Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 127 Another idiot who stuffed the soul box in a mess, can the idiots of the multiverse die f

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"There are quite a lot of people here!" Spiderman greeted Strange: "But our reinforcements will be here soon!"

"What time is it soon!" Strange took Spider-Man to teleport twice in succession, jumping and moving on the ruins of the battlefield, avoiding the pursuit of those behind him, Strange had to urge: "Come later , the reinforcements may still have time to collect the corpses for us..."

But Spider-Man acted as if he hadn't heard this sentence, tried his best to look back, and said, "Doctor Strange, is it really okay to leave that big man where he is?"

Strange said helplessly, "He'll be fine if we die!"

"When will the reinforcements arrive?"


Strange looked happy: "Nine?"

The little spider continued: "Ten minutes! Maybe...I'm not sure...Miss Potts' armor is still being modified urgently; the alien with big breasts is in outer space, and seems to be sniping the star-eating messenger who came to Earth; It’s no use if the archer man is here, Frankenstein seems to be trying to trick him into body transformation; there’s also a daywalker who’s been tricked into transforming himself…”

"The enemies have already arrived! The battle has already begun! Are they still preparing?" Strange said angrily.

The little spider said: "The blind old man in Asgard assured us that the Destroyer can do it. There is no need to rush the time. The Destroyer can fight like them for three days and three nights, so Cyclops discussed with Frankenstein to take advantage of the delay." During this period of time, we will provide heroes with emergency response modifications, and make professional modifications based on the data collected on the battlefield."

"So the longer you delay here, the more valuable it will be, and the reinforcements will be more fully prepared!"

"It sounds reasonable!" Strange suddenly growled: "It makes sense, you bastard! Where did they put my life? Why were you kicked out?"

"Frankenstein felt that my chatter was interfering with his experimental ideas, so he asked me to come down to support him!"

"It's because of your mouth again!" Strange didn't speak, he already understood in his heart, although he didn't know why those people in the headquarters, including Nick Fury, the one-eyed man who sounded like him, were full of confidence in the Destroyer, but At least they were prepared, not what Strange thought - the reinforcements at the Holy Shield headquarters were already in the hands of Chen Ang, a mysterious existence.

The Destroyer faced the seven people gradually encircling them, only the fanatics led by Ebony Maw and Casillas,

He chose to go after Strange and the others, and everyone else chose to face the strongest. Ebony Maw was afraid of being beaten by the Destroyer—this thing was simply his natural nemesis.

"The Destroyer of Asgard!" General Deathblade couldn't tell what expression he had on his face: "It's a tough opponent!"

"Deadblade Crow..." T'Challa read out according to the Destroyer's combat analysis system. The Destroyer can call all the data in Asgard's database, and then analyze it by a powerful combat auxiliary system. A qualified weapon , not only requires powerful strength, but also superb wisdom-no matter in that world, the development direction of weapons is more and more able to 'think'.

What... What do you think T'Challa is good for?

Use it to hold you back!

Avoid too powerful Destroyer, accidentally wipe out all the enemies! How will the collusion plan between Odin and Chen Ang proceed?

"Your soul resides in the war blade in your hand, and what kind of operation is this to use the soul-holding thing as a combat weapon? Are you a fool? Who can guarantee that the weapon will never be broken, and who can guarantee that you will not break?" Encountering the existence of weapons that can destroy one's own...although it looks quite strong." According to the combat analysis system, T'Challa saw through the weakness of the dead blade at once.

From his point of view, the war blade held by General Death Blade is marked in red, and it will attack in a targeted manner later in the battle.

What T'Challa said was sincere. Although the racists of the Holy Shield have always described him as a brainless chimpanzee, T'Challa feels that the tactics he studied in the UK are still very useful. Alien mentally retarded More, such as the death blade he is facing now, hiding the soul in the blade is a mysterious operation.

Hiding the soul so that it can be resurrected after losing the battle is to avoid the weakness of the body.

But in battle, weapons are always targeted first, just like the body. Let’s see what happens to those weapons that claim to be indestructible. The vibrating gold shield, which is absolutely indestructible, has been snatched and broken (also more than once) in the parallel world.

People have to cry tears of sympathy for these so-called indestructible weapons.

Raytheon had a lot of trust in Migneur at the beginning, and now he wants to build a dozen so that they can be replaced at any time in Asgard, okay?

Is the blade head of your Deathblade General so iron?

But T’Challa pretended to say it, only to find that he couldn’t speak at all, the Asgardians didn’t load the Destroyer with a sound module, who would install such a thing on the weapon, they wouldn’t pretend Hard demand?

The Destroyer was as silent as a ruthless man of steel.

It clasped its fists in both hands and slammed down on Deathblade. Deathblade's agility was unimaginable. He easily split the hammer of the Destroyer. , The fire of hell was burning attached to the iron chain, and then threw it on the Destroyer, and the iron chain bound the Destroyer.

The Ghost Rider exploded with great force from his hands and pulled the Destroyer down in his direction. The Demon Warlock used magic to turn the ground under the Destroyer's body into a swamp. work hard.

It can be seen that this is a magic player with a real brain.

Ghost Rider came to Destroyer and roared, "Look into my eyes!"

The Destroyer didn't know at all that someone would make such a request, so he obediently looked into the eyes of the Ghost Rider. The eyes of the Ghost Rider were the eyes of judgment burning with hellfire. He looked at the sinner's soul—and then looked To a burning star, through the Destroyer's eye--if that was an eye, it was actually a hollowed-out visor.

The interior of the Destroyer is actually a burning star.

The Ghost Rider stared directly at the stars at a super close distance—the self-torture was not as cruel as him, and the dog's eyes were almost blinded by the flash.

Even the flame skull couldn't help crying out in pain, its mandibles kept opening and closing, as if howling.

"Someone would actually make such a request..." T'Challa was surprised.

The Destroyer really doesn't have such a thing as eyes. The position of his eyes is actually a 'window' for the attack of stellar radiation rays. What kind of spirit is it to use the most vulnerable part of oneself to block the muzzle of others.

The Destroyer immediately did as he wished, ejecting the sun's breath from the face - the huge tongue of flame that rises from the surface of the planet when a star explodes.

Powerful thermal radiation, carrying a variety of rays, the ionization reaction caused a flow of ultra-high-speed plasma (charged particles) ejected from the upper atmosphere of the star, and a hot and indescribable beam of light penetrated the head of the Ghost Rider... At this time, everyone Thought this guy was dead.

The demon warlock felt that we had killed one person at the beginning of the game, and this way of dying was really stupid!

Fortunately, Ghost Rider is essentially an angel created by Messiah—at least the vitality is strong enough. Its skull has been melted, and only a section of cervical vertebra is flowing down like magma. Demon Warlock discovered that Ghost Rider was only affected by He was badly injured, recovering, and not dead.

The Destroyer easily broke the iron chains that bound his body inch by inch. Looking at his relaxed look, he knew that this thing had never trapped it.

The Ghost Rider lay at its feet like a dead dog, the magic of the Demon Warlock aimed at the soul had little effect on the Destroyer, and Namor, the Aquaman, just stood there with a sneer and folded his arms, just watching a show, Zheng Shangqi and Master Wang fought back and forth, and Master Wang fought a set of Shaolin Liuhe cudgels in close combat.

The two are descendants of the Yellow Emperor at the same time, and there is always a little bit of love, so the shots are not harsh - and there are still beatings.

Odin's prediction was indeed correct - without targeted measures, it would be very uncomfortable to deal with the Destroyer. Of course, self-protection is more than enough, but it is not an ordinary difficulty to destroy the Destroyer.

The situation on the Death Blade's side is also a bit bad. Its battle blade is a weapon, and it has the function of blocking, but if the weapon needs protection, can it still play its role?

The Destroyer took the opportunity to hit the Warblade hard, and its power was very powerful, even surpassing the current Thanos.

After several heavy blows, the quality of the war blade is very good, and it is a bit overwhelmed. This made Deathblade anxious - its soul is hidden inside!

He simply jumped up and down, using his relatively flexible agility to avoid the Destroyer's heavy punch. ,

The menacing scene of several people came to a stalemate like this.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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