Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 104 Investigator Extra: Night 1 (End)

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"If what's written in the diary is true, then can there be such a guess..."

Nick said: "I noticed that you have the map that Caroline left to her aunt at the end, but when we teamed up to force her to redraw the map, she couldn't draw anything!"

"Time can change everything about a doesn't mean anything!" Chen Ang said.

"But combined with this diary, it is written that there is a kind of witchcraft that can obtain immortality. As long as a living person is sacrificed, he can obtain all his remaining life. Caroline suspects that she has become a sacrifice, the diary There is enough information written on it that it mentions four generations of the house.

"They have one thing in common, they believe in witchcraft!" Nick said: "Martin and Grace learned witchcraft with their servants. Their parents didn't believe in witchcraft, but died strangely. Mrs. Violet instilled witchcraft in Caroline thoughts, while Caroline began transcribing witchcraft rituals in her diary."

"This shows that they all began to believe in witchcraft, and then they were victimized by witchcraft!"

Nick looked into Chen Ang's eyes and said, "You've been hinting at me since you entered this room. You mentioned the source of witchcraft's power, and belief is also a kind of power, right? Believe it or not. none."

"Just now I mentioned the pair of black servants, I deliberately judge more subjectively. But you keep implying that the identities of the abuser and the abused can be transformed, as long as you see who is more evil. You are implying that black people are the persecutors .That witchcraft ceremony is not learning, but performing that kind of longevity witchcraft.”

"The black wizards took the bodies of Martin and Grace. They asked Martin's parents to burn their children who were transferred into the black body. Later, perhaps out of intentional revenge, the wizards in the bodies of Martin and Grace Tell the banker the truth and drive him crazy!"

"It was in this house that they started looking for immortal bodies for themselves."

"Whether it's Violet and Ben Devrioux, or Caroline and Lawyer Luke, they're all victims. They're tricked into coming here, they're implied to be witchcraft, and they're sacrificed. The reason Ben wants to To run away, I asked Caroline for help, because he has been changed body, Lawyer Luke is in Ben's body, and Lawyer Luke, who is the current owner of the house, is the black wizard in his body!"

Chen Ang said: "All this is your conjecture, you don't have any evidence!"

Nick said, "No, I have!"

He put his hand on the diary: "Everyone in this house is pretending,

You're pretending to be an insurance investigator and I'm pretending to be a bailiff, but that's a pretty poor way of saying it, and it doesn't give away that much if you want to. I don't have a bailiff ID and you don't act like an insurance investigator! "

Chen Ang said: "But I am indeed an insurance investigator!" Nick rolled his eyes at him.

"I understand your implication, so under our first layer of disguise, there is a second layer of disguise. The law enforcement officers who came to investigate the suspicious case in this house 20 years ago may be the FBI or something. The couple are right I firmly believe in this, and all our investigations and explorations are perfectly playing this role."

"And that couple also had three layers of disguise. Their first layer of disguise was Caroline and Luke, and then they were the two suspects in the second layer of disguise for murder. They showed enough flaws to lure us to investigate, but This double identity is actually a bait, aimed at the bait of our second layer of disguised law enforcement officers, they induce us to continue the investigation and uncover the truth of the third layer of identity. We will believe in witchcraft during the investigation."

"Belief in witchcraft is the prerequisite for sacrifice!"

Nick said: "So the core of this reasoning is that the wizard's motive is to sacrifice us, then he will definitely prompt us to be deceived to sacrifice ourselves, and then we just saw a witchcraft to protect ourselves in the diary Ritual. What a coincidence... unless the diary is a trap."

"They let us get the diary by ourselves, and then gradually deduce the truth, then we will believe in witchcraft. As they gradually approach, we have to believe in the witchcraft rituals in the diary and sacrifice ourselves."

"Because everyone will have a misunderstanding of thinking, we will believe the truth we have personally investigated, and will not suspect that the important clues in it are ghosts. So it is very simple to prove my conjecture. With your occult attainments, you should It is easy to guess what the function of this witchcraft ceremony is?"

"If it is not a protection of witchcraft, but a ritual of sacrificing oneself, then my reasoning is not wrong!"

Nick also added: "You should have Caroline's previous notes in your hand. After changing the soul, it is difficult not to change the handwriting. The body captured by witchcraft may inherit part of the writing habit, making it impossible for us to distinguish between twenty years. Caroline's handwriting later, but this diary was from 20 years ago, and a person's handwriting will not change so much in a short period of time."

Chen Ang took out a letter: "This is a letter from Caroline to my aunt!"

Nick was speechless: "She really has an aunt!"

Chen Ang said with a smile: "You guessed right, the handwriting on the diary is different from that in the letter, this diary is forged!"

Nick once again strengthened his judgment, but Chen Ang made a turning point, saying: "But you are wrong about one thing! Although the witchcraft ceremony in the diary is not a witchcraft to protect oneself, it is not the longevity witchcraft either. Rituals. I am familiar with the soul-shifting witchcraft in voodoo."

Nick was not surprised: "I know, I still have a lot of unexplainable questions. What puzzles me the most is why you asked me to come here. I think you have something to show me! The secret of voodoo... think there's something voodoo hiding here."

"This evidence can't overturn my guess about what happened here before, but it can overturn the couple's motive for murdering us."

"Have you ever thought about it?" Chen Ang said: "Facing our law enforcement officers who pretend to be identities, every crime has a motive for murder."

"From the fact that this wizard couple has been hidden for nearly a hundred years and no one has discovered them, it can be seen that they are very cautious. They never take action unless necessary. Every time they harm someone, it is for the core benefit to prolong their lives. Otherwise, they would not have survived for so many years." It was not detected. Such people will not attack us because they find out that we are law enforcers... because it is unnecessary and will increase the risk." Nick analyzed.

"They have no reason for law enforcement to need evidence. They have no reason to give us evidence and then kill us so that neither can cover up the crime behind us and law enforcement agencies can't sit by and let us disappear. They can't replace us. They can't pass our identity. We The identity is too complicated!"

"I thought they wanted to change their bodies, and then take advantage of the convenience of our bodies to escape from the United States and go to remote places like Haiti or Benin."

"You know why they want to harm us! What they want to use us for!" Nick said, "You know the effect of this witchcraft!"

"They must be very urgent!" Nick said: "Although the diary is fake, the things written in the diary are true. They will only hide us in key places. Caroline mentioned that Mrs. Violet told her The disapproval of the accent, the particular attention paid to the tattoos on her body, and the last black maid who absconded all say one thing, that is, our two cunning criminals, when it comes to picking their victims, are very deliberate, they Have time and patience to choose slowly and prepare.”

"But to us...they acted too urgent! Impatient!"

"At any time, the law enforcement is not a good target. There is a whole system behind the law enforcement. Unless you have a good time card, you are stuck at the moment when they have to take risks. We stared at them so that they could not find a target. And they lack time, something is forcing them! They have to attack us."

Nick recalled those puppets and mirrors. Caroline mentioned many anomalies in this mansion, but did not mention the puppets and mirrors. But in the investigation of Nick and Chen Ang, the most obvious thing is that there are various abnormalities in this mansion. Dolls like that, and mirrors that disappear. And the witch who took Caroline's body reminded them that the mirrors are all in the attic.

Either twenty years ago, there were no dolls in this house, and there were still mirrors.

Either the two wizards deliberately ignored these two keys when tampering with the diary.

"We should go to the attic to take a look!" Nick said to Chen Ang.

Chen Ang shook his head: "In their arrangement, the attic is the last step, and the last sacrificial ceremony is in the attic. I believe that witchcraft materials will be prepared for us there, and all the answers are hidden there. Therefore, it is best In the final moments of uncovering the truth, go there again and put together the last piece of the truth. Now we should look for the other pieces of the puzzle in this house."

Nick said: "The doll is still a mirror!"

Nick thought that Chen Ang would choose the puppet, after all, the last seal of voodoo is the voodoo doll.

Nick believes it holds the secret of the voodoo dolls.

But Chen Ang chose the mirror: "I believe that the dolls hide the secrets of those two wizards, but if you want to scare the snake, it is much more difficult to make so many dolls disappear than to have an extra mirror!"

Chen Ang and Nick removed a glass window, and used the silver compound solution prepared by Chen Ang to perform a simple silver mirror reaction. Then Nick quickly sneaked into the couple's bedroom and hung the mirror in the bathroom . After Nick came back, he rubbed his hands and said, "There is indeed something wrong with the mirror!"

"When I hold it, it's getting heavier. I feel like there's something inside... I'm afraid to look in the mirror. Guess I'll never see myself in the mirror!"

(м.③③χs.cóм = old iron, please remember for a second ③③尛裞网)

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