Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 93 The Divine Shield in Action

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Wearing a veiled sari, Soubha Mirza walks through the alleys among the cluttered houses of Mumbai's Dharavi slum, next to piles of construction debris and chunks of plastic, and in the alleys are piles of recycling and household waste , Exuding a strong rancid smell, men squatted in twos and threes on the roofs and corridors of houses on both sides to bask in the sun.

Seeing Xiuba walking by, they stared furtively at Xiuba's beautiful figure.

Under the gorgeous and cheap sari, the looming figure is attractive, but it is difficult for these dazzled men to observe carefully, the finer details of the beautiful figure are the streamlined muscles, the vest line of the abdomen and The smooth but tough muscle lines on the arms.

These lazy and disgusting Indian men may not be able to take a random punch from this fit body.

Xiuba turned a blind eye to the eyes on both sides. According to the contract she signed with Mephitos, she would send hundreds of sinners' souls to hell every year. This is really not a difficult job in India. In fact, after she moved to the slums, she , what she has to worry about is whether taking too many souls will increase the power of Mephitos.

Shoba is a Ghost Rider, and no Ghost Rider wants Mephitos to be too powerful.

Xiuba used to live in the mountains of northern India, where there were remote mountain villages where no outsiders had been seen for several years. The biggest trouble she had in living in this remote mountain village was dealing with the locals, and she could even feed herself In areas where Buddhism still has an influence in the north, Xiuba can lead the elephant, stroll through the bodhi forest, and pass by those ancient temples.

And when she needs to deal with Mephitos, she just needs to go to big cities like Mumbai and Bangalore!

Unlike her counterparts in Europe and East Asia, India's Shuba never had to worry about performance. India once lacked everything, but it did not lack temples and sinners.

Xiuba once met a man who came to the Holy Land to practice with a master in a wheelchair in Bodhi Yana. Through the eyes of judgment, he could see that the man was guilty of countless sins, and the flame of anger that never extinguished was burning deep in his heart. Under the calm appearance, there was almost a furious god, the most powerful and sinful sinner Xiuba had ever seen, and he wanted to quell the flame of anger deep in his heart by comprehending the truth passed down by the Buddha.

When Xiuba saw him, she once thought: "If you bring such a soul to Mephitos, maybe you will be free forever and get rid of the curse!"

But she still didn't do anything, firstly because she felt that if she did, she would be easily torn apart by the demon in that man's heart, and secondly because that man's sin was serious,

But she could feel that he couldn't help himself, still longing for kindness and peace.

It is not in line with the tradition of Ghost Rider to do something to such a person.

As Xiuba swung her waist, stretched her body easily, and walked into a more remote alley, she was soon followed by a few sneaky figures. Ah San was different in this respect, even Bullying weak women, they also like a group of people together, cowardice and cruelty are almost carved into their bones.

As Xiuba slowly walks into her temporary residence, if it can be called a residence, it is a shack made of wood and plastic film, built on the beach next to the sea, where the sea breeze can blow Walking through the rotten smell of the slums... Even if she is an Indian, Xiuba is still a woman, she can endure the simple conditions. If you can stay away from the stench, try to stay away from it as much as possible.

The men following behind in the alley came over with curses and chatter, with dirty mouths, and the figures of the two men appeared in front of Xiuba, and they surrounded the alley from the beginning to the end. The men showed disgusting dirty smiles and approached slowly. They seemed to want to appreciate Xiuba's panic, but unexpectedly, Xiuba didn't respond at all.

She stared at them indifferently, which made the Indian men even more angry and tyrannical, and they began to curse, swearing obscenely in noisy Hindi.

When these dark-skinned, skinny and dirty men rushed forward impatiently, and were about to grab Xiuba's hair and push her down to the ground, Xiuba beat her hard with one hand. At the position of his stomach, the other hand grabbed another man's throat like an iron hoop. The men were a little flustered, and the rest rushed over, trying to rely on more people to hold the woman down. But behind Xiuba, there was a squirm under the sari, and the man facing Xiuba suddenly saw two slender, but strong and streamlined female hands stretched out from Xiuba's back.

They hold a small three-pronged fork in one hand and a bow and arrow in the other.

And there are two other hands on Xiuba's shoulders, grabbing two men. The man who wanted to attack from behind saw Xiuba with four arms outstretched, and was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground on the spot, wailing: "Great!" Lord Shiva! Forgive me!"

Xiuba looked down at the two men in her hands. The two men in her hands struggled for a while, and then suddenly collapsed. The whole body seemed to have suddenly lost its vitality, and its hands and feet were hanging on the ground weakly. Ba turned her head slowly, and the other two men behind her peed their pants in horror, and saw that Xiuba's skin turned blue with a little gray, as if coated with a layer of pot bottom ash.

This is what is called ashes in Buddhism!

An eye grew on her forehead, and her head was covered with hellfire and burned. The half-burned face showed a deep white color of bones, and the eyes of the two men in her hands were already It was burnt to charcoal, and the eyeballs turned into half-black and half-gray ashes, with traces of dark red from embers.

Xiuba said softly, "Look into my eyes!"

The two trembling men who were scared out of their wits subconsciously looked at Xiuba's vertical eye. They saw a huge flame burning in the world in a trance. The fire of hell burned the whole world, and God Shiva was in Dancing in the flames, Shiva's hair fluttered wildly as he danced, merging into and burning flames.

Lord Shiva holds a hellfire in his left hand and brings destruction to the world through dance.

The burning world slowly extinguished, revealing the man's eyes that had become ashes... He opened his mouth wide, his expression extremely frightened and frightened, his body was slightly dry, and before he died, he shouted wildly: "O Shiva! You are in the world! Dance in the destruction of..." The voice still echoed in the alleys of the slums.

Xiuba turned into a ghost knight, with four arms and three eyes, holding a three-pronged fork, a bow and arrow, and the unique Indian Kanda sword on each arm. This form is almost exactly the same as the destruction of Lord Shiva. But Shiva is the god of creation and destruction. There are often drums and conchs that symbolize creation in his hands. Legend has it that the world was born in the drum of Shiva's right hand and destroyed in the flames of his left hand. Shiva created the world while destroying it. Let the cycle of creation and destruction continue.

But in Xiuba's hands, there is no drum that symbolizes creation!

Ghost Rider is a form that coexists with humans as an angelic vengeful spirit, and the angelic spirit was born from the plague.

Therefore, the Ghost Rider has the potential to be infected by memes, which allows the power of the Ghost Rider to unfold in an appearance that conforms to the myths and legends of various civilizations in the world. The eyes of judgment of the Japanese Ghost Rider Benxiong will appear in the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva , and the words of judgment of the ghost rider in Tibet are called the glare of a thousand Buddhas. Shuba's Eye of Judgment is the dance of Shiva with Indian characteristics.

Xiuba returned to the shed where she lived. She quickly packed her luggage and walked out of the door of the shed. An elephant miraculously came out of the small shed and moved forward slowly under the guidance of Xiuba. OK……

One person leads an elephant, strolling along the seashore. At dusk, the elephant's body seems to be coated with a layer of gold, and the gold reflected on the sea is shaking, as if the flames are burning. Holding Xiuba, he hunched her up. Under the setting sun, the war elephant ran wildly with great strides. The hellfire on his body burned into a ring of fire, opening the door to the unknown.

This is the Ghost Rider opening the door to the dimension of hell with the help of hellfire, and using the power of hell to travel in different times and spaces.

Xiuba, who appeared again, was surprised to find that she had not come to Wakanda in Africa.

Instead, it appeared in a huge glass cylinder, surrounded by white coats and uniformed personnel running back and forth, and the white coats shouted: "The coordinates of the space guide are correct... The target has been contained in the collection point!"

"Unlock the space blockade of the Indian subcontinent... Unlock the information suppression of Mephitos!"

"The target Indian Ghost Rider Shuba has been contained!"

This glass cylinder is located in a huge laboratory, and in this laboratory full of transparent containment tanks, Xiuba saw her acquaintance Bian Xiong not far away explaining something to the white coat: "I have no intention of obeying Mephito Si's order, I went to Wakanda just to sabotage Mephitos' plan!"

Not far away, there is a ghost rider dressed as an Indian aboriginal and the staff observing each other through the transparent prison.

A black ghost rider seemed to have been imprisoned for a while. He was calmly feeding the skeleton vulture on his shoulder, while a skeleton horse next to him pawed anxiously.

Farther away, in a huge cube several times larger than the transparent cylinder that Xiuba stayed in, there was actually an old-fashioned biplane from World War I. His pilot, the ghost pilot, was carefully preparing for his mount. maintainance.

At the farthest point, on the edge of the entire laboratory, there is also a battleship docked on the small pier in the prison. The cube there is even bigger, fully occupying half of the laboratory. And the entire laboratory is bigger than the Empire State Building, and its location is in a ring-shaped base suspended in outer space. This is the ring base of the Lance Bureau!

( = Old iron, please remember for a second [email protected])

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