Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 150 I am a high-ranking official of Gotham, Brother Ugly

"Let me see... there's a little mouse here!" Suddenly a voice sounded behind Peter, and he looked up to see a weird clown painted on his face with inferior oil paint, looking down at him from the side of the ship.

The clown smiled kindly. He was wearing a purple suit, which looked a little greasy after not washing it for a long time.

"I knew I could find some...surprises here!"

"When I knew that the bat found you, and these people were looking for you, do you know how surprised I was? You are a living, God-given Gotham... uncle is in the way!"

"It sounds like you know who these people are?" Little Spider asked curiously.

"Of course, of course...they don't like Gotham, and they don't like Spider-Man. They disappear and try to hide themselves, but they don't know that this will only attract more attention in the eyes of some people." The clown licked the corner of his mouth, not letting his lipstick go Dry, he chuckled softly: "So after knowing they came here, I was so...can't wait."

"I'm going to play a game with them... the clown's game!"

"It sounds very interesting. Am I also part of the game? What are the rules of the game..." Spider-Man asked curiously: "Although I am new here, I have also studied you. You are famous in this city. Someone said You're a freak, some say you're a lunatic. I look young, but I also know that sometimes I can't play games!"

"Oh oh oh!" The clown laughed, "You want to catch me..."

"This is a big weakness, you can't expose it in front of me."

"Look...Spider-Man is richer than me, better at fighting than me, smarter than me...but he always suffers from me, do you know why? When I was young, I was a scumbag A soldier, a petty criminal, with a style like a street gangster, who hangs out with the bosses. At that time, they sent me to a chemical factory to steal the raw materials for making drugs."

"At that time, my dream was to be a comedian. I had no talent. Everyone said I had no sense of humor. I did it to buy a birthday present for my wife!"

"Then Batman came and I fell into a vat of chemicals during the fight and I woke up."

"Why should life be so serious, I got two knives in my mouth and became a great comedian. Wayne... oh! I seem to accidentally say his name."

"Can you forget that part just now?"

Spider-Man tilted his head and said, "One second, two seconds, three seconds, empty the recycle bin. Now my head is empty..."

The clown nodded nervously and said, "Well! This world needs your sense of humor, can we act similarly?"

"Batman surpasses me in everything, whether it's willpower, force or money, the only thing I can compare to him is madness!" The clown laughed nervously: "Only grotesque and crazy, let him always It's a little bit worse..."

"It's the same now, listen... I know you want to catch the Prophet, but the Prophet can't catch it, because it can see everything, all your tricks, plans, are in its eyes. There is only one way to catch To the Prophet, that is to let it come to you by itself. So this game is called peek-a-boo..."

"You're a player, I'm a player, and Batman is a player."

"I help you catch the Prophet... catch him and I win. You help me catch Batman, catch Batman and you win. If we both get caught by Batman, then he Won!"

The clown awkwardly climbed down the side of the ship and sat next to Spider-Man. The two sat on the same hammock. The clown said: "Later, many clowns will appear and attack this ship. Of course, this is all predicted by the prophet. In between, what we say here, what I plan in my head, everything, is in the eyes of the Prophet."

"There are a total of eighty-six people here, and there is a prophet hiding in the dark."

"According to the warning plan of the Illuminati, once someone launches an attack, there will be a guard team of 50 people,

According to the deployment plan, there are no dead ends to protect the ship. An hour after the alarm is issued, warships on the high seas will come to support. Now we still have... forty-three minutes and twenty-five seconds. "

"The location where the Prophet is, is located in the most heavily guarded place, and there are three checkpoints that will never be mobilized..."

The Prophet's crayons showed these two people chatting on the side of the boat, and she had to write the lines on the back of the paper because the content of the chat between the two was too watery.

When the time came, the Prophet picked up another crayon drawing next to him and handed it to the brunette woman next to him. The brunette woman glanced at the crayon drawing, which showed many clowns with weird makeup on their faces, sitting in a shipping container. Shuttle in the middle, approaching the big ship, she raised the calling radio in her hand: "Attention all units, attention all units, people from the Clown Gang are approaching."

The men in black standing at various firepower points on the ship raised their watches, and several drones suddenly jumped into the sky, forming a monitoring network with no dead ends, and marked the positions of the enemy in the command center, including the position of the ship's side, but there Already empty.

"Sniper ready!" Manipulating the drone's command system, he launched the fire support drone again.

The snipers at the commanding heights on the ship began to aim at the enemy's only path marked by the drone reconnaissance network, but the cannon fodder of the Clown Gang who was entering the predetermined position did not notice it.

"We're not Batman who doesn't kill people... the bad guys in Gotham are spoiled by him!"

"They have forgotten what the fear of death is!" the commander of the man in black said coldly.

"Contact the Wayne Group and prepare a compensation plan. Has the Interpol permission you applied for come out?" the black-haired woman commanded from where the Prophet was.

"I heard it's Gotham...they approved it soon!" Another female guard responsible for protecting the prophet laughed.

"With the strength of the organization, it is not difficult to pacify the rats in Gotham, but we have some scruples. There are many secrets in this city. If it will not hinder the safety of the world, we will ignore it, because our power is used to Protecting the world is not for human beings to kill each other... But the rats in Gotham have repeatedly provoked, do they think it is not good to live?"

The commander of the man in black saw that there were enemies entering the preset position, and ordered: "Fire!"

The snipers lifted the heads of their targets one by one. The drones in the air and the firepower points on the ship interweaved a dense firepower network, making it impossible for those enemies wearing clown masks to escape. Then came the men in black commando Under the cover of firepower, they went deep into the port and pulled out the stubborn resistance one by one.

The small fights of Gotham criminals have almost become a joke when they meet the fierce attack of the elite military organization.

The Illuminati is a very regular and powerful organization. The Joker can play with Batman and fool the army. His madness can always come up with all kinds of surprises, which can make the clown gang's remnants unexpectedly play a big role at the most critical time. However, in the face of a prophet who opened the full map, no tricks and schemes are useless.

It's a joke that the clown helps those people.

Fortunately, the clown didn't care about the lives of these people. He stood in the shadows admiring the death of his subordinates, with a secret smile on his face.

The only thing that can take the Prophet... is the Prophet himself.

Therefore, the clown cannot rob the Prophet, and Batman has nothing to do with the Prophet. Only the young, handsome and kind-hearted little spider can make the Prophet let go of his guard and leave with him.

"Even if you can predict the can't defeat people's hearts!"

"It's as if everyone is worried about gaining weight and knows that eating supper will make you gain weight, but they still eat it!"

"The only one who can defeat the Prophet is herself!"

The Prophet threw the crayon angrily: "Is it so bad after eating late at night? Have you eaten your bread? What's wrong with gaining weight? Is it hindering your clown business?"

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