Human Revolutionary Federation." Chen Ang said with emotion: "The new consciousness after the blank brain is restarted is really a fool... Let's restore the consciousness of Ulysses Crow first. data!"

Chen Ang swiftly deleted the previous AI data that created such a big scene, used Crow's original consciousness algorithm as a template, re-modified one, and temporarily loaded it.

( = Old iron, please remember for a second [email protected])

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