Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 139 Stark, You Poor Ghost


Seeing the strange armor that suddenly appeared, Saint Shield and others who followed the Destroyer were a little surprised. They didn't know whether the person was an enemy or a friend. In fact, even Pozzi didn't recognize Tony Stark in the armor, because it was the same as His style is so different!

"It's unbelievable that there's a black soul in this big iron shell! If I were a designer, I mean no designer would put a king in it."

"Because it's an unnecessary burden, whether it's a black person or a king."

The weird tone of voice and the incomprehensible content gave everyone a sense of déjà vu, and Potts felt an inexplicable familiarity. This kind of cheap feeling was inexplicably similar to someone, but She denied this conjecture again, because although Stark had a bit of a venomous tongue, he was still very measured not to touch the issue of race.

Otherwise, as a public figure, even if he is a capitalist, he can't afford to offend Black Lives Matter.

In this country, you can kill black people in your basement for fun, you can keep your company without a single black person, and you can secretly manufacture genocidal biological weapons, all provided that the public does not know this Stark Enterprises has always been Even if it is a black supermodel with strange aesthetics, Stark can still do it well.

Swish it!

Blade with the fastest nerve reflexes can only vaguely see an afterimage. After undergoing surgery, his nerves have adopted a half-mechanical, half-biological design. The reaction speed is at the photon level. However, the brain structure has not changed significantly. Therefore, it has not reached the level of quantum level reaction, and the armor has not even stirred up a wind in the air.

In this way, without causing any fluctuations, he came to the front of the Destroyer, and punched a fist on the degenerate shell made of the same material as the armor. Both of them adopted Asgard's technology, or they used a kind of technology . ,

Odin used it to create Thor's hammer, the neutron star, the first anti-apocalypse armor against the ancient snake, and also used it to create the Destroyer's shell, although the old technology was used to create the neutron star anti-apocalypse armor, but After Tony upgraded it, the details were different, but the tech level was the same.

With a heavy hammer, the Destroyer didn't even resist.

Because Dr. Stark used his ability as a quantum observer to interfere with the algorithm of the Destroyer from a microscopic level, accompanied by a strong air wave, the Destroyer has spun like a meteorite and hit the ground.

But soon the Destroyer upgraded the algorithm, and also opened the quantum algorithm of the internal structure, or chaos magic.

The constantly jumping quantum momentum quickly surpassed Dr. Stark's observations. If all the data and information in the past were established data in Stark's eyes, and could not be concealed from him, and could be easily modified and observed by him, now The Destroyer algorithm has become some chaotic data. In the mind of the Destroyer, there are countless gods rolling dice.

The Destroyer stretched its limbs, and just reversed its own gravitational frame of reference. Its own huge gravitational force that can tear apart the earth created a huge repulsion with the earth, forcibly offsetting the huge kinetic energy and hovering in mid-air.

The Destroyer looked up at Stark, who was suspended in the distance and high above, and the flames burning under the visor emitted an imperceptible wave!

Pozzi finally recognized who was under the armor, and she flew up with the crimson mecha.

"Tony! Is that you? Answer me!"

Stark's body emerges from the armor, his body is blurred like energy, it is light blue, and he is completely naked, wearing only a pair of underwear. Seeing his current form, Poz was inexplicably horrified: "How did you become like this?"

"It should be me who said this!"

After Tony looked at Potts' new armor from top to bottom, he said with some taste: "I didn't expect that! If you like this thing, you should tell me earlier!"

"The new armor is not bad, but it's still a bit worse than mine. You know that Chinese products are not reliable and they always love copycats! This is when I went there,

The one that was plagiarized, right? Send a kid to copy my work, I gotta say"

"Good job!" Chen Ang's voice came from the horn of the crimson mech.

"The manual assignment was not highly rated. He just passed the grade. His teacher has already severely criticized him. Don't copy the works of third-rate designers from third-world countries. Plagiarizing third-rate designers can only make them fourth-rate." Chen Ang said: "And Crimson is a product of the Soviet Union, remember? Ivan, the one who invented the Ark reactor with your father. He was not welcomed after his country, so he had to come to the Holy Shield as a designer."

"This is your new weapon?" Tony pointed at the Destroyer.

"A king's soul is superfluously added to it. Let me say that in his country, even a king is superfluous, let alone a weapon!" Tony sneered.

But Poz couldn't accept it: "T'Challa is our friend! How can you say that!"

"It's your friend!" Tony said, "I've never been friends with feudal dictators!"

"A king is superfluous wherever he goes"

"The black is the same!" Tony emphasized: "The king of the black is so let me see, oh! Has he finally brought down his country? It's rare for me to say that it can last so long!"

"So we found a king's soul and installed it in the weapon to reduce its efficiency. You know that if you want to reduce the lethality of a big killer like the Destroyer, you have to find a leader for it." Chen Ang laughed. .

Tony snorted: "Then he did not live up to your expectations!"

Chen Ang brought the topic up and said: "Anthony Edward Stark, we already know that you betrayed Hawkeye's family, and you were the one who plotted against S.H.I.E.L.D. You took over the property of the vampires killed by Sacred Shield, and Your company has expanded several times in size, and you are making troubles in the dark, but we don't care!"

Tony said: "Do you believe that I can buy S.H.I.E.L.D.? President Trump already wants to sell this annoying organization! One day, you will have to call me Director!"

"You can try it!" Chen Ang said with a smile: "Eight trillion!"


"The Human Revolutionary Union rejected the debt package plan of Interstellar Bank tycoon Scrooge. In order to prevent him from selling out the entire United States, Saint Shield applied for this superfluous fund. It has become a bad debt for the Human Revolutionary Union! After all It is meaningless for the financial expansion of the Human Revolutionary Federation to store a currency in the planet that cannot even enter the interstellar threshold."

"Holy Shield is an important window for the Human Revolutionary Union to communicate with the countries on Earth. Of course, it can apply for trial funds. It was just approved the day before yesterday. The eight trillion U.S. national debt and the former Human Revolutionary Union's foreign exchange reserves can be used by the Human Revolutionary Union. Funding for the event."

"Now we've taken over S.H.I.E.L.D."

"After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is subordinate to the World Security Council. Unfortunately, except for the United States, all other members of the World Security Council have joined the CRRA. The United States was once the largest financial supporter of S.H.I.E.L.D. The former gained the main power of S.H.I.E.L.D., after all, people always gravitate to the boss who pays you."

"But now, Aegis has joined Sacred Shield and has obtained the application qualification for 8 trillion funds. A secret service organization has obtained the autonomy of funds. Will it still be controlled by a congress or the president? Wrong! It is Sacred Shield now The resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. are acquiring the United States. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. has acquired the operating power of the assets of the Human Revolutionary Alliance frozen by the United States."

"I think now we seem to be the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries Group! Compared to Tony, you are too poor!"

"Being the Human Revolutionary League, you are like a rich man from the backcountry of Somalia. After leaving the earth, you can't even afford a small spaceship, because people don't recognize US dollars. Even with the holy shield that shrinks on the earth to deal with the internal affairs of the earth In comparison, you are as poor as the richest man in a second-tier city, so you deserve to be called the richest man!"

Chen Ang said: "Let's wash and sleep at home! Tony is waiting for the notice of our acquisition of your company!"

"By the way, your behavior made Hawkeye very angry. He has decided to undergo surgery to kill you with his own hands. Steve is also on his way here. He wants to wake you up with his own hands. Don't ask why you have been unpredictable The future of the Holy Shield, observe the big and small affairs of the Holy Shield, and I just applied for an anti-peeping tachyon ray instrument with the Human Revolutionary Union."

After Chen Ang hung up the communication, Tony raised his head and said, "That's why I don't use products from dictatorships, they will install backdoors recklessly. You shouldn't accept their armor. If you want it, I'll give it to you!"

But Potts said, "Is what he said true?"

Tony said indifferently: "What is true?"

"You betrayed Hawkeye's family!"

"If I don't sell out, they will die too. Everyone will die, it doesn't make sense!" Stark's feelings were cooling, and he replied without guilt: "If there are benefits, yes, I will do it!"

Potts unfolded the folded wing-shaped high-energy laser generator on his back, and countless incandescent laser rays merged into one stream and passed through Tony Stark's chest.

After Chen Ang finished speaking, the Destroyer no longer stopped in place as if malfunctioning.

It tore through the atmosphere in an instant and rushed towards Tony Stark, but Tony ignored him. The scorching prominence ray shot towards Tony's position. The range of the ray was very large, including Potts, tens of millions , The temperature of hundreds of millions can evaporate everything in an instant, but Stark still looked in the direction of Potts.

He didn't turn his head until the ultra-high temperature ray storm approached, and stretched out his right hand

The neutron star armor on the back also stretched out its hand, facing the direction of the rays

The gravitational anomaly blocks the way of the ray, creating a small black hole. The huge gravitational force captures all the ray, traps it, and cannot escape. The adaptive small gravitational non-interference area swallows all the prominence storms, but There is no interference with the gravitational system of the earth, because Dr. Stark has cut off a part of the applicable range of the gravitational force of the mass generation medium.

"Pepper Pepper all of us will die! Live or die, it doesn't make any sense."

"You'll understand that one day!"

The next moment, Stark appeared in front of Steve, who was flying at supersonic speed, and punched him heavily in the abdomen.

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