Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 125 Assemble, Alliance of Rescuers

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"No!" Ebony Maw watched death approaching, as if he wanted to torture him. T'Challa the Destroyer was in no hurry, and wanted to teach him an unforgettable lesson. Ebony Maw's mental ability was completely useless against the Destroyer unless Reaching the illusory reality of the professor, the spiritual realm of one mind, otherwise the destroyer immune to the illusion of the mind created by the ancient gods is the natural nemesis of the psychic.

Huge pieces of concrete roared past, smashing onto the Destroyer, but the impact force of hundreds of tons could not leave even a trace on the Destroyer's armor.

The concrete, which was several times larger than the Destroyer, was punched into the ceiling by his fist, and the flying gravel shot out hundreds of meters like bullets.

A Wakanda man probably wanted to admire their king's majesty in killing the enemy. He poked his head out quietly, but unfortunately, his head was shot by sputtering gravel, red and white, and the ground was broken. This scene happened to be investigated La saw it.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was filled with embarrassment.

"It will be resurrected anyway!" T'Challa could only comfort himself in this way: "A king must make a decision... Now killing the enemy who destroys Wakanda is the most important thing. At this time, the necessary sacrifice is It must be paid! My shoulders can resist the responsibility of the people of Wakanda, and I can also resist mistakes."

"A good king must not only be able to take care of his own people, but also bear the consequences of his own mistakes. If a person wants to escape the consequences of his actions, he will definitely not be able to become a king. My child, All I can tell you as a king is don't be cowardly!"

"We can never guarantee that we won't hurt anyone. The decisions we make can be said to hurt some people, but if we shrink back because of this, we can't do anything. This is the responsibility of a king. We are kind, But sometimes you have to be strong enough, hard enough to be brutal!"

T'Challa remembered what his father had said to him, he was shaken for a moment, and he became firm again in the blink of an eye.

Techara pulled his hands, he felt that the current power was extremely powerful, he felt that he could easily destroy his previous self with a move of his fingers, which made him a little lost in the power, he wanted to put the anger and fear that had been suppressed in his heart Both the tyranny and the tyranny were vented, and in just an instant, the Destroyer broke through the sound barrier and came to the front of Ebony Throat with a little force.

The huge air shock lifted the ebony throat, causing it to roll and fly out.

The Destroyer loaded with T'Challa's soul is completely different from the Destroyer that Thor dealt with. Instead of being clumsy or slow, it has an unimaginable speed.

The Destroyer stretched out only one finger,

With a flick, the air on the fingertips was quickly compressed in a very short period of time, and ejected, the traces of the white air compression explosion, like a ballistic trajectory, penetrated the chest of Ebony Throat, and the blood flower exploded instantly. A wound the size of a basketball exploded on Ebony Maw's body.

But the blood flower that exploded from the wound stagnated strangely in the air.

The Destroyer turned around in surprise, wanting to see if Strange had stopped time, but Strange also shook his head at him blankly, indicating that it wasn't him who did it.

At this moment, the wound on Ebony Throat's body disappeared instantly.

The Destroyer felt something was wrong, as if the cause of his shot had disappeared.

Without the cause, the effect naturally does not exist.

Everything is interconnected, this is the basis of causality, or the existence of determinism. The Destroyer compressed the air with his fingers, and the air compressed and expanded to form an air cannon. The chest, causing huge wounds, these linear developments all rely on the interconnection of matter.

But just now, this story line was suddenly interrupted.

A key connection is missing. The compression of the air does not cause an air cannon-like effect, but instead the gas molecules move erratically in all directions. And this has happened in the past.

resulting in a change in the present results.

From behind Ebony Maw stepped a man in a tuxedo wearing the top hat of yesteryear, dressed in clothes that had fitted him well in the last century, but now only when magicians are performing.

T'Challa knew that everything that happened just now was related to this man.

"Under Esteban Corazon de Abro! I came under the contract of the devil...I want to save this poor noseless man!" The man in the top hat smiled, and he took off his white gloves , put it in your hand, looking polite.

"The Hungarian devil, the devil warlock... the Dark Lord!" Strange said with a serious face.

Esteban Corazon de Abro is a descendant of a Spanish nobleman. His fiefdom was in Hungary. He was once a Hungarian nobleman. With the passage of time, he began to be crazy about alchemy, trying to create an elixir of life.

In the end, Esteban Corazon de Ablo reached an agreement with the devil Mephitos, and obtained the method of refining the elixir and a lot of evil knowledge. In the end, he performed many appalling bloody rituals and became a terrible Demon Warlock.

That is, the Dark Lord of the mysterious world of Europe!

It is not surprising that Strange knows this demon warlock. There are many types of magic. In essence, a mage is a person who borrows power. The ancient one mage steals the power of the dark dimension, and there are also mages who borrow the power of demons and use the power of the well of the sun and the well of eternity. Asgardian mages wield the power of Asgard.

Voodoo mages steal power behind the doors they guard.

A mage is a person who collects energy, uses spells and runes to make energy into weapons, or speaks spells. This is Karma Taj's definition of a mage.

What makes Strange really difficult is that the spells that the Dark Lord obtained from the devil are very powerful, only the ancient one can surpass them, and the current Strange is still far behind. This is a very difficult entangled enemies.

Although the Destroyer is powerful, it is only a weapon after all. A mage will never be afraid of a powerful weapon.

Powerful weapons are worth fearing only in the hands of powerful people, and T'Challa has never been considered a powerful person, so Strange compared his heart, thinking that demon warlocks might not be afraid of T'Challa's power at all.

Because he has no brains!

A line of fire appeared in the sky... As the line of fire spread and approached, the roar of the engine came to everyone's ears, Strange's face became more solemn, the exaggerated and hideous Harley motorcycle, and the burning skeleton on the motorcycle Head, all explain the identity of the person.

"Ghost Rider!" Strange said with an ugly face, "Aren't they all arrested?"

As long as the ghost knights use their ability to borrow the power of hell and travel through space, they will be hijacked by the space technology of the Holy Shield and teleported to a special prison... But what if there are ghost knights who have not used the ability to teleport through space? He can ride a motorcycle all the way here, under normal circumstances, there will not be such a stupid knight.

With the exception of Johnny Boozere, he drove all the way and almost missed the decisive battle.

In other words, it has already missed one, and this is an accident to catch up with the second decisive battle.

Wearing a leather jacket with steel spikes, a flaming skull on top, a coil of iron chains hanging on the shoulders, and a blazing vengeful spirit burning in the eyes, the contractor of Mephitos, the agent of the devil, the evil spirit Knight Thunderbolt Johnny, parked his motorcycle and got off the car and walked slowly.

Zheng Shangqi leaned against the ruined wall not far away, watching Strange.

A black crack appeared from the void, the power of the dark dimension made Strange instantly alert, and then he saw Casillas, the worshiper swallowed by the dark dimension, with more strange dark dimension worship Those who came out of the rift included his men, who were originally mages of Kama Taj, and Dormammu worshipers from other planets swallowed by the dark dimension.

Appearing with them was General Deathblade, the boss of the Five Obsidian Generals and one of Ebonmaw's most feared men.

After bringing these people, the black cracks closed and disappeared impatiently, as if they were afraid of something. They were like thieves who had finished their crimes and ran away in a panic before the cops arrived.

A line of water goes up the river... Namor, wearing a high-tech battle suit, stepped on the waves, pointing his trident at the waves below his feet.

The Waterwalker is here too!

This time it was all enemies.

The true strength of the Alliance of Rescuers has only been revealed, and the alliance of Mephitos, Dormammu and Thanos has just begun to emerge.

But the truly terrifying Galactus hadn't made a move yet, and the supreme commander who joined in later, Gao Tianzun, the Conqueror didn't even show his face.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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