Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 107 Investigator Extra: Night 2 (Part 2)

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Caroline lay on the bed, but did not close her eyes, but opened them, looking at the ceiling above her head, and Luke lay next to her, and the two of them listened to the sounds upstairs.

At the door of their room, there is a doll.

That dancing wax figure!

On the cabinet next to the door, there is a paper doll leaning against it. The paper man and paper horse of a man and a woman have a traditional Chinese flavor. There is also a sunny doll hanging on the door frame, and a Japanese-style geisha doll is placed in the corner. The location, so many dolls with different cultural elements, in a foreign-style house, formed a strange and uncoordinated style.

All the puppets are facing the door, as if they are guarding against something breaking in from outside the door.

At this time, their door was knocked, and Chen Ang's voice came from outside: "You two, are you asleep? If you fell asleep, you should be woken up by now! I found something interesting upstairs , I think I must show it to you!"

Luke sat up halfway: "Why would he knock on the door at this time?"

Caroline was also puzzled, and she shouted through the door: "It's too late! Detective... have something to say tomorrow!"

The voice at the door of the room replied: "You better open the door and have a look, I don't think this matter can wait until tomorrow?"

"Is there anything we can't wait until tomorrow?" Caroline asked, "Don't bother us anymore!"

Chen Ang's voice was still calm and said: "Because I'm not sure that you can live until tomorrow... Selsey!" The name made Caroline jump up all over, she listened solemnly to the movement outside the door, However, Chen Ang has been silent since he finished that sentence, and there was silence there.

Luke prevents Caroline from getting out of bed: "No matter what happens, we can't go out."

"This house is the safest place, we opened the 'door', and now this room is full of ghost things, no matter what noises come from outside, you can't go out... The person outside the door is still not himself , is it a person or what it is, we don't know. No matter what he says... Selsey. We have to keep calm!"

"That's just a devil's trap!"

"It's very late!" Lawyer Luke said calmly, "Sir... sleep!"

At this time Nick's voice came from outside the door,

He said: "We have a lot of people here who want to see you, Mr. Justifa, they want to meet their Justifah's Papa and Selsey's Mama! Ask them some questions..." The second half of the voice changed to child's voice -

A crisp boy said: "We regard you as our parents, why should we take away our bodies?"

"We used to respect you so much, Mama Celsi! No matter what our father did wrong? We never insulted you, hurt you...but you chose to hurt us! You let our father burn his Children, and use our bodies to engage in dirty wheel-whacking!"

"You let them see all this on purpose, and drove our mother crazy. My father guessed the truth, and you forced him to commit suicide!"

"I..." Caroline, or Selsey couldn't help but make a sound.

But she had only said a word when Justifa covered her mouth against Lawyer Luke's body, and he whispered in her ear: "Don't respond, whatever you say will only provoke Their fury!"

There was a high-pitched scream from a girl on the opposite side of the door, and the light bulbs and glass in Justifah's room were shattered! It was very vicious, high-pitched and ferocious, it came from a little girl's hysterical scream, resounding in the dark night...

But this soul-stirring scream was weakened layer by layer after passing through the door handled by the puppets.

Cersey threw herself into Justifa's arms in some panic, and Justifa had no choice but to hug her and comfort her, "It's okay! My dear...they can't come in, they can't come in... tomorrow we can hold The ceremony is over. Then we can get out of here! They can't catch us!"

"They are alive, we can get what we want, and they are dead! We are not afraid!"

"Since the 'door' was opened, they have refused to let us go! Justifa, it's useless, we can't destroy them, they will haunt us forever!" Witch Sercy said: " Unless the door is closed! But the seal is invalid! Are those big wizards in the voodoo religion eating shit? Why did you lose such an important seal!"

"The voodoo doll guards the door, but once the door is opened, it can only close it when it wants to!"

"Justifa..." Sercy said fearfully, "Let's grab that voodoo doll! The doll left by Queen Lavue, the original voodoo doll, should be able to hold Door!"

Chen Ang's voice sounded again—"Justifa, Selsey! You used to be the masters of this house, black servants hired by the banker, you should be from Haiti, right? Many blacks in Louisiana are From Haiti, some of whom are proficient in witchcraft, you serve Lavieux, Empress of Voodoo."

"The bankers mistreat you, that's normal, a lot of rich white people in that era, treated their servants badly, so you decided to give them a little badass, just right, you're young, but you've had enough of that body Yes! It was too difficult for black people to mix in those days. But it was easy for you, so you decided to use the soul-snatching technique to take the bodies of their children in order to inherit that large fortune."

"And the bodies you prepare—they trust you, don't they?"

"Then you succeeded and got rid of that annoying banker. You are entrenched in this room, like poisonous spiders on a spider's web, luring prey one after another into your net!"

"But Justifah, it's been a while. Things go wrong!"

"A few weeks ago, the 'door' was opened! The door guarded by voodoo, was opened. Something, can come out from behind the door to find you! Those who passed away, unwilling, resentful, hated --soul!"

"Justifa and Selsey, you can rest assured that we didn't find you because of your trivial hatred and stories from your past. We only care about how the door was opened. And about the secrets behind the door!"

Selsey said in horror, "Who are you?"

Flashes of flashes flashed in her mind. Chen Ang appeared in the study and chatted with them. Chen Ang's background and a story automatically appeared in their minds, but they never saw how Chen Ang walked in the door. Yes, as if he appeared directly in the study.

That night, when she opened the door to another man, the black man, he seemed to come from afar.

But there was no moisture on that bald head... His feet were muddy, and he was wearing a windbreaker that seemed to be from the last century. This guy said he was a bailiff, and he also claimed that he was an fbi. She actually believed it!

"It doesn't matter who we are!" Chen Ang said slowly: "The important thing is the secret behind the 'door'!"

"Don't think that this room is always safe..." Chen Ang said mysteriously, "Actually, you are trapping yourself to death!"

Selsey sat up in shock. She came to the door and listened suspiciously to the sound behind the door, but there was no sound of breathing behind the door. On the contrary, Lawyer Luke who was lying on the bed heard the sound coming from beside her ear. He breathed, he turned his head slowly, and saw Chen Ang sitting next to his head, but he couldn't even move.

Chen Ang dragged out another Luke lawyer from under the bed, put him next to him, and pushed him under the bed with his backhand.

Lawyer Luke lay under the bed, staring at the bed board above his head with his eyes open.

There, a half-person-high mirror was glued, and there were several pairs of eyes staring at him in the mirror. He also saw the young Caroline smiling at him face to face in the mirror. Caroline's mouth and eyes were sealed. She opened her eyes and looked at Justifah through the stitched thread between her eyelids.

After checking the door nervously, Selsey went back to bed and lay down with 'Lawyer Luke'.

This time, it's the real lawyer Luke!

And Justifa was lying under the bed, listening to his wife lying with an unknown thing, he saw Chen Ang crawling into the mirror, and Caroline in the mirror crawled out, Lie side by side with him.

Now there is a pair of Caroline and Luke on the bed, and a pair of Caroline and Luke under the bed.

Extraordinary harmony.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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