Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 151 Spider Sensing and Clown Game

"Why do you want to go through the door?" The little spider was lying on the bottom side of the ship. He was wearing part of the crimson armor of the mech in his hand. From the position of his finger, a section of faint blue laser emerged. The real black technology, in this world, the kind that Batman can't develop even if he fills in his Wayne Group.

Its original model is the laser welding head for maintenance robots on the Star Destroyer that are resistant to interference from strong cosmic rays.

By releasing a strong photoconductor aerogel, the laser is not affected by the scattering of water molecules in strong interference environments, such as foggy weather and underwater environments.

The little spider used it to open a big hole in the hull, and forcibly opened a hole in the double-layer alloy armored hull for people to enter and exit, and welded it up after entering.

In this way, it is naturally easy to go all the way in.

The battle suit of the little spider is originally a high-tech product produced by the Holy Shield, but because the fighting style of the little spider is biased towards the agile ranger type, it does not carry a lot of powerful firepower equipment, but focuses on strengthening its electronics. Combat capability, the spider's induction has been amplified through electronic signals, which is equivalent to the effect of all-round self-body radar.

Turning on the information warfare support system, Little Spider can feel his senses being magnified to the keenest level by the battle suit on his body.

Not only can it be keenly exposed to the tiny vibrations of the air, but the nervous system is also connected to the suit, and can perceive light in the vacuum, electrical signals, and all electromagnetic waves, including brain waves, signals sent by electric current passing through wires, optical fibers, and wires. Transmitted digital signals, radio waves, heat rays and air vibrations are all connected by spider senses.

A big net covering all signals has been opened!

At this time, the little spider can perceive the location of everyone in the ship, their thermal induction signals, the vague emotions reflected by their brain waves, and even their health status.

He can also perceive the signal transmitted by the hidden camera, the electrons flowing in the modern home appliance, that kind of perception and vision surpasses all the investigative tools in this world. Knowing all the realms of reality and illusion.

With the help of the high-tech battle suit made by the Holy Shield, the little spider can amplify his spider sense to the realm of "predicting the future".

Of course, it is not the kind of observation of all particle movements after Stark's transformation, predicting all changes, movements, and developments of the universe with determinism, and observing the realm of all parallel universes, nor is it the descendant Fuxi who directly penetrates into the bottom of the universe's information, from the unified information The realm of omniscience and omnipotence.

Instead, it predicts the opponent's attack, course of action, and subsequent body movements and changes in the external environment based on the spider's induction.

To put it bluntly, it is the pinnacle of martial arts, the way of sincerity, and the realm that can be known beforehand.

Coupled with the crimson hand armor of the mecha developed by the Soviet Union, and the electronic warfare information warfare capability of the spider suit, it is too easy not to alarm these men in black.

And for some unknown reason, the Prophet did not warn anyone.

So after the little spider entered the cabin, a very absurd scene appeared. He swaggered behind a patrolling guard, advancing and retreating freely in the heavily guarded cabin. The guard came to the first protective door. The man in black stood at the door and stared at it, while the little spider stuck behind the patrolling guards, its body shrunk into a thin and small ball as if it had no bones.

The moment the guard opened the door for the patrolling guards, the little spider jumped on top of their heads and lay there making faces at them.

People's sight has an obvious blind spot above the forehead, especially when the focus and attention of the sight are attracted by the person in front of them, they will not pay attention to their own head.

The conscientious guards carefully inspected the patrolling guards, including X-ray irradiation, blood tests, quick DNA comparisons and full-body bone comparisons, as well as mental state examinations under the lie detector. After these guarantees, Mystique After the inspection that her mother couldn't get in,

Only let him suffer.

And the real intruder, Spider-Man, is hanging over their heads, invading the surveillance route ahead.

The electronic warfare support system on the suit found out all the monitoring equipment and sensors on the road, and then tampered with the data... In this way, Spider-Man swaggered in the heavily-monitored cabin, using the modified monitoring and electronic equipment, and The means of guarding the blind spot of sight, entering here is the same as going home.

"I like this place so much!" Spider-Man casually took a sandwich from the small kitchen and bit it in his mouth: "Every time I come here, it's like going home. Everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely. I really like it." Love it here!"


Spider-Man passed behind the chef who prepared the meal for the Prophet, gave him a special thumbs-up, and took a small piece of steak inside.

As everyone knows, all of this was happily drawn by the prophet under the strict guard.

She took off Spider-Man's headgear, and drew the young and handsome face of Little Spider, who was 21 or 20 years old, drew him passing the kitchen complaining about the chef, drawing him making faces for the guards, drawing him sticking behind the guards, walking into In the command room, the tall body of the guards was used to cover themselves and create blind spots, and they browsed and watched curiously like tourists among a group of men in black who were fighting nervously.

All these little spiders did not avoid the clown.

The clown applauded him in the dark, and said with a smile, "Well done..."

"It's not in vain that I created the opportunity for you to abduct the prophet... A person who can predict the future is as annoying as the spoilers of the comics. Their existence has ruined my only fun, this unpredictable world, this bizarre fate , When I think of the unexpected surprises I created, the surprises that caught Spider-Man and the people of Gotham by surprise, the surprises that made me tremble with excitement...someone actually knew in advance. What a spoiled appetite! "

"But it's hard to kill a prophet! Is it hard?"

"I don't think it's difficult. Even if she can see the future, she is just an ordinary person. She has many weaknesses in human nature. The temptation of human nature is... Even if you know the danger, the sweet and poisonous fruit will still tempt you. Eat it."

"Love!" The clown suddenly changed into an aria: "It is such a sweet and poisonous fruit!"

The Prophet turned cold, and she drew the clown who read out this series of lines in the dark, and then drew a clown who was beaten by Batman next to him, the woman smiled slightly, and then called Batman, she Lowering his voice, he imitated Batman's tone and said, "Bateman, I know what you're looking for...but I don't want the clown to make trouble inside, so go and beat him up! I sent you the address, and There are three bags, when you lose track of the clown, you can open one."

"By the way, when you find him for the second time, don't forget to say - the prophet has asked someone to wait for you here for a long time!"

"Say it every time you find it!"

Before Batman could speak, the Prophet quickly hung up the phone. She shook her head and said with a smile, "It's all just meaningless conversations... What's the use of talking about it?"

Batman hung up the phone with a confused face—"Isn't this the special phone number for me to contact Alfred?"

"The prophet... so she is the prophet!"

"Wait, I haven't spoken yet! Why did she hang up?"


Batman decides to clean up the Joker first!

Soon the news from over there came, and a map of Gotham City was sent directly. A red dot was drawn on a hidden corner of the port area. The red dot kept flashing in other parts of the port, and finally coincided a place.

Then a note appeared next to the red dot—five minutes and forty-one seconds later, the clown appeared here.

The time starts counting down, and along with the map, there are three text messages, which say Tip 1, Tip 2, Tip 3——Beat the clown violently! ——╰(●’?’●)╮

After the clown finished his confession, he said silently in his heart: "The prophet should come to me now, will she go to Batman? Yes, I have made her feel dangerous, so she thinks I should be out first , lest she encounter the trouble I created when she tastes the sweet and poisonous fruit."

"Hey hey! It's time to play games with bats again!"

The clown empties his brain and lets his weird thinking dominate him. He runs around the port area aimlessly, one way and another in his mind, one weird destination after another pops up, and then he keeps After changing the destination, creating countless parallel worlds, the clown ran past a hidden place.

I still saw Batman who had been waiting for a long time.

The clown wasn't disappointed at all, because he already got the information he wanted.

To get information about the prophet's ability, you have to play games with her.

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