Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 140 The Battle of the Gods in the Multiverse

The real showdown begins before the two meet!

Tony Stark, who has become a creature of superheavy nuclear elements, is composed of elements in the stable island of superheavy nuclear elements, because the nuclear mass of elements is too large, and their physical properties are different from any known substances. In the intermediate state of the evolution of quantum creatures, Dr. Stark created a limited quantum body with superheavy nuclear elements.

And it is only one step away from the ideal, infinitely powerful complete body anti-apocalypse armor-the infinite quantum body.

Because the superheavy nuclear element organisms derived from the evolutionary equation that Apocalypse created life, it is impossible to defeat Apocalypse. Only by surpassing the evolutionary equation of life itself can we have this possibility.

The Superman serum used by Steve is another modification of Chen Ang. Apocalypse uses the four knights to verify the possibility of the evolution of all life in the universe. It is not that he cannot create other creations like the four knights, but that he can create other creations It doesn't make sense anymore. The known evolutionary routes have been successfully covered by the Four Horsemen and the complementary plan of the culmination of life transformation——Messiah Apocalypse.

Creating other creations is nothing but repetition.

This path covering all possibilities of life evolution and reproduction is called the life evolution equation.

The complete version of the real evolutionary equation is in the hands of Messiah, and even the Four Horsemen are not complete, because the Four Horsemen have not been able to cover each other's life form path possibility, and only Messiah is the one who completes the plan The product synthesizes all the roads represented by the four knights and obtains the complete life evolution equation designed by Tianqi.

So the Messiah is also the Creator—He can create all life and understand all possibilities of life development in the universe.

So he can create apostles, angels, and even learn from the apocalypse, feed the apes the fruits of life and wisdom, create the native humans in the Marvel world, and turn Eve, the ancient ape tribe who came out of Africa, into humans in the Red Sea.

However, any life created by the Messiah cannot surpass the path contained by the sum of the four horsemen. Only he himself is a creature that surpasses the principles covered by the four horsemen. In a sense, the Messiah has not mastered all life evolution. Equations—because he couldn't create himself!

Only Chen Tianqi can create everything, including Messiah himself.

This is where the ultimate secret of life in this multiverse lies—the Messiah holds the ultimate of life.

The life evolution equation obtained by other life is just the experimental data left by Apocalypse on the earth when studying the ultimate life, including the evolution data of the early four horsemen, data and attempts in all other directions. This knowledge is in X Before the completion of the completion plan in the War Police universe, it was collected by all major forces—that is, the ancient civilization now.

Some of them, after coming to this universe, are recorded in ancient ruins and artifacts.

Then it was obtained by the S.H.I.E.L.D. from archaeological excavations, and then fell into the hands of Tony Stark. It is conceivable how complete the life evolution equation in Tony's hands is!

After the S.H.I.E.L.D. created the ancient snake, it obtained part of the knowledge from the apocalypse. They collected the information left by the ancient snake everywhere, including the high-tech martial arts of self-transformation, as well as the relics left by the surgery and Skynet. Only a part of the knowledge retained by Asgard in the world was barely assembled into a complete blueprint.

Then Tony Stark, a genius scientist, analyzed some routes on the drawing!

All the existences under the existence of 'Chen Ang' know the complete life equation, but they just don't want to recall it, because Chen Ang, even Chen Tianqi is willing to believe that the endless universe and time and space must be There are secrets of life that are not covered by the evolutionary equation of life.

What he summed up is by no means the ultimate truth of life, but only an approximate relative truth.

In order to prevent these relative truths from limiting the possibility of creating life, other Chen Angs chose to remember the truth of the life evolution equation itself, and chose to forget its specific form,

Retain your own thinking ability beyond the life evolution equation.

So the unfortunate Dr. Stark surpassed the part of the life equation he knew, but he only calculated the part of the life equation that was not obtained by S.H.I.E.L.D., and even failed to surpass the known life in all ancient civilizations. What the Republic side with the most evolutionary equations knows.

He didn't even know that the so-called infinite quantum body had long been a mature model among the descendants equipped by the dimension fighters of the Republic!

In the wars between the Human Revolutionary Federation and the Four Horsemen in other parallel universes that were destroyed, the Republic has already learned the skills of its enemies, and pieced together a large part of the life evolution equation, which is not inferior to the possibility of life represented by a single Four Horsemen Sex - or the formula for the degree of completeness of the evolutionary equation of life, is known as the Advent Body Blueprint.

It is the top secret of the Republic Academy of Life Sciences.

The superhuman serum Steve strengthened is actually a road crossed by plague and famine, and there is no content beyond the life evolution equation. Its essence is actually Sephiroth in another sense-the outflow of divinity, he is The life evolution equation mastered by famine-infinity, which means the ultimate of infinite evolution, combined with the Skrulls' ability to imitate genes, the Doomsday virus was born.

The life evolution equation mastered by the plague—transcendence, which means the upgrading and degrading of the essence of life, that is, the life evolution equation mastered by the famine—the infinitely transformed super soldier serum, to carry the power of divinity, and represent Sephiroth According to the content of Akaba’s tree of life, the angelic person is downgraded to human beings.

The Superman Serum is a transformation that reduces the soul of a star to a human, or upgrades a human soul to an angel, allowing the doomsday virus to adapt.

Fortunately, this process is not difficult, because when the Messiah created human beings, he left a back door.

There is a door in the human soul, which leads to the bottom of all human beings’ consciousness—the ocean of completely chaotic data and information, that is, in the chaos, Eve ate the fruit of life and wisdom created by Messiah, which is equal to the sum of all human beings. , is the plural number of angels.

It also means that as long as Rogers' soul goes behind the door and returns to the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness shared by all human beings, he can transform his personality with consciousness, solidify his personality, and magnify his positive emotions infinitely. He will be able to survive the impact of chaos and obtain the door of consciousness The life evolution equation left behind by the death knight - soul, means the power of the unknowable miracle of life.

Take back the half-angel person when human beings were created by the Messiah, sublimate the consciousness to a higher dimension, and the body adapts with the power of famine.

Unlimited Evolving **!

Higher Dimensional Souls!

Coordinating the two, sublimating the transcendence of the essence of life!

This is the secret of Steve Rogers' Superman... the essence of Superman's serum modification-this essence still has no possibility of surpassing the Four Horsemen, nor does it surpass the Messiah's life evolution equation.

And Tony Stark has the ability to change reality, modify the timeline, and transcend cause and effect.

There is another one that is neither matter nor energy, but closer to the essence than the two, back to the origin of all parallel universes, at the time of the Big Bang, lower than the dimension of particles, and the low-dimensional quantum shared by all parallel worlds. body.

The dimension of his body is lower than this universe, reaching the state of one-dimensional entanglement in the multiverse of parallel worlds.

Time is the change of matter, but there is no time and no change in the low dimension, so all the universes on the time line share a share of matter, even all parallel universes, all the possibilities of the universe use a share in the low dimension Matter, so Dr. Stark's body cannot be harmed, cannot be changed, and can go beyond the past and future to all parallel worlds.

The origins of the multiverse are all the same, and all timelines have a beginning - the culmination of the Big Bang.

There is no time, no timeline, and even no parallel universe, and the matter there is unique, that is, the zero-dimensional state, and then the big bang occurs, and the parallel universe divides, but obviously matter and energy will not suddenly appear, but the underlying low-dimensional state When matter reaches high dimensions, it presents different states, which is the material basis of the multiverse.

Therefore, the sign of dividing the multiverse system is the bottom-level low-dimensional matter. As long as they share a share of low-dimensional matter, the matter born from zero-dimensional to one-dimensional belongs to the same universe.

And the superheavy nuclei matter can show the state of matter descending from the four-dimensional property to the one-dimensional state.

Because of its unique properties, superheavy nuclear elements have the power to confuse the fourth dimension, that is, superheavy nuclear element substances can affect its past, and changes in the present superheavy nuclear element substances will also change its past properties.

Take a thought experiment as an example, a stone of superheavy nuclear elements is carved into a stone statue.

Then in the past on the timeline, it may change its state and become a stone with a blurred image, which can be turned into a stone statue with a little processing.

Or crush the stone, then go back to the past, this stone may have been broken hundreds of thousands of years ago, check it, the broken traces are very old.

If a frog is made with superheavy nuclear elements, then it may have appeared in the age of dinosaurs, and it is even possible to dig out another one from the coal seam during the coal-making movement, accidentally trapped in the coal seam, the frog millions of years ago, and then It was found that the two frogs were essentially one, and if one was injured, the same injury would appear on the other.

There may even be a timing error, injuring one frog, only to have the same injury appear on another frog several hours later.

Stark is using this principle to build super-heavy nuclear elements into his own body, allowing his consciousness to appear in the past super-heavy nuclear elements, covering the past timeline, and then using the high-dimensional existence of the soul, With the help of this projection, one lowers one's own body to the lowest physical dimension.

It runs through the timeline and even affects parallel universes.

Therefore, Dr. Stark cannot be destroyed, the change of three-dimensional matter cannot harm low-dimensional matter, and can copy the body, because at the same time, Stark is not the only one, he can be countless, one or ten thousand, Modifying the cause and effect can't hurt him. Even if he goes back to the past and murders Stark's mother, he will still appear without any causal relationship.

That is, Stark's mother who was killed can still give birth to him.

He can decompose and reorganize his body arbitrarily, because for him, it is just a change of "shadow", and his "body" in reality is the projection of low-dimensional "body" in high-dimensional.

He can know the past and future, change time, and create life!

He is an asshole, the laws of the universe discovered by scientists Chen Tianqi - the underlying code, and then using the laws to find a 'loophole' and record it, and then used by the third-rate scientist Stark to create a cheat - Anti-Apocalypse Armor.

And Steve Rogers used the plug-in provided by Chen Ang's trumpet-Superman Serum.

To some extent, this battle can also be called—the battle of the gods!

Coupled with the joint production of ancient civilizations, the script program controlled by Chen Ang - Destroyer... Ordinary players should stop playing! This multiverse can no longer accommodate a clean player, and the game experience can be said to be extremely poor!

Here, the five gods of the multiverse server provider and operator strongly condemn Apocalypse Studio for disrupting the game balance, abusing plug-ins, and providing paid auxiliary scripts for other paying players, that is, automatic hang-up and killing monsters, system mall services, Free players please charge money to improve the game experience - if you don't have money to play, you will be paralyzed.

The parallel worlds of the multiverse—that is, the non-stop shutting down of servers—are mainly the virus programs installed by Apocalypse, the reason for the attack by the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

There is also the super administrator privilege stolen by Apocalypse Studio - the result of Messiah's random title!

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