Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 108 Investigator Extra: Night 2 (Part 2)

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There was a conversation between Nick and Chen Ang in the mirror, and Lawyer Lu Ke listened carefully:

"I want to talk to you about the debt issue of the United States!" Nick's voice was very calm, and he said to Chen Ang: "In March, the Human Revolutionary Federation talked about China, the European Community, and former Russia. Yes, the U.S. dollar assets and creditor's rights of the allied countries."

"The allied countries hold a total of 8 trillion dollars in foreign exchange reserves, of which the U.S. national debt exceeds 2 trillion."

"After the establishment of the Human Revolutionary Union, a financial blockade was imposed on the United States, and the debt was frozen... The US government wanted to make representations to the Human Revolutionary Union, but you downgraded the level of diplomacy with the United States to the level of charge d'affaires. This is very important to us. The negotiation between them has caused a lot of trouble!"

"You know..." Chen Ang replied: "The diplomatic relationship between China and the United States used to be one of the most important diplomatic relations in the world. China and the United States are each other's big countries. Our communication avoids misunderstanding, and it is indeed related to global politics. situation, but this relationship changed six years ago. After China returned to the People’s Revolutionary Federation, the world’s political situation changed drastically. It was precisely because of the extremely incorrect responses and decisions made by the United States during that period that the People’s Revolutionary It was once close to a state of war with the United States."

"The United States froze all the overseas assets of the Human Revolutionary League and tried to deny the creditor's rights. This is the culprit behind this series of misunderstandings. It was the decision of the Human Revolutionary League to break off diplomatic relations with the United States six years ago. Recently, the Human Revolutionary League expressed friendship. , to re-establish diplomatic relations with the United States at the charge d’affaires level.”

"During that time, the U.S. government did make an imprudent diplomatic decision." Nick said, "But the Human Revolutionary Federation also needs to bear corresponding responsibilities. It is precisely because of your rash actions to attack the Pacific Fleet that the situation has developed into an unreasonable situation." recoverable."

"The Human Revolutionary League never fires the first shot!" Chen Ang pondered for a moment: "At least in the relationship between the earth's interior, we have never fired the first shot, and outside the earth, we rarely fire the first shot in the relationship of the river system... ...But we will not give the enemy a second chance to fire a second shot. When the United States intensified the conflict between the two sides, it was the extraterrestrial fleet stationed in the earth-moon orbit of the People's Revolutionary Federation, which controlled the situation and avoided the coming of war."

"Please note that it was not because we backed down that we normalized the relationship between the two sides, but because we were tough and let you see the consequences of toughness, this 'Cuban Missile Crisis' was avoided."

Nick laughed. "That's why you threatened us with the Soviet fleet?"

Chen Ang nodded and said: "The comrades in the Soviet Union believe that only after ensuring that the US government knows the destructive means of the MANRA, will you understand our efforts for peace, instead of thinking that this is a provocation."

Nick sneered: "So you invited us to focus on Mars,

Then blow up Mars in front of our eyes, and then find a similar planet from the universe to send it to the orbit of Mars? This is naked massacre threat! Do you know how much work we have to do to avoid public panic? "

"Do you know how many fuss reports S.H.I.E.L.D. handles from amateur astronomers and astrophysics scientists?"

"We have to claim that the Chitauri changed the surface morphology and trajectory data of Mars when they invaded Earth!"

Nick also seemed to feel that what he just said was a bit harsh, so he changed his tone and said in a more relaxed manner: "You know that one of the important tasks of my visit this time is to have an unofficial meeting with you. Dialogue, so why don't we be more frank, what conditions do you want before we are willing to promote the normalization of our bilateral relations?"

Chen Ang laughed: " old bastard! You are too greedy! The Human Revolutionary League is an interstellar country. We have great prestige in the Milky Way and the galaxies outside the galaxy. In the forest of cosmic races, the Human Revolutionary League It is a resounding signboard, and we have diplomatic relations with more than 13,000 interstellar races, planets and alliances."

"We dominate a large part of the political ecology of the Milky Way. We have stepped out of the universe and become a respected interstellar political entity. If the United States establishes a normal relationship with us, it is equivalent to directly entering the forest of interstellar countries. Such a cheap thing!"

"It is impossible for the Human Revolutionary Union to recognize the United States, because if we admit it, it means that there will be another country on the earth that is politically equal to us. Now in the interstellar, those aliens only think that the non-human revolutionaries on the earth are human beings. The primitive civilization protected by the Revolutionary Union."

"You are the Indian reservations in the Human Revolutionary Union."

"If I promise you to normalize our relationship and establish a relationship between the two countries, it is almost equivalent to you agreeing to establish diplomatic relations with the Indians in the reservations in the United States!"

"This kind of thing can't happen!" Chen Ang said: "Your only chance was six years ago, but you have personally destroyed the chance to become a normal interstellar country. Now, in the Milky Way, you are Kashmir, and you are the Jordan River." On the west bank, the Earth is the bridgehead of the Human Revolutionary League to resist the Apocalypse, here, only two forces are recognized internationally, the Apocalypse is too terrifying, and the Human Revolutionary Federation is the main force against the Apocalypse in the parallel universe!"

"And you are just natives of the earth, without any political power. Just like the United States seized Spain's Philippine colony, and the Allied Powers carve up Germany's islands in the Pacific Ocean after World War I. In this war, no one will care about the natives, only the interests of one big power , taken by another power. And the natives, have no power at any time!"

Nick said with a gloomy face: "This is the reason why you cut off contact with us six years ago? What about the diplomatic relationship at the charge d'affaires level?"

"That is a communication channel established according to the tradition of the earth." Chen Ang replied: "The relationship between us does not depend on the tradition of the earth, but depends on the level of dialogue between you and us at our internal level. That is Let’s say, the rules of the game in the past are really just ‘rules of the game’ in Interstellar, and only what we say counts!”

"And we will not communicate with you on an equal basis, just like the Queen of England would not communicate with the king of a small Indian state on an equal basis during the colonial period, because that will improve your status and make us a joke in the interstellar world. The Skrulls whose countries were destroyed by us, the protoss behind the Kree, and the Xandars will all laugh at the diplomatic measures of the Human Revolutionary League."

"Of course, this is not a reason. The Human Revolutionary League doesn't care about their attitude..."

"The Human Revolutionary Union only cares about Tianqi. We can't face you when you have not been liberated from Tianqi!"

Nick understood what Chen Ang meant. Chen Ang, the representative of Gelian, told him, "We will recognize you if you get rid of the control of Tianqi, which is the basis of all exchanges. These experimental products that develop civilization due to the experiments of the apocalypse may suddenly become puppets controlled by the apocalypse. It is impossible to develop a relationship in this way, because it is impossible to define what you are? Free life? Or pretend to be a free life of something?"

"So..." Nick asked, "What about the debt problem?"

"Actually, it should be bad news for you. We are considering selling our debt to Scrooge as a package." Chen Ang hesitated.

"Who is he?" Nick wondered.

"A duck star, an interstellar financial tycoon, helped us a lot when the Human Revolutionary Federation entered the interstellar financial market, and was also our supporter in the interstellar. His nephew, Donald, you may have heard, is the richest in the United States. aliens."

"The richest person?" Nick asked puzzled, "But there is no such person in the S.H.I.E.L.D. files."

"Hahaha!" Chen Ang laughed: "What do you think being rich refers to? Those worthless dollars? In Interstellar, people like Stark are poor, because he only has dollars, and dollars... Haha! What can you buy with dollars in Interstellar? They won’t even sell you a single energy cell... Stark left the earth, just like the aborigines who went abroad with a handful of Zimbabwean coins.”

"It is estimated that he can only live by selling his labor power... In Interstellar, he is considered to be the kind of person with more brains." Chen Ang explained: "He is qualified to be a qualified mental worker!"

Chen Ang seemed to remember something again, and denied it: "No, no, it's not the Zimbabwean currency. The Zimbabwean currency is recognized in the international financial should be the shell coin, the shell coin used by the primitive people of the South Pacific island countries. US dollars In the interstellar market, it is just a piece of waste paper."

"The rich people you know are a group of poor people in our assessment, and Donald has deposits in Interstellar Bank and assets in Interstellar. He has several mine stars. The capital of such people is recognized."

"Interstellar also has a capital society, but American capital is not recognized by the market there. Because your capital can't generate the value of the interstellar market at all. It can't generate market value, capital isolated from the know what it is!"

Nick stared at Chen Ang, and said: "I know the situation of some aliens. The strength of the earth is not bad. The strength we have should not be discriminated against like this."

"Yes!" Chen Ang said solemnly: "You have some strength, as long as you enter the interstellar country, your dollars, your capital, and your technology will be recognized. You have capital...but you cannot enter the interstellar country. No way When you enter the interstellar world, your capital does not exist."

"It's like a company that can't enter the market. Yes, you are very powerful in theory, but if you can't enter the market, you are worthless."

"You may have to ask! Why can't America enter the interstellar world and become a recognized interstellar country?"

"Because you are too far away from heaven and too close to the Human Revolutionary Union."

"After the rise of the Human Revolutionary Union, the major interstellar evaluation agencies have lowered your evaluation value. You are now garbage stocks, because any political analyst knows that the Human Revolutionary Union cannot let their home planet go. On the important battlefield, an unidentified interstellar country will rise."

"We can't judge friends and foes... Who knows if your thoughts are simulated by Tianqi. If he moves his fingers, you will all become machines controlled by him?"

Nick asked sullenly: "Then how can Scrooge take over the debt of the United States?"

"Scrooge is an interstellar banker. He controls a duck bank that is very successful in the Milky Way. The main business of the duck bank is to provide packaged listings for planets and civilizations that have not yet entered the interstellar world but have the potential to enter the interstellar world. Services. They invest in those potential primitive civilizations, acquire them, and then divide the assets. The financial operations are like the banks on the earth, and finally help those civilizations enter the interstellar, making the worthless assets greatly appreciated. "

"By using this method, Scrooge became a financial tycoon in the galaxy. He controls more primitive civilizations than you know!"

Chen Ang said: "Obviously, he intends to be your trash stock now!"

Nick said, "It doesn't sound like he's a philanthropist!"

"Yes, he used this financial method to control those primitive civilizations, making them a gold mine in his hands. If Thanos is plundering by force, and the Kree is colonial plundering, then the interstellar financiers represented by Scrooge all It's economic plunder and control of primitive civilizations like yours." Chen Ang said: "So I don't support this idea, it's too immoral!"

"In that case..." Nick leaned closer and asked in a low voice, "What will Scrooge do?"

Chen Ang shook his head and said, "I can't tell you..."

"Think about it, for the most basic dignity of human beings, you can't let us become a civilization controlled by an interstellar capitalist. This is against your philosophy, right? The Human Revolutionary Federation believes in munism!"

Chen Ang was silent for a while, and replied: "Okay! Let you see that I am a firm opponent!"

He crossed his hands and rested his chin and said: "Scrooge's usual method is to enter your financial system through creditor's rights, and it will gradually guide you to 'list'. In this process, step by step, control will be deepened. , I will mortgage all my underwear to it."

"How can it control our country's financial system?" Nick asked, "Even if it has eight trillion, we can't beat it!"

"In the financial game of the earth, of course you have played it, because you set the rules of the game, and you are also the referee. You can make laws, modify laws, and even directly nationalize its property."

"But if you want to go public, go public, and enter StarCraft, you have to learn another way to play. To be governed by another game rule, the rules of the United States, you must obey the rules of StarCraft. There, Scrooge is the old player and the referee." Chen Ang said: "That is the game rule of the interstellar market jointly established by 20,000 interstellar countries."

"There you can mortgage planets, mortgage human rights, everything is market-oriented, where you can even sell Iron Man. Gao Tianzun buys heroes of various races all the year round. He has a planet of arenas... There are slaves duel every day .This is legal... I think Stark is quite valuable, do you want to think about it?"

Nick hesitated, "Is the slave trade legal?"

"There are catch a person and claim that you are his master. If he can't resist, then you can sell him. However, this kind of thing usually can't be sold for a price, and once the slave runs away. You You have to be responsible for hunting him down, if there are people behind the slaves, for example, the major civilizations will cover their own races, and if you sell their people, you will be hunted down to death, and even cause an interstellar war.”

"There are also mortgaged slaves. If you can't repay the loan, your personal rights will be mortgaged to the interstellar bank group. If such a slave escapes, you will face the interference and pursuit of 20,000 interstellar countries, and you will be wanted by the entire galaxy." Chen Ang said: "The rules of the interstellar game are quite complicated. I can't tell you too much about such important information."

"You can't play with Scrooge!" Chen Ang said: "It has bought more than two hundred planets! It is familiar with this method. If you are more capable and can resist two or three hands, then you will retain more power. , Scrooge's control will be weaker, if you can't play it, then it will be the master of all of you."

"But no matter what, Scrooge hasn't lost money by playing one game. He can always make a profit. He just makes a lot of money and makes a small profit."

"In the Milky Way, Scrooge is already the best 'listed' expert!" Chen Ang said: "Do you want to ask why so many civilizations would rather be exploited by Scrooge than to be 'listed'? Because those who are not listed Civilization, without any protection, is like an unprotected gold-holding young child. You ask why young children and adults can go public on their own! A strong civilization can fight out and pay a few war reparations, so it is naturally recognized by the stars sovereign civilization."

"This is how the Human Revolutionary Union went public!"

Nick was in a bad mood, he asked: "But the Human Revolutionary Federation will not let the earth be invaded, so we are safe."

"No, on the contrary. You are at the forefront of this war... Why did we pack up the debt and sell it to Scrooge? First, when the Human Revolutionary League went public, it destroyed many civilizations. First, the Chitauri were destroyed, and then Go to war with Thanos, flatten the front line of the Kree, fight everywhere, burn glass, blow up planets, vaporize galaxies, and clean river systems. From the very beginning, we appeared on the stage as the rule-makers and chess players of this game. Scrooge was the first to take the initiative to help us enter the interstellar financial market, it helped us familiarize ourselves with the rules of the game, and then formulated the rules of the game to achieve hegemony!"

"So, based on its relationship with us, we are of course willing to let it, which is more friendly and rational, control you. In our opinion, it is more reliable than you."

"Second, Scrooge is a good banker. He never trampled on human rights. Under him, economic control of the United States does not conflict with your political system. I dare say most people can't feel what you have lost. !"

"Third, use your geopolitical situation to face the threat of the apocalypse. Without Scrooge's help, you will have no way out, and you may be wiped out in the war at any time! Scrooge took a big risk. The acquisition If it weren't for the fact that you have a part of the sovereignty of the earth, the sovereignty recognized by the Human Revolutionary Federation, Scrooge would not even look down on you. "

Chen Ang said: "As long as the 8 trillion debts are sold, Scrooge will be able to operate in the interstellar bank immediately, and the weak civilization will be exploited. Maybe Scrooge has already sold you all. You don't know yet... …Just like banks bullying ordinary people, you have some debts, and then the bank operates over there, and before you know it, you have nothing. Interstellar finance is a powerful system supported by 20,000 galactic civilizations.”

Chen Ang continued: "Let me give you an example. Generally speaking, 8 trillion debts are sold. You will definitely make some moves. If Scrooge makes a move, you will freeze. The best situation is to freeze the debt." In the worst case, you will forcibly deny that debt, and then Scrooge will question your credit to the Interstellar Bank, and the Interstellar Bank will issue a query. If you ignore it, your listed financial assets may be frozen. way."

"It will also be judged that you defaulted on the credit of the United States and went bankrupt in Interstellar!"

"After the credit bankruptcy, if you issue U.S. dollars again, it will be considered a creditless currency. In this way, it is impossible for American capital to have any value in the interstellar world. The next step is to forcibly involve you in interstellar things, such as engaging in a The interstellar wormhole construction company, of course they would not do this if they want to demolish the earth, the Human Revolutionary Union is still there!"

"But in this way, you have to contact Interstellar. You need to argue and enter the interstellar system, otherwise you may be demolished. Then your credit is bankrupt at this time, and you cannot gain the upper hand. Interstellar Bank will enforce the mandatory terms , will mortgage the sovereignty of the planet you occupy as collateral for your currency, because you have no credit to mortgage. Scrooge will apply for an exchange of collateral, and Interstellar Bank will directly spare your frozen currency and transfer this part Currency, converted into collateral is part of the planet’s land rights. If Scrooge shorts your currency again, your entire civilization will enter bankruptcy liquidation.”

" were sold to Scrooge before you knew it!"

"This is the interstellar banker!"

"It plays with you, just like the big financial capitalists in the United States want Nauru to go bankrupt!"

The atmosphere on Nick's side was as serious as a mountain, and Nick whispered: "I will go back and think about what you said! S.H.I.E.L.D. hopes that God Spear can take over the debt, and I will persuade the government to unfreeze the debt. Lian's overseas assets will also speed up the transfer."

Chen Ang replied: "We will strive to take over overseas assets and creditor's rights, and transfer them to the Holy Shield. Believe me, before being liberated from the control of the apocalypse, the best relationship between the United States and the Human Revolutionary League is that there is no relationship. We mutually Ignoring it is the best case scenario."

"The productivity of the United States has no value for the Human Revolutionary Union. The value of the labor force is condensed, and the American labor force is far away from the Human Revolutionary Union. Now the average labor force of our citizens has surpassed that of the entire United States. The resources enjoyed by the citizens of the Human Revolutionary League and the ability to transform reality surpass your entire civilization."

“Dollars are better off as scrap paper in this situation. Rather than being packaged into the market by us, and as soon as we try to extract some value, America is finished. It’s inhumane…”

"I'll try to avoid that from happening!"

Lawyer Luke was listening in a daze... He couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

I just feel that it looks terrible!

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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