Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 126 Only Vampires Suck Human Blood, Only Real Bloods Suck Core Raw Materials

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Ebony Maw!

Ghost Rider Johnny!

Demon Warlock Esteban!

The head of the obsidian generals, General Deathblade!

Zheng Shangqi, the son of Fu Manchu!

Prince Namor of Atlantis!

Casillas, admirer of the Dark Dimension, and his fanatics!

And the wreckage of Crowe that was thrown in the ruins... This is almost everyone sent by the bosses of the League of Salvators this time. To put it bluntly, this force is already capable of overturning a planet!

The envoys sent by the Star Devourer were intercepted in the Kuiper Belt by the heroes of the Asgardians and the Holy Shield Revolutionary Alliance. The battle took place in two battlefields - the Kuiper Belt on the edge of the solar system and the Earth's Wa Kanda is on fire.

Seeing the assembled enemies, Strange hurriedly called for reinforcements.

He called Chen Ang and told him about the situation there.

But this decisive battle was originally planned by Chen Ang, why didn't he know the situation at the scene? The villains that appear now are only subordinates of the bosses of the Savior Alliance, and the part he secretly controls is not on the stage! After Fu Manchu recovered from his injury, he tactfully relented. Chen Ang arranged for him to summon the villains he could control, ready to go up and disrupt the situation at any time.

"I have people in both black and white! Everything is under control." Chen Ang smiled and said to Nick Fury who was sitting in front of him: "In this round, I am playing cards with myself!"

He holds the reserves of both sides in his hand, whether it is the combat power of the Holy Shield in outer space, the heroes of the Human Revolutionary League or the reinforcements of Asgard, and the secret power of Nick Fury of SHIELD, they are all under his control now. In other words - whichever hero Chen Ang wants to play, he will appear on the battlefield.

As for the Alliance of Saviors, their reinforcements, whether it is the Kree or the Skrulls, whether it is Galactus or other bigwigs who have newly joined the Alliance of Saviors, including those gladiators controlled by Gao Tianzun—all were killed. The people arranged by Chen Ang were delayed.

The reinforcements of the Savior Alliance are under control.

Even the reinforcements from the Alliance of Rescuers who brought their own dry food—a group of villains controlled by the Mandarin—were created by Chen Ang to balance the two sides.

the cards in his hand,

He has indeed reached the point where he is playing cards with himself. Anyone who can interfere in the battle situation will either be held back by his arrangements, or he will be drawn into his camp just like Nick Fury.

At this time, the battlefield location and the combatants are precisely controlled, and all processes are under control.

Even if Chen Ang kept saying that he was not the mastermind or the big villain behind this plan, no one would believe it—anyway, Nick Fury, who was sitting opposite him, would never believe it.

He replied to Strange: "Reinforcements will arrive hold on for a while!"

Strange hung up the phone, feeling more and more suspicious in his heart. It was also a test for him to call Chen Ang now, but the result was very bad - Chen Ang didn't even bother to cover up his weirdness. The tone of his answer did not fluctuate at all, that kind of feeling that everything is under control, and what you said is not beyond my expectation.

It's like telling the world that you have a problem.

The current scene where all the villains gather together, Strange can't even think about it, even if he uses the time gem to spy on the future, it's useless—in the future, the probability of this kind of thing happening is too low... This is not a decisive battle that happened by coincidence, but the result of someone's careful planning.

So much so that there is no such timeline in the parallel world!

Chen Ang and Nick are currently at the headquarters of the Holy Shield floating pyramid. The agents of the Divine Shield and the Divine Spear coexist in a floating base in harmony. The scientific research personnel walked quickly through the pyramid, and the large screen projected the borrowing of the Holy Shield. Human Revolutionary Union and its own equipment monitor all the data on the battlefield.

In a transparent crystal pillar, Pepper Potts' battle armor is in the last moment of emergency maintenance. Black Bolt King has already put on the bat suit made for him by the researcher of the Holy Shield. The Blade Warrior is undergoing the Holy Silver surgery. The body is armed with the research results of the vampires by the Holy Shield.

Chen Ang still has time to command them: "Holy Silver will form a protective net in his blood vessels, and boldly inject blood containing radiation energy...nuclear energy blood will not kill him, I have experience in this regard. How computerized is it?"

The researcher replied: "It has reached 98 percent, and it will be fine soon!"

"Hurry up! Otherwise we won't be able to catch up!" Chen Ang said lightly.

"Blood sucking is energy intake... Human blood has fart energy, low-level, inefficient, weak vampires only suck blood, and real vampires should suck core raw materials... In order to cater for their taste, I specially developed this A kind of nuclear energy blood. According to the feedback from the experimenters, it has a spicy and spicy feeling when sucked - just like Sichuan food in the blood!"

"It also feels like a high-grade liquor. There is a back end, and it's time to work hard!"

Chen Ang slapped the agreement signed by cheating Daofeng on the table, and said: "Don't worry about it, we have obtained the consent of the experimenter, even if he wakes up and regrets it, it will be too late!"

"Hawkeye...are you interested in transforming into a vampire?" Chen Ang asked the inspector sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. - Hawkeye while monitoring the progress.

Hawkeye pulled the bowstring indifferently, expressing his refusal.

Chen Ang sighed: "Hey! Now we face the enemies assembled in the universe, and we are no longer comparable to those earth turtles on the earth. What is the use of a mere human body? Why do we have to be human? Mutation Wouldn't it be nice to have a transformation? Even Steve Rogers got an upgrade with the Superman serum... maybe he'll be the most powerful fighter in the original Avengers."

"And Natasha is backed by Soviet technology...Hawkeye! If you can't keep up with the situation, you may become an inconspicuous soldier on the battlefield like Falcon Sam."

"Although the imitation technology of the Skrulls is powerful, it may not be as good as the original version. Only you in the Holy Shield were almost killed by the pirated version of the Skrulls. The agents they sent to imitate you are all the worst level. You If we continue like this with weapons that have long since been eliminated in the history of human warfare... I am afraid there will be no hope for revenge!"

Hawkeye's face was gloomy, and he stared at the data analysis on the big screen. He had to admit that even a Dormammu fanatic and miscellaneous soldier on it could pose a very powerful threat to him.

He seems to have been reduced to relying on his past popularity and qualifications to dawdle.

Among other things, the Skrulls have become bereaved dogs who were wiped out by the Human Revolutionary League. They only dispatched a small team to kill his entire family. Among all the superheroes, is there anyone who is less forceful than his enemy?

Except for the Punisher - this guy was actually killed by the gangsters. It's not a hand and meeting, a super gang like the Ten Rings Gang!

You know, now even S.H.I.E.L.D. and street heroes don't bother to deal with gangsters!

"If you don't have money, you rely on mutation, and if you have money, you rely on technology! If you have no money and don't want to mutate, then you can only rely on settings!" Chen Ang patted him on the shoulder and advised: "Do you really not think about it? My Transformation surgery... is very strong!"

"Soon, I'm going to use a bottle of chemical preparation to give people the energy to explode a million stars!" Chen Ang boasted, and Nick, who was next to him, couldn't help but roll his eyes ——This is no longer a fantasy, and it is not close to the edge of science—this is the raving of a madman!

On the other side of the battlefield in Wakanda-the two sides have already started fighting!

Strange has activated the Eye of Agomodo, and now is not the time to use the Time Stone with caution. If you delay any longer, there will be no future! The Orb of Agomodo and the Eye of Agomodo created a mirrored space covering the entire Boninzana. At this time, the portal opened next to Strange.

Master Wang and a graceful figure in red and blue combat uniforms jumped out.

Spoiled Spider-Man said: "Hey! Doctor! I heard you're in big trouble! It's these people... oh! So cool!" Spider-Man commented on Ghost Rider's flaming skull, seeing Ebony Throat again Can't help but say: "Dude, are you the Dark Lord? My God! Your nose is exactly like his..."

Esteban couldn't help looking up when he heard the Dark Lord, but he soon realized that Spider-Man's yelling was heading towards Ebony Maw.

Spiderman brushed Ebony Maw's side with his spider web, and said, "Are you from a special effects team?"

Ebony Maw resisted the urge to give him Avada Kedavra, his primary enemy was still Strange.

Seeing the fanatics led by Casillas, they couldn't help exclaiming: "Your dark circles are very heavy... Haven't slept for a few days? Are you working so hard as a villain?"

"Mermaid!" Spider-Man saw Namor standing on the top of the waves and said loudly: "But why is it a man?"

Seeing that Spider-Man had been on the field for less than ten seconds, just a taunt aroused the hatred of the audience, Strange looked at the three melons and two dates on the opposite side who were a little relaxed, and instantly became murderous, and he had a feeling of killing him. The urge to sew my mouth shut.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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