Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 104 Investigator Extra Story: Day 2 (1)

ろろ⺗裞蛧Modern salary is the best→ωωω.iiiiiiχs.てoм』﹃ The online novel reading network worth collecting

Late at night!

Chen Ang and Nick were still in the corridor on the second floor. They heard rustling sounds from the bathroom on the second floor, where they put the mirror just now. It sounded like the slight sound of clothes rubbing against the ground, as if someone Like crawling on the ground.

Chen Ang turned to look at Nick, and said, "According to the tradition, we should listen secretly in the room more often!"

Nick nodded, "Good idea!"

Then the two quickly returned to Chen Ang's room, stood at the door and listened carefully to the sound of the corridor. The couple's two bedrooms were separated from the guest room where Chen Ang and the others lived, and the bathroom was between them. In the meantime, water droplets dripped on the bathroom floor, making an undetectable sound.

But the people here have very keen ears, so they can hear clearly, and can even judge the direction and distance of the sound based on the sound.

There are two things moving in the bathroom, one of them is crawling on the ground, the clothes rubbing against the ground makes a rustling sound, the other has no footsteps, but water is dripping from it, it doesn't seem to touch the ground, only Judging by the sound of water droplets, it walked out of the bathroom and the door opened!

Soon the rustling sound also turned into the sound of friction between clothes and carpet.

They seemed to be looking for something, and the rustling sound of rubbing approached Chen Ang's room. It always sounded for a while, and then fell silent for a while, very regularly. Nickmo counted the time difference between the sounds, and he Judging from the sound, the distance between the stop and go of that thing happened to be the distance between the doors of the room.

The thing climbed to the door of each bedroom, stayed there for a while, and then continued to climb to the next bedroom.

Nick signaled to Chen Ang with tactical gestures, "They are looking for it!"

Chen Ang replied, "They should be looking for someone, do you think they can tell the difference between us and the person they are looking for?"

The two were silent, and the crawling sound was getting closer and closer. It had already arrived at Nick's room next door. This time it stayed for a while abnormally, as if it sensed something was wrong in the room, and then there were nails and The scratching sound of the door contact is not loud, but it is very obvious in the dark night.

After a long period of time, the sound of nails scraping the door disappeared!

Then there was a long, long silence, so quiet that Chen Ang and Nick could hear the sound of dripping water on the other side,

The sound of dripping water will also stay in each room for a while, and they seem to be searching separately. The sound of dripping water is easy to distinguish, because once it stays at the door of a room for a while, the sound of dripping water will become the sound of a drop of water falling on a pool of water.

Nick took out his pen and wrote something in the small notebook he carried with him.

Chen Ang looked up and found that he was calculating the height of the dripping water from the ground based on the time and size of the sound interval.

This is not difficult to calculate. According to the sound of that thing moving, its speed can be calculated, and then based on the time interval between the falling point of the water drop when it moves and the time when it stops, it can be deduced from how high the water drop fell.

This is junior high school mathematics knowledge, but the premise is that your ears and experience can accurately make the sound of water drops down to centimeters.

This ability to listen to the sound and distinguish the position is not something ordinary people can do!

Chen Ang glanced at it, and immediately showed contempt for Nick. This amount of calculation still requires writing!

Chen Ang calculated silently in his mind that the height of the water droplets falling was about 1.4 meters, and the ceiling height of the second floor of this mansion was only 2.8 meters.

"1.4 meters!" Chen Ang recited the number silently in his heart: "This is not like the height of a normal person. Even if the thing's head is on the ceiling, its toes or the corners of its clothes will generally drop from the lowest point, and there is still a distance from the ground. One meter four high.

Chen Ang calculated the falling speeds of several water droplets on the thing, calculated the different heights of several falling points, and then took the minimum value, which should be the water droplets falling from the toes. The acceleration calculates the weight of the drop, and from the weight of the drop, the surface tension of that liquid is calculated.

That's not pure water!

It's not blood either!

As for the liquid, Chen Ang prefers oil!

If that was the thing, would it be a dwarf... or a child? At this moment, something moved next door, Chen Ang began to smell a burnt smell approaching, the smell of burnt and rotten, the smell of corpses, it was still crawling on the ground, and a shadow appeared at the door, coming from Through the crack of the door.

The thing appeared to be crouching in the crack of the door below, looking in.

Chen Ang raised his head and saw that Nick had already supported the walls on both sides and stuck to the ceiling in the corner. He propped his limbs on the walls on both sides of the corner, with ease and ease, and even had time to stretch out a hand and made a booing gesture to Chen Ang.

Ah! Also said that you are the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Venom's identity has been revealed! Nick, you also said you don't have spider sense...

Chen Ang stood at the same place, the thing seemed to have seen his feet, it started to climb up the door with its claws, the sound of nails scratching on the door made people feel a little irritated, the thing crawled to the door of the keyhole position, and then looked inside, a blood-red eyeball appeared opposite the keyhole, and Chen Ang stood with his back against it.

The body is like a puppet holding a string, posing in the classic Michael Jackson pose.

His body was tilted at forty-five degrees, facing the floor, his hair drooping and covering his eyes, his body was so stiff that he didn't seem human, his whole body was full of mechanical rigidity and numbness, and there was not even a little bit of life on his body. There is no breath, and the thing seems to be quite curious.

Staring at Chen Ang for a long time, his eyes were full of curiosity.

Although the vitreous of the eyeballs was burnt to a turbid, yellowish color mixed with bloodshot eyes, the expression of this emotion still made the eyes much more vivid, and Nick felt a little cute for no reason.

Human instinct determines that they cannot resist the ignorant eyes of small animals, and their instinct to protect cubs is the source of cuteness.

Facts have proved that as long as the eyes are in place, everything can be cute.

After looking at that thing for a while, it seemed to be really curious. But it still slid down the keyhole with reluctance, and then continued to crawl to the next room. After it left the door, Chen Ang's body instantly stood up straight, as if a thread pulled him up Same.

Nick also quietly climbed down from the corner.

The dripping thing over there has already passed the bedroom door of the wizard couple. I don't know what method the couple used. Anyway, the thing didn't seem to notice it. It stayed at the door for a while and then left. The two of them met at the stairway door of the verandah.

There is also a rusty, old mechanical elevator for the immobile.

Chen Ang and Nick paid special attention when they came, because the elevator was too old. Lawyer Luke also told him that it was installed for the convenience of Ben who was paralyzed. Later, when Ben passed away, they did not dismantle it, but it was already No one has used it for ten years. It now appears that Luke was not telling the truth.

Obviously use it every night!

The two things were just about to start the elevator, when suddenly there were some whispering voices, the voice was very soft, almost a few breaths, and then the two things stayed for a while, and began to move towards the room where Chen Ang was.

Nick raised his head subconsciously, and saw that Chen Ang was already propped on the ceiling in the corner. His body shrank into a ball, like the shadow in the corner of the wall. The two little things moved faster this time, and they were about to reach their door soon. Nick gave Chen Ang a middle finger, and had to unbutton his clothes, and stood where Chen Ang was just now with his coat on.

Leaning forward, he lowered his body bit by bit with difficulty, relying entirely on his ankles for force, and his calf muscles were tense.

He couldn't do it as freely as Chen Ang. Without the help of the mechanism, he could do it with his muscles. Rao Nick was embarrassed enough.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and managed to do it.

The rustling sound stopped at the door, and the sound of dripping water also stopped. Then there was a very soft knock on the door, and the knocks sounded at the same time, as if someone knocked with two hands at the same time.

Who is that boring?

This idea just passed through Nick's mind, and subconsciously thought of another picture, a corpse hanging from the ceiling, approaching the door, his toes were shaking, hit the door, and made two light knocks door noise.

Someone looked down through the upper crack of the door, but it saw nothing.

All I saw was a dark shadow in front of the bed...

The thing was a little puzzled, and the whispering sounded again. The two things seemed to be arguing. Their voices were a little louder, but it still sounded like a hissing sound from the throat. The thing on the ground seemed a little disbelieving, The sound of fingernails scratching the door sounded again.

It leaned over the keyhole, wanting to look at the strange doll again, but there was only a black shadow in place.

A lovely exclamation of disbelief came from across the door.

Chen Ang quietly touched the ceiling by the window, and reflected a small piece of moonlight on Nick with a small mirror, and suddenly a black shadow melted away! Nick, standing against gravity at a forty-five-degree angle, was exposed to the moonlight. There was a small exclamation from the opposite side of the door, and two things looked at Nick's huge, dark body comically from the crack of the door and the keyhole above, facing the floor at a forty-five-degree angle.

The two little things made that whispering hissing sound again, and they were discussing something excitedly.

If Chen Ang's performance is as precise and stable as a puppet, then Nick's performance is a bit funny, like a clumsy clown. Fortunately, the two things on the opposite side are really easy to deceive, and they don't even care about the replacement. After a while, Shi Shi ran away, and after a while, the creaking sound of the elevator sounded.

In the room of the two wizards, Mrs. Caroline suddenly said, "They came a little early today!"

"The puppet in the attic is not responding!"

"Maybe the doll is broken again!" Mr. Luke said: "Go change it tomorrow morning!"

"We're running out of time! Justifah!" Caroline called another person's name.

So passed the first night! Soon the sky turned white, and with the crowing of the cock in the courtyard...

The second day is here!

(м.③③χs.cóм = old iron, please remember for a second ③③尛裞网)

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