Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 113 Professional villain for 50,000 years, Chen Ang is really super professional

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Nick felt a warm and soft touch under his feet, as if stepping on internal organs, the floor of the entire mansion became this slippery, wriggling material, and the ceiling above his head was a tumor-like accumulation of flesh, like a throat Nick's lower body, turned into a slug-like ax foot, slid on it.

He felt in a trance that he had turned into a mollusk.

"Your situation has started to get serious!" said the existence in front of him, which seemed to be piled up with countless bubbles as deep as the universe and as radiant as the sun: "But it's okay... If the consciousness of ordinary people is some scattered sugar, You're one of those hard, icy sugar cubes—the ones that last a little longer under the onslaught of this chaotic information!"

"Your current consciousness can still remain clear, which means that the inertia of consciousness that maintains your sanity has not disappeared, so it is only the initial symptoms of cognitive disorder. If you continue like this, you can persist for three days, and the confusion of consciousness will go further. To deepen, the premise is not to face those deformed meme viruses directly."

"The situation is okay..." the voice said, "It's not as pessimistic as I imagined!"

"Is the situation okay?" Nick said, "I suspect I've gone crazy!"

"People who are really crazy don't know that they are crazy!" Chen Ang said: "Now you can still distinguish that you have entered an abnormal state. I originally expected——You will completely distort your cognition, and you will not be aware of yourself. It’s like a dream, and I think it’s normal to encounter any absurd situation.”

"How are you going to explain that situation to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Nick asked, "Put me back, who has gone crazy?"

"I will give you a device for artificially interfering with cognition!" Chen Ang took out a pair of glasses and said: "Use this pair of glasses, through calculation and simulation, to interfere with your vision, filter meme viruses, and artificially interfere with the information you obtain .It's like installing an artificial filter for harmful substances in your consciousness."

Nick put on his glasses, and the whole world came back to life in an instant.

Although it still looks distorted, dark, and eerie, at least it looks normal—Nick ignores the walls with human faces, and the twisted skeleton-like chandelier above his head, and the floor he stepped on returns to normal— — just filthy filth and blood, overgrown with soggy moss.

Nick watched the slug with black slime crawl over his feet, his face jumped, and he said, "It's much better! Really!"

What he saw was Chen Ang's head that was shining like a light bulb.

"You subconsciously feel that it's dirty here,

In the dark, it feels like there are a lot of bacteria and microorganisms, but the vision distorts this feeling and expresses it. The blood stains on the wall, slugs and moss on the ground are all symbols projected by the things your inspiration perceives. "Chen Ang said: "And the door of the soul in the consciousness is opened, and at the same time the shackles of your consciousness are liberated. "

Nick asked, "What do you mean?"

"You can perceive some information that was oppressed by common sense before. In addition to the five senses, human beings also have conscious senses. Before the shackles are liberated, the things perceived by the conscious observation will be forgotten, and occasionally appear in the form of dreams. This is sleep. The reason why the five senses of time relax the suppression of conscious perception, and let these things that you couldn't feel before emerge."

Chen Ang explained the reason with his knowledge of occultism. Seeing that Nick still had a half-knowledge, he added: "In layman's terms, your spiritual vision can see some clues that ordinary people can't detect."

"Spiritual vision is a kind of consciousness distortion. It is the result of you distorting the attributes other than reality formed by the five senses. It contains many hallucinations and crazy and chaotic factors, but it also has some super common sense, but it belongs to Something rational." Chen Ang said: "It's dangerous, but it's also very useful!"

"How long will these glasses protect me?" Nick asked calmly.

Chen Ang pondered for a moment, and replied: "If you don't look directly at something that contains more confusing information and stronger memes, it can keep your basic rationality for a week."

"This thing took over my information receiving window—that is, my senses, and filtered those harmful meme viruses by interfering with my senses." Nick said: "That doesn't mean that you all know everything I perceive? "

Chen Ang nodded and said: "Yes... the artificial intelligence on the Republic side will screen the information you accept, if you think it's inappropriate, you can return it to me!"

"Then I won't be able to work at all!" Nick said coldly: "A lot of hallucinations and disturb my cognition, if I can't distinguish what is in front of me. Am I still a ghost director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"The current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is Coulson!" Chen Ang reminded him.

"Let him go to hell!" Nick adjusted the color of the lens of his eyes, turning it into the transparency of sunglasses: "The situation is critical now, I have to fight in person!"

"I will isolate me from the most confidential information...don't try to find anything through me!" Although Nick said so, he knew that he had to expose some secrets to the Revolutionary League. Not because of anything else, just the lesser of two evils.

It's better to let the Revolutionary League know some secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. than to drive all humans crazy!

Nick walked out of the mansion, and this time he completely understood what it meant—you know too much!

Nick has never felt the terrible danger of knowing too much. The sky has turned pale—if the one rising from the east is still the sun—it looks more like the mouth of a well, like the sky is broken. A hole, light and something else, oozes from the other side of the hole, like a wound in the sky oozing pus.

The moon in the sky was not yet fully set, and Nick caught a glimpse.

Immediately, I felt that my spiritual vision had deepened a bit!

What the hell is that, a wriggling ball of flesh full of tentacles, covered with eyes of all sizes, Nick felt that when he looked up at it, some of those eyes were also looking at him, an indescribable feeling The feeling, like being massaged by a king squid, enveloped Nick's whole body.

"What the hell is this!" Nick cursed in horror.

"The moon!" Chen Ang said lightly: "That thing looks like this..."

"Why does the moon look like this?" Nick asked, "What the hell is there? On the there something special?"

"It's always been like this, it's just that with your spiritual vision, you can see more of the truth. That's all!"

"Fack!" Nick yelled.

Chen Ang raised his watch and glanced at the projected information: "Your rationality has weakened a bit, don't look at it, don't think about those things. Now is not the time to know more, the better, on the contrary, the less you know, You are safer."

"That thing has been watching us from the moon?" Nick said in a serious tone.

"From ancient times to the present, it has always been like this!" Chen Ang cherishes words like gold, the more he talks, the faster Nick loses his sanity.

"I have to close that door before I go crazy." Nick was smoking a cigarette, he didn't care about the worm-like, stinking, wriggling smoke with dirty mucus and a foul taste, and bit the bullet The rotten, foul smell breathed in.

"How many people in S.H.I.E.L.D. can bear the truth?" Chen Ang asked, "If you fail, we need to find someone else to take over your job. At least one person must know the truth."

Nick thought for a long time, and his mind was already a little confused—"Colson can't...Damn it, I can't think of anyone who can last for more than two days."

"Agents' brains are too complicated, they store a lot of information, and the wall of common sense is not strong enough." Chen Ang said: "The simpler the person, the stronger the resistance, and the more stubborn the person is, the less likely they are to go crazy."

"Stubborn!" Nick took a deep breath and said, "That's only my old buddy Frank! He's the most stubborn person I've ever met!"

"The Punisher?" Chen Ang said: "It's ok...he may be more distorted than normal people at the beginning, but he has a higher tolerance for later infections and can resist them for a longer period of time."

"You need to give Frank some clearance—and then go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and deal with some stuff."

Chen Ang said calmly: "Then we can start looking for a solution to the problem!"

"Lavieux?" Nick asked back.

Chen Ang didn't say a word, and acquiesced to Nick's guess. After a long time, when the big hole in the east, the mouth of the well, gradually shifted to the middle of the sky, Chen Ang said: "Lend Dr. Reed to us for a while!"

"What?" Nick frowned.

"He's researching teleportation technology... It's too simple. The Republic has been monitoring the space near the earth. We can't hide it from us. It seems that he is about to succeed. I want to follow the trend and let him test the water for us!"

"Where are you going to get him?" Nick asked.

Chen Ang didn't answer directly: "You know what? Now we don't have enough time to solve the puzzles! We can't solve the questions asked by the death knight... we can only copy the answers."

"Now we can only be bad students who are ready to copy the answers next door."

"Pray that the examiner will not pay attention to us!"

"Send Reed there, pretend it was an experimental accident!" Nick's eyes darkened, and he interjected thoughtfully. He nodded slightly: "Making this kind of accident...we are professionals!"

"Reed is our road beacon!"

Chen Ang said: "I will pretend to prevent Ulysses from opening the fourth seal. We need to protect the walls of common sense of the heroes so that we cannot let them know the truth. It is meaningless to prevent the fourth seal! The test has begun, we I can't delay... I will trick them over, use a reason similar to the Armageddon, bring together the opposition on Earth that is giving us headaches, and then pack it up and send it over."

"I'm responsible for guiding them step by step to find the answers we need."

"At the same time, conceal the situation and delay the collapse of their walls of common sense. You are responsible for cooperating... If they detect something wrong, I will jump back, and you will then be responsible for guiding them."

"Bounce back..." Nick doubted, "Can you do it?"

Chen Ang clenched his fists with a sinister smile and said, "Being a villain...I'm super professional!"

Nick still had some doubts: "Send people like Ulysses Crow, Ebony Maw, and Namor over there, won't they cause us trouble?"

"Now, it's time to make use of them." Chen Ang's eyes flickered: "I will let them be involuntary. When necessary, I will defeat them and stand up to lead them."

"Doctor Strange is the easiest person to discover the truth. We still need him later, and we need the power of the time stone, so he can't be crazy. Because he uses too many time stones, he has been targeted by something outside of time. When the time comes I will exile him out of time, and you will bring him back when necessary."

"Let's just say that I am the mastermind behind everything. I must be able to fool him for a while!"

Nick's face was uncertain, and he said solemnly: "I am in this is too dangerous! I will go crazy at any time...If something happens to me, the plan will have a big flaw."

Chen Ang said: "Go to Doctor Strange, tell him that you suspect that there is something wrong with me, and let him help you suppress your chaotic state of consciousness, Strange has studied "The Seven Chapters of the Xuanjun", and he has a way to keep you part of your sanity. Tell him that I deceived you in intelligence and made you infected by the evil god."

"You can only come out when necessary. Too early or too late will affect our plan."

"I will use Strange, use him as a kit, and gradually remind you of the key to the plan. You can get all the information of the plan from him, and then complete your plan before the memetic virus in this information infects you. steps. This mission can only be accomplished if we work together.”

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