Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 112 How wonderful would the world be if God was just a monkey?

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At this moment, Sercy got up on the bed, her head hung upside down, her neck was folded towards her back, her limbs were also bent backwards, and her joints seemed to be broken, which vividly interpreted the turning of her elbows inwards. body shape.

Even so, Selsey's eyes were still rolling.

If you observe carefully, you can find that this state of the witch is related to Nick's perception of her. Her strange appearance in Nick's eyes seems to be not just a mutation, but a deeper display of herself. The original face of the witch, Caroline's face has been festered, and only a rough idea can be seen.

This seemed to mean that the witch's disguise had been seen through.

And beneath that rotten, leaky face, where the face had been broken, another face had been sewn on.

It was the face of an even older Mrs. Violet. She was wrinkled, white-haired, and the teeth in her mouth were jagged. The two faces were sewn together like a mask full of holes, and the black thread was sewn together. Where the two sewed faces could not hide, there were a pair of girl's eyes.

Nick could even be said to be familiar with these eyes, the eyes of the brother and sister Martin and Grace.

Exactly like the one in that photo...

This is also a kind of evidence that what Nick sees is exactly what the information deep in his heart shows after being processed by the alienated consciousness. Normal humans only see an ordinary woman, but what Nick sees is his own subconscious alienation of what he sees.

So he could see the faces of Caroline and Violet, and Caroline's face was very clear, the way the witch looked now, and it was what Nick had always seen, and Violet's was very blurry.

It was a blurry face, and all the features came from the information Nick knew. He was nearly sixty years old and had a stroke. It was the last appearance of an old woman. Faces put together because of you Nick hasn't seen pictures of Violet, he doesn't know what she looks like!

And those Grace eyes were clearly from that photo.

So the part of the witch, which represents her taking Grace, is still in her childhood state!

This gave her a pair of childlike eyes, which were terrifying on that old and ugly face.

The skin on her body was loose and loose, like a patchwork of sewn human skin,

Beneath that piece of human skin was black, rotting skin.

The sewn-in, mask-like faces and eyes represent the bodies and identities of those who, in Nick's mind, the Witch has seized.

She was wearing a human fur coat, but she couldn't cover her own black skin. This is the image of Selsey in Nick's subconscious mind: a black witch wearing human skin and wearing someone else's face... a black witch who uses someone else's skin to cover her rotten body s things.

Everything Nick saw seemed to be crushed and reassembled by a mad artist.

What he saw was probably the world recreated by the crazy Picasso.

And Caroline's evil spirit grew out of the witch's rotten stomach, dragged her intestines, and the whole head came out of the abdominal cavity... This did not come from the subconscious mind, but a kind of spiritual vision.

Chen Ang revealed that Caroline and other evil spirits are not real souls, but the fear and fantasy of Selsey and others. They think that door leads to the world of the dead, and they misunderstand the meaning of death, so their Fear distorted their consciousness, creating those evil spirits... or rather, creating the door through which the evil spirits came out.

Yet human consciousness is universal, and what their fears create are also memes.

This virus can be transmitted to other people, even the old humans who have no doors, will also see the evil spirits that the wizards saw in their hallucinations, this meme will infect everyone who comes into contact with them, causing the effect of real evil spirits revenge .

And Nick lost the protection of common sense to the old Nick. This kind of spiritual vision ability has greatly increased. He can see the memes created by the infected, and he can also see the evil spirits created because of the fear of witches. The evil spirit was attached to Selsey, showing such a terrifying effect.

Nick was not scared out of his mind by what he saw. On the contrary, he kept restraining himself and kept himself in a state of doing nothing... But he was not the only one who heard the fatal truth. Chen Ang said these words , never avoiding Cersey and Justifah.

Their IQ is a bit dumber than Nick's and takes a little time to think.

Then the two poor people who were protected by common sense were kicked naked into hell, they also lost the inertial protection of consciousness, looking directly at the reality and chaos of this world, Sercy obviously saw the growth in his abdominal cavity Caroline smiled at her, with endless resentment in her smile.

Then she felt that the human skin on her body began to squirm. It was the other evil spirits that had taken her body attached to these human skins. She felt that she was coexisting with those evil spirits, feeling that they were sticking to her, growing on the skin.

They coexist with each other!

Selsey screamed, and in Nick's eyes, she opened her mouth wide, opened 180 degrees, big enough to fit a skull... the mouth was full of jagged teeth, yellow, With deformed and ugly teeth, Sercy began to peel off the skin desperately. In Chen Ang's eyes, she was tearing off her own skin.

The eyes of the three people present were three different worlds. Chen Ang had a normal perspective. He saw Selsey grabbing his skin and tearing it off bit by bit with unimaginable strength; in Nick's eyes, Circe is a monster trying to tear off the human skin she is wearing, and in Circe's own eyes, she is a normal person, which may be the only thing that common sense still protects her.

The skin on her body is some human skin monsters, trying to grow into her body.

She has to take it off...

Selsey is crazy, her perception of the world is completely out of order! Her consciousness created some meme viruses and some monsters, which distorted her world, and she could no longer distinguish the difference between the distorted world and the normal world.

Chen Ang watched Selsey pull out all the skin and muscles from her body alive, and turned herself into a skeleton with blood and fleshy skin. I don't know what kept her from dying, but after Nick and Searle In Xi's eyes, Cersey, who peeled off those monsters with human skin, revealed his true appearance, a corpse like a mummy.

Because they all know that stripping away those seized bodies, the essence of Sercy is a body that should have decayed long ago.

In their eyes whose consciousness had been distorted at this time, Selsey's appearance and her real appearance somewhat coincided with a decayed, bloody, withered and skinny skeleton.

Selsey's skeleton, with some fleshy skeletons still hanging from it, fell to the ground.

In Chen Ang's eyes, she was already dead, but in the eyes of Nick and Sercy, she was still alive, just in a different form.

Nick has realized that there is nothing he can do about these things, the rotting, maggot-ridden corpse of Selce the Witch, the dancing girl, the halfling Luke Lawyer crawling under the bed, a young Nick Lawyer and Jas Tifa shared the body, and Justifa returned half of it to Lawyer Luke.

He dragged only half of his body, and his intestines leaked out of his abdominal cavity, dragging and crawling on the ground.

Nick will never be able to destroy these things. This is not something that can be destroyed with guns or superpowers. It is an essential alienation of thinking, and he will soon get used to it. The people in his eyes will be alienated into his subconscious perception of them. Essentially, in his eyes, life and death do not exist, and there is no difference between corpses and humans.

Man is a moving corpse, and a corpse is an immobile person.

This state is exchanged at any time, and a person's past, present, conscious and material things will be revealed at the same time, turning a person into a patchwork of abstract things.

His world is like Picasso's paintings... In the future, more consciousness and concepts will appear in his world in the form of abstract entities. Those nihilistic concepts of time, good and evil, life and death will appear in various symbols and distortions. The state exists in his cognition.

All rationality possessed by human beings, the perception of time, the perception of color, the concepts of shape, temperature, life, etc., will exist in a distorted and indescribable state.

Everyone exists in Nick's eyes in the form of monsters, but Nick will soon be cognitively disturbed, and he will soon stop being strange and afraid. He will completely forget what normal people look like.

Now in Nick's eyes, Chen Ang is like countless bubbles gathered together, and countless lights are gathered into something that cannot be seen clearly.

He said to Selsey: "I'm sorry, I seem to have hurt you by mistake!"

He turned his head and said to Nick: "In the past, you were created by the Creator Angel using steel and fire. It is a system with rigorous structure and orderly operation. That is your consciousness. Now many elements that make up your consciousness have become some infinite elements. Sequential, chaotic things, but you still have to stay sober and rational, otherwise the future of mankind will be like what you see now, turning into distorted monsters!"

"Apocalypse extracted order and rationality from chaos and created your consciousness. After returning to chaos, you can still maintain consciousness and recreate yourself. This may be the test that Apocalypse wants to give you." Chen Ang said.

What is this? Nick was a little confused thinking that the programmer created an artificial intelligence from the chaotic algorithm, and then re-scrambled the code of the artificial intelligence, washing it into a chaotic state, and expecting it to code itself... What a fairy tale Tan?

At this moment, Nick really hoped that his God was the monkey who sat in front of the typewriter and typed repeatedly, creating them out of countless possibilities.

Instead of creating them by relying on rationality and intelligence, and then starting to run and test, and conduct all kinds of whimsical tests, the artificial intelligence that will be washed into a chaotic algorithm will create itself again, and perform such sensational acts. Programmers, scientists .

"Why isn't our God a monkey?"

The monkey will create in chaos, and then the chaos will end. The monkey god will not know when to press the button that destroys everything, but Nick can accept this as an unknown fate.

But a scientist God, he will start rationally and orderly, create with precision, and then experiment repeatedly, expecting to see something beyond his expectations or expectations, just like a mouse facing a researcher, unknowable Fate is someone else's trick.

As a member of the little white mice, Nick so sincerely hopes that his destiny can be in the hands of a monkey.

Nick tried his best to control the chaotic thoughts in his mind, but he still couldn't resist the idea coming out resolutely.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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